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Include a Resume to Highlight What You Have Accomplished


Many colleges will let you submit a resume. You may already have one on hand thanks to summer job searches. This can provide a beginning. The resume you used for looking for a summer part-time job might give you some quality information to use, but it probably will need changes before you share it with a college. Why? Two reasons: one, time has most likely passed since you wrote it and there may be new things to add, and two, your intention is different. You aren’t trying to impress a potential employer so that he or she will give you a weekly paycheck. This time, the goal is to impress a college admissions officer and get you through the front door of the school.

Resumes are like the Cliffs Notes of your academic/educational and community life. They are the condensed version of the great stuff you have accomplished thus far. Resumes can be very effective. Here are some tips:

 Have high-quality paper.

 Choose a font size and style that is easy to read (at least 12 and below 18 and Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond or Franklin Gothic Book).

 Do not handwrite this resume. Even if you have to use the school or library computer, make sure this is neat and looks professional.

 Many word processing programs include a built-in resume wizard, so check and see if you can find one. This template walks you right through where to put what and then puts it in a format that looks great.Here is what you need to include on your resume:

 full name

 current address

 telephone number (home and cell)

 email address

 all awards or honors you have earned

 all forms of community service

 all part-/full-time jobs


 sports and extracurricular involvement—remember that these can be in school or outside of school!

One of the most important aspects of the resume is to include the pertinent details that truly explain what you have accomplished. For example, if you worked as a volunteer at a local children’s day care center, include how many children you worked with and what responsibilities you held. This is the place where you can really shine in ways that your numbers do not reflect.

On Page 35 is an example of a typical type of resume you might want to include in your application. Look it over to see how you can adapt it to your needs.

After you have done all this hard work, don’t blow it by not checking your spelling and grammar. The greatest resume will make a rotten impression if it has errors. Have someone else read over it before you finalize it. They may catch a mistake you missed—or remember something wonderful that you forgot to include.

A resume gives the opportunity to share with the college more than your grades and test scores. It gives them a snapshot of your achievements that will really help them understand what you have to offer.

America's Best Colleges for B Students

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