Читать книгу Willpower - Taylor Ros - Страница 6

The Essence of Willpower


• Abby’s Challenge had huge meaning for her. It was a chance for a new start, a life.

• She said throughout, “I don’t like it but I’m doing it!” With a Willpower Challenge you may have to accept that if you are entering an entirely new arena, you might be uncomfortable initially but that this will fade.

• She talked about her goals and they were very specific. Having clear goals is essential to willpower.

• She had a clear vision of how her future would look. Visualising success is a willpower skill.

• And she also provided a great example of generalisation: when she faced one hurdle she then felt she could take on others in the same way at the same time.

• She had a strong belief that all would work out.

• She provided a great example of the three-week rule to establish a new behaviour. After three weeks she was talking to others, not waiting for them to talk to her.

All these willpower ingredients will be at your disposal throughout the book.

Before we go any further, I would like you to assess your own willpower. I always like to begin an exploration of a topic with self-discovery. Let’s not define willpower yet until you answer the questions and score the results; then we can build up a sense of what willpower entails.


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