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Genetic Influences on Personal Characteristics


Research examining the contribution of genotype and environment to intellectual abilities has found a moderate role for heredity. Twin studies have shown that identical twins consistently have more highly correlated scores than do fraternal twins. For example, a classic study of intelligence in over 10,000 twin pairs showed a correlation of .86 for identical and .60 for fraternal twins (Plomin & Spinath, 2004). Table 2.7 summarizes the results of comparisons of intelligence scores from individuals who share different genetic relationships with each other. Note that correlations for all levels of kin are higher when they are reared together, supporting the role of environment. Average correlations also rise with increases in shared genes.

Genes contribute to many other traits, such as sociability, temperament, emotionality, and susceptibility to various illnesses such as obesity, heart disease and cancer, anxiety, poor mental health, and a propensity to be physically aggressive (Esposito et al., 2017; McRae et al., 2017; Ritz et al., 2017). Yet even traits that are thought to be heavily influenced by genetics can be modified by physical and social interventions. For example, growth, body weight, and body height are largely predicted by genetics, yet environmental circumstances and opportunities influence whether genetic potentials are realized (Dubois et al., 2012; Jelenkovic et al., 2016). Even identical twins who share 100% of their genes are not 100% alike. Those differences are due to the influence of environmental factors, which interact with genes in a variety of ways.

Table 2.7

Source: Adapted from Bouchard and McGue (1981).

Note: MZ = monozygotic; DZ = dizygotic.

a Estimated correlation for individuals sharing neither genes nor environment =.0.

Lifespan Development

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