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The Essence of Willpower



To score the questionnaire, add up all the points that you have given to each of the questions. Write the totals in the boxes given here.


1. For questions 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 20 assign the following points:

5 = Very much like me

4 = Mostly like me

3 = Somewhat like me

2 = Not much like me

1 = Not like me at all

1. For questions 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18 and 19 assign the following points:

1 = Very much like me

2 = Mostly like me

3 = Somewhat like me

4 = Not much like me

5 = Not like me at all

Add up all your points. The maximum score on this scale is 100 (high willpower), and the lowest scale on this scale is 20 (low willpower).Willpower is About

• Resisting temptation in order to reach a desired goal.

• Establishing a useful habit or routine.

• Hard work to achieve good outcomes.

• A desire to change.

• Self-control over what you say and do.

• An ability to think through alternative ways of behaving.

• Not worrying what others think or do.


If you achieved between 20 and 45 then this result constitutes a low willpower score and you will have considerable work to do on your willpower. You may consistently have trouble resisting temptation and will give in especially if those around you are doing so. You will tend to go for immediate rewards instead of delaying gratification to reach a goal.

A score of between 45 and 75 is a medium willpower score and you will have some successes but also some challenges. Review the scale and list all questions where you achieved a score of a 1, 2 or 3. These will be the areas which have undermined your willpower in the past and should be addressed for future success.

If you scored between 75 and 100 then this signifies a high willpower score. Well done. You tend to have good self-control, can generally resist temptation and have an ability to delay gratification. Unless you achieved a score of 100 then you may still have some work to do on certain aspects of willpower. Review the results and work out what aspects may require some improvement. You may also like to embrace a new Willpower Challenge in the future or help someone else with theirs, and this book provides the skills for both.

I’m not sure you would ever want to score 100, as self-control max may be an uncomfortable place to be!

Willpower covers a multitude of concepts and vocabulary and, as you will discover, it contains all of the ingredients you can see in Figure 1.1. We will explore them all throughout the book.

FIGURE 1.1 The Ingredients of Willpower

I have been a psychologist for more years than I care to mention and have spent my professional life helping clients develop successful strategies and useful habits to achieve their goals, whatever they might be. Willpower is an intrinsic part of this change process and is a current focus of study, with much research surrounding the results of having it and the effects of not.

Let’s take a look at some of this research before you embark on your own Willpower Challenge. You need to know what works and the research will guide you through the practicalities. It also helps you understand the importance of willpower when you want to change anything, a bad to a good habit, healthy eating, an exercise regime or indeed how you work.


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