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Other things to avoid


Don’t try to be cute by adding poetry or illustrations unless they directly relate to your topic or your specific talent, don’t use unusually fancy paper and never handwrite the essay. While it is okay to be emotional, do not whine, complain or be sarcastic. Avoid using current films, actors or television shows for your examples, and don’t try to sell yourself. Represent the special person you are, but don’t sound like an overzealous salesman working on commission. Don’t use anyone else’s idea even if it is interesting. It won’t sound like you and your support will sound hollow.

Be funny, be enthusiastic, be reflective—but make sure it is not something that you and 4,000 other students wrote about. Go beyond the expected and you will get noticed. The college essay is often the deciding factor in whether you are accepted or rejected. You want your words to push you over the top.

America's Best Colleges for B Students

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