Читать книгу Sports Analytics in Practice with R - Ted Kwartler - Страница 6
List of Tables
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Three simple control flows in R including...Table 1.2 Common R data types...Table 1.3 The...
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Sixty seemingly unrelated data points.Table 2.2 A summary of the types of bar charts and when to use them.Table 2.3 The robust sportyR...
3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 An abridged `
` data frame...Table 3.2 The single row for Miguel Castro player information.Table 3.3 Miguel Castro’s year-over-year pitch type tally by year.Table 3.4 Miguel Castros’ pitch type by year as...Table 3.5 The reorientation of the pitch data to the long format.Table 3.6 Showing the maximum value in 2017 being...Table 3.7 The x–y coordinates for two strike subzones.Table 3.8 The player’s proportion of hits for both seasons.4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 The primary football positions...Table 4.2 The...Table 4.3 Illustrative...Table 4.4 The result of applying...Table 4.5 The summary statistics including average, minimum,...Table 4.6 The training set confusion matrix results.Table 4.7 Showing individual class probabilities which...Table 4.8 The training set confusion matrix...Table 4.9 The median cluster summary statistics.Table 4.10 The Mediod cluster assignments as...
5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 A portion of the women’s basketball data.Table 5.2 The approximate three...Table 5.3 The model’s in-sample confusion matrix, where...Table 5.4 External Kappa context from a Biochemia Medica article.Table 5.5 A comparison of model metrics...Table 5.6 The first six records of the winning season teams’ data.Table 5.7 The summary winning team statistic and model data.Table 5.8 The inclusion of Green Bay among these...
6 Chapter 6Table 6.1 A portion of the 1641 wordnet_affect lexicon.Table 6.2 The small, customized...Table 6.3 A portion of the comments and posts by day.Table 6.4 A portion of the bigram frequency data frame.Table 6.5 A portion of the tidy unigram data from cricket forum postsTable 6.6 The count and grouping of...Table 6.7 A selection of the left join table...Table 6.8 A selection of comment identifiers...Table 6.9 A portion of the incident matrix where user “0”...
7 Chapter 7Table 7.1 A portion of the player...Table 7.2 A single player’...Table 7.3 A portion of the cleaned up...Table 7.4 The smaller player data set with...Table 7.5 A portion of the...Table 7.6 The one hot encoding for...Table 7.7 The transposed dummy variable matrix for a small...Table 7.8 The encoded data, showing a player...Table 7.9 Where Baker Mayfield’s game points were simulated...Table 7.10 The lineup attributes...Table 7.11 The optimal lineup given the point totals for the...Table 7.12 The most selected...Table 7.13 The joined optimal lineup tally and point information.Table 7.14 The preference...Table 7.15 The optimal lineup according to the optimization analysis...
8 Chapter 8Table 8.1 The MAC teams within this chapte’s data.Table 8.2 The sequence matrix demonstrating sequence action tallies.Table 8.3 The outlier on goal rate...Table 8.4 The cumulative results within a...Table 8.5 The tabulation and proportion of Akron’s play type.Table 8.6 Akron’s play transition state for the 2019 season.