Читать книгу Report of the Hoosac Tunnel and Troy and Greenfield Railroad, by the Joint Standing Committee of 1866 - Tappan Wentworth - Страница 6
Water in the Tunnel
ОглавлениеOn the 27th of November the miners working east from the West Shaft struck a seam running across the stratification of the mountain. Water soon issued from the seam at the rate of twenty-three gallons per minute. On the 29th, the water had risen at the foot of the shaft to two and a half feet above grade, and the work was stopped. The usual speed of the engine working the pump was forty-two revolutions per minute; it was increased to fifty-six, and at that rate it succeeded in preventing any further rise of the water. It became necessary to increase the power of the pumps. The plunger was enlarged from eight to ten inches, and a third lift pump was added. To affect this arrangement the pumps were stopped from 9 o'clock, A. M., December 7th, to 31/2 P. M. on the 8th. At this time the water was four feet and eight inches above grade. On the 12th the water was so much reduced that the miners recommenced work. The next day, at 2 P. M., the water was struck in large quantities, the whole flow from the heading being 100 gallons per minute. On the 14th, the work was again suspended, and unsuccessful attempts made to stop the water by means of wooden plugs driven into the seam. The pumps working with the longest stroke and at increased speed, were just able to keep the water from rising.
On the 19th, at 10.30 A. M., one of the trunnions of the pump-bob broke, and seriously injured the pump gearing and boxes. On the 21st a new trunnion was put in, and the pump was attached to the small hoisting engine, the water now being seven feet above grade. On the 28th, at noon, the breakages being all repaired, the large engine was again attached to the pumps, the water then being nine feet and eight inches above grade. And, on the first day of January, at 4 P. M., the water stood nine feet ten inches above grade at the foot of the shaft.1
At the time of the presentation of this Report, the Committee understood that the water was entirely removed from the shaft and tunnel.