Читать книгу Report of the Hoosac Tunnel and Troy and Greenfield Railroad, by the Joint Standing Committee of 1866 - Tappan Wentworth - Страница 7

The New Shaft


This shaft is located about 264 feet westerly of the West Shaft. Its dimensions are six feet by thirteen in the clear. The rock to be removed from an area of eight feet by fifteen. The labor is done by contract. The first price was $40 per foot; increased July 1, 1866, to $50 per foot. The State furnishes all the materials for construction, and the power to raise the stone and water from the shaft. The depth of the shaft will be 277 feet when open to grade. On the first day of December, the miners working down had progressed 180 feet, and those working from the tunnel up 45 feet. It was then calculated that the shaft would be excavated in two months. Plans for permanent pumps had been prepared; to furnish the pumps according to the plans, would take several mouths. In the meantime, a temporary pump was to be made at North Adams, under the direction of the engineer.

On the first day of January, about thirty-eight feet of stone remained for excavation in this shaft. The water in the tunnel stopped the work from below, and the work is driven upon one face only at the present time.

There are two small engines at this point, one of fourteen and one of ten horse power. The pumps at this shaft, if constructed agreeably to the design of the engineer, will discharge sixty-five gallons to a stroke and are to be worked by a bull engine. The lift of the water will be eighty feet less than at West Shaft, being discharged about 40 feet below the surface.

Report of the Hoosac Tunnel and Troy and Greenfield Railroad, by the Joint Standing Committee of 1866

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