Читать книгу The Age of Reasons - Ted Greenwald - Страница 13



at this point in history

tremulous sweeps can be heard

by the now-defunct brooms

that have just this second become necessary

to the oncoming madness of the self

the self and its other

sets up conditions

a) as I said

b) as I take

c) as I get

music is in the makeup

at any minute arousing thoughts of flowers,

or lips that shape notes in conjunction

(like stars) with the tongue

the language times use to talk through the petals

so sweet the head shakes

the other meantimes, on a particular evening,

stares rocking in disbelief

not seeing the we for what it is without clothes

the he and she

leaving the door open to memories of nature

dynamite carried by swans

The Age of Reasons

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