Читать книгу Sports Analytics in Practice with R - Ted Kwartler - Страница 5
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 The relationship between base-R and R-studio.Figure 1.2 The R-Studio IDE console.Figure 1.3 The upper left R script with basic commands and comments.Figure 1.4 Showing the code execution on line 2 of...Figure 1.5 The basic scatter plot is instantiated in the...Figure 1.6 The renewed plot with an R object in the environment.Figure 1.7 The representation of the list with varying objects.Figure 1.8 As expected the more minutes a player...Figure 1.9 The Dallas team statistics represented...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The plots displayed with a path and...Figure 2.2 The “Nightingale Rose Diagram”...Figure 2.3 The original Nightingale Rose...Figure 2.4 The Nightingale data replotted as...Figure 2.5 The Tufte inspired...Figure 2.6 The Tufte inspired,...Figure 2.7 The basic bar chart showing the example...Figure 2.8 The side-by-side bar chart lets the use compare...Figure 2.9 The stacked bar chart demonstrating the overall difference...Figure 2.10 Since the tally of rowing...Figure 2.11 The proportional stacked bar...Figure 2.12 The swimmer data showing three dimensions of data in...Figure 2.13 An acceptable pie chart...Figure 2.14 The identical data...Figure 2.15 Even with many similar value...Figure 2.16 A complicated pie...Figure 2.17 A basic 3D bar chart example.Figure 2.18 An example ggplot baseball diamond.Figure 2.19 A basketball court with example assist data from Cleveland...Figure 2.20 A basic professional football...Figure 2.21 An example `
...Figure 2.22 The `echarts4r
...3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Conceptually demonstrating...Figure 3.2 Miguel Castro’s ERA which...Figure 3.3 The PNG export of the `
` visual...Figure 3.4 Pitch type by year showing the changing...Figure 3.5 The JavaScript...Figure 3.6 A basic explanation...Figure 3.7 The box plots demonstrate an increasing velocity for “CH...Figure 3.8 A screenshot of the JavaScript box plots for...Figure 3.9 The pitch location heatmaps demonstrate...Figure 3.10 Miguel Castro’s...Figure 3.11 The faceted hexbin with JavaScript user tooltips.Figure 3.12 The year-over-year change in swing probability for the batter.Figure 3.13 The different hit locations by season.Figure 3.14 The proportion of hits by predefined zone...Figure 3.15 The comparison between...4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Demonstrating KNN with...Figure 4.2 Adjusted for multi-class outcomes, player...Figure 4.3 Player data with...Figure 4.4 The assigned points for each cluster.Figure 4.5 The centroids move to minimize either the mean or...Figure 4.6 The centroids placed where no more points are reassigned...Figure 4.7 The difference between distances measures.Figure 4.8 A visual comparison of draft to non-draft by position.Figure 4.9 This visual compares 40yrd times...Figure 4.10 A barbell Dot Plot demonstrating the 40-yard sprint...Figure 4.11 The neighbor to accuracy relationship demonstrating...Figure 4.12 The training set ROC curve showing a...Figure 4.13 The error curve demonstrating that the RMSE error metric...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 The PPG kernel density plot showing the most...Figure 5.2 Kernel density plots for each actual...Figure 5.3 The proportional coefficient...Figure 5.4 The winning team frequency by...Figure 5.5 The field goal percentage distribution...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 A full join where all data in table A is appended to...Figure 6.2 The area chart with...Figure 6.3 The star-shaped word cloud showing “middle...Figure 6.4 An inner join between two tables.Figure 6.5 The ggplot style radar chart, showing more love...Figure 6.6 The cumulative sum polarity area chart.Figure 6.7 An example network graph of user nodes and edge connections.Figure 6.8 The default network plot for...Figure 6.9 The simplified network...Figure 6.10 The top and bottom decile polarity forum commentors.Figure 6.11 The polarity bars with all users. As a user’s mouse rolls
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 The “Baker Mayfield...Figure 7.2 The QB selection frequency chart.Figure 7.3 The DST bar chart from '
'.Figure 7.4 The facets bar charts by position.Figure 7.5 The relationship of uncertainty and...Figure 7.6 The HTML-based scatter...8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Akron’s players by shots demonstrate a power...Figure 8.2 The team...Figure 8.3 The Cleveland dot plot showing Akron’s dispersal...Figure 8.4 The Cleveland dot plot demonstrating opposing team Goal...Figure 8.5 The cumulative shots over the season where the slope...Figure 8.6 The adjusted smoothed line...