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Guard 1:What time’s it?
Guard 2:Don’t know. Left my watch home.
Guard 1:What’s that on your arm?
Guard 2:Bracelet. (Lights cigaret, offers one to Guard 1)
Guard 1:No thanks. (Takes out a box) Want a cough drop?
Guard 2:No. Thanks anyway. Anyone tell you how come we can’t cough?
Guard 1:Secret. It’s okay with me, though. I haven’t had a cough in almost a year.
Guard 2:Me neither. Makes me kind of curious though. Figured, why take chances and bought a box of cough drops on the way over.
Guard 1:The money’s good, so who’s going to complain.
Guard 2:Not me, for sure.
Guard 1:Me neither.
(They walk around a little Both wear crepe shoes Flashlights hither and yon Walk back)
Guard 1:Nothing.
Guard 2:Been that way more than a month now.
Guard 1:Sure wish something would happen. Can’t go on eating cough drops all night.
(Third Guard walks up)
Guard 3:Everything quiet?
Guard 2:Not a peep. Nothing.
Guard 1:Nothing. Everything quiet where you been?
Guard 3:Not a sound. Been on this job more than a year, not a sound. Haven’t missed a night either.
(Fourth Guard walks in)
Guard 4:Hear anything?
Guard 3:Nothing.
Guard 4:Been doing this two years and not a peep. Two years now. Good job, though. Nice and quiet.
Guard 1:Sort of gets to you a little.
Guard 4:Just in the beginning. You get used to it.
Guard 1:I’m sure it’ll go away. I’m not worried about that.
Guard 3:Nothing to worry about, that’s for sure.
Guard 2:Nothing to worry about here.
Guard 3:Anything down the line?
Guard 4:Nothing. Up the line?
Guard 3:Quiet. These guys haven’t got a thing here. I guess it’s all quiet all over.
The Age of Reasons

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