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When you awake tomorrow this may be the huge headlines spread across the front page screaming at your eyes. As you take your first swallow of coffee and turn on the T.V. every channel will be filled non-stop with this amazing story. Days of coverage will turn into weeks and months as every detail of this sensational saga becomes known to the public.

You may have even seen the story leaked out earlier in the supermarket tabloids. It was stuck between the stories of weirdos, freaks and geeks, and you dismissed it as no more than a carnival trick in print and did not think any more about it until the well established and respected national news media turned it into a banner waving event.

As the mediator of the message I knew this series of events was supposed to appear to provide the ultimate answers on how to best end mankind’s days of demise, doom and death. The story line begins with an ancient venerable writing being discovered deep in a barren desert and now the information is being released to the public. The ideographic signs and symbols of this sacred story would indeed prove to be the cosmic codification of our creator. The carbon-dated writings of 50,000 years B.C. predate the writing of Jesus, Moses and Abraham and would expose the Christianising of the Messiah’s magical and mythological events and, ultimately, prove to be an incarnate of God’s own hand. The message would transcend the theological traditions of all religions and its power of Yahweh’s words would provide the fabric to bind all forms of faith to having but one true and real source.

The message was to be discovered deep within the world’s most ancient of catacombs, which had been sealed and guarded for centuries by the Templar Knights, Rosicrucian and Masonic priests of many different nationalities. The writings were found within the Holy Ark of the Covenant, which, during the rule of the Israelites Samuel around 850 B.C., was lost in battle to their neighbors the Philistines. Although the chosen people believed that they recaptured the Holy Ark and its contents, in actuality they only got back a fake. The high priests guarding God’s gift made a switch and not even Saul, David the giant killer or Solomon knew of the double deception. But God did and his anger doomed that from that time on, the land of the Israelites was destined to invasion and infighting as atonement for their failure to make available to all of mankind the Messiah’s message.

The magical powers of the Holy Ark were believed by the Masonic masters to be too great for mere mortal men to understand. The seers of Yahweh’s words realized that the divine possession of God’s work needed to be withheld from humanity because the ecstasy of exaltation and magical trances brought about by its presence would end their church’s and secret society’s control, when any common person could form a personal covenant with God. These masonic magical man gods knew that the only time you would really feel alive is when you were connected to the words of our Creator, and once known to the masses of the world, people would accept nothing less.

This scripture was the ultimate power to evolve the world into the ultimate state of enlightenment. But its power was indeed beyond most all men’s means of perception or imagination. Without proper training of the transcendental trances, an uninitiated person would perish in the ark’s presence. The tomb it had been discovered within had been sealed seven times during seven different centuries, and the outer layer was so old that it was covered with crystalline stalagmites. The shiny columns of mineral deposits that reached from ceiling to floor still wept tears for what was within. When the cave’s catacombs were discovered by a local boy whose dad taught theology to have a stacked wall surface, a team of spelunkers he knew from the states had been alerted. An expedition was soon organized to discover what was within, which turned out to be the first of the seven seals guarding the secrets.

The professional cave explorers first drilled a hole through the outer surface and threaded a remote camera and light to view what was hidden within. They were amazed when they could see another wall about ten meters away with ancient writings, and resting before it a pile of treasure stacked in front of the second barrier. This first written message was interpreted as a warning to stay away and the bounty as a bribe to run away rich, while they still could. Of course, this only perked up the modern day professional’s desire to continue on, who did not have a superstitious or spiritual bone in their body. During the next months as each of the seven layers of stone was breached, the warnings on the opposite wall became more acute and the treasures even more fantastic.

As soon as the first barrier had been breached these five professional cavers knew they were out of their league and decided to call in some archaeologists to help them systematically recover and examine the archaic evidence and treasure that was awaiting them. Little did this first team realize that their ranks would grow from 5 to 105 in the next year as scientists of many different disciplines and theologists of various faiths and even a battery of lawyers would join their team, with each group infighting for the best positions to control the expedition’s goals.

As the weeks passed by and turned into months, some of the original explorers began experiencing second or third thoughts about continuing onward. None of them had expected this caving adventure to last this long, and yet none of them wished to call it quits and go back home. As each piece of gold, silver and precious stone was removed and examined, a most unexplainable phenomenon was also taking away the will of the entire scientific team. People were beginning to refuse to leave the scene of the site. Even though the technicians and scientists may have been working for 24 hours straight, they would be reluctant to relinquish their duties to the next shift of experts. Many of the team now had started to sleep at the common assigned desk as if they were afraid or unable to give up their post. Even the men in the base camp did not care to leave. Supplies now had to be air dropped in by helicopter, because every time the food and equipment were brought in by truck the deliverymen would also be overcome by the magical magnetic pull of what was still hidden deep in the catacombs and then these men too would refuse to leave the site.

When the fourth ancient stacked stone wall was opened for inspection it was then that the corpses started showing up. The remains of the bodies were amazingly well preserved, especially because it was obvious by their clothing, tools, and religious icons that they were born before the age of Christ.

The warnings now were quite clear and much more menacing and said that any men who tried to reach beyond this man-made barrier would be blinded, muted and turned deaf from the power within. Even so, when this layer was peeled away it now became obvious to everyone that the earlier explorers had been held in place and powerless to escape by the energy within.

The expedition now was in its sixth month and with each breaching of the next barrier more and more protection devices were put in place. But even so, many men had to be physically dragged away from the drawing force field or they certainly would have also been turned to stone or salt.

At the fifth wall the corpses became much more alive looking and clad in gold and crystals. They were so numerous that they were packed like sardines in a can into the small interior cave while still on their knees in a perpetual state of prayer. Now even at night the modern day explorers’ dreams were invaded with a sense of ecstasy beyond comprehension. The team leaders decided to fall back and regroup to the original wall before one of the workers would walk through the last of the barriers and begin an accord that was neither of their own or the expedition’s goals.

Tension ran high as another month of waiting went by. The divine draw of what was within now caused even more security to be added at the entrance to prevent anyone who appeared in a trance from attempting to smash down the last layers of protection.

After weeks of arguments and debate, a decision was reached and phone calls made to seek more help. No expense was spared as iron gates were next put in place and newly recruited guards were rotated hourly while dressed in space suits to avoid any form of contamination. The remote robots that cost millions of dollars each next arrived and while being directed from the surface more than a mile away, began their tireless task of making a path towards the power behind the corpses and crosses within. With a sacred sense of dignity each of the ancient men were examined and x-rayed and the items within carbon dated. The Roman and Greek soldiers who guarded the fourth tomb were now replaced at the fifth by the prophets of earlier civilizations including the Philistines, Egyptians, Israelites, Canaanites, and others unknown; but all wore the markings of the free-masons which were dated from 5 to 10,000 years B.C. It was as if the chronological order of civilization had been gathered to protect what was still unknown within the last barriers.

Our history books tell us that during an ancient age of the Egyptian pharaohs the masons were the only free men in the world. This privileged cult oversaw the construction of the pyramids, temples and tombs and acted as mayors and counsels to the kings and queens. All the great mason masters, including Abraham, Solomon and Moses, had been trained in the magical methods of the ancient rite of the free masons and carried their secrets to their society’s leaders who led special sects. It was on the sixth sealed door that the eye of Torah, which is this society’s special secret sign and, by the way, guards our U.S. currency at the top of the pyramid, now stood as guard against anyone who might try to enter this tomb.

The prophets of the pharaohs’ time who guarded this chamber appeared to be only asleep instead of dead for a millennial of time. Their golden clothing shimmered and shone with a radiance that made the gold seem alive and the crystals and precious stones sent out a signal that was unseen by our human eyes. The passing of centuries had not caused any decay of these followers’ flesh or clothing and all the prophets with their eyes closed and on their knees looked only as if lost in prayer.

As the remote robot carefully navigated itself through the treasure laden cave with offerings beyond any king’s ransom, the high-speed infrared cameras recorded every moment for future posterity. The researchers now worked without sleep, as it seemed every square inch contained another clue about the chamber and its occupants. But with all the specialized scientific devices at work, none could sense the prism of colors or the sound of magic or the smell of synergy that were beyond our senses and entrapping the energy of these modern day explorers more and more with each passing day.

Earlier photographs made through the drilled holes which pierced the outer walls had identified the interior walls of the cavern as bearing drawings made by cavemen dating beyond 10,000 B.C. It was obvious by the mass of different styles of treasure within this deep, dark cave that had never seen the dawn of light, had been used in religious rituals since mankind started walking on two legs.

The remote control room was packed night and day with technicians and scientists of all disciplines and each trying to wiggle more time for their particular fields of study. As they watched the robots slowly move forward it was seen that the last door and seventh seal were not made of stacked stone or bricks and mortar. The outer surface was smooth as glass and a six-foot tall disk that was a foot thick stood directly in the center. There were also grooves cut in the floor that were used to roll the round door to the right or left. The circular seal was covered with hieroglyphics and ideogram’s that spoke of the sacredness of this innermost sanctuary of the Holy of the Holies. Amongst the junction’s sanctum’s and promises, there were also multiple warnings that to trespass within could cause an apocalyptic action that might begin or end mankind’s quest for immortality. The eye of Torah was positioned in the center of the seal and unblinking it slowly wept tears that disappeared as quickly as they formed. By now everyone questioned themselves if they were selling their soul or trading their smarts for silver or gold or a false sense of salvation or security.

Even if each of the six previous barriers had not been scary, sanctimonious, or sacred enough to stop any earlier explorers … this seal should have been. But scientists being scientists were only still more intrigued and soon a debate rose to great decibels about which direction the circular stone should be rolled to expose this more private place.

Months had now passed by since the original breaching of the stalagmite covered outer wall. The cavern’s corridors were now lined with the cataloged treasure, religious icons and mummified corpses of the men who had to be removed first for the explorers and then for the robots to make their passage to this point. Nothing else was moved or removed that wasn’t absolutely necessary for the team to travel forward towards the beginning or end of this expedition’s expectations. Each and every item had been carefully photographed, cataloged and crated within glass or shrink wrapped in poly film. As one watched the robots travel towards the innermost workings, the collection of sights was nothing less than astounding. However, nothing thus far seen would match the value of what was waiting behind the seventh sealed door.

After a month of debate and preparation the decision to proceed was again reached and all precautions were taken. Miniature cameras were attached to probes that were threaded through what was believed to be the final wall. Every inch of the opposite wall was first inspected to determine if the portal was moved to the left or right if a booby trap might be set off which could cause the destruction of all that was within the cavern. With great care befitting the skills of a brain surgeon, the initial team led by a police bomb squad captain only concentrated on the interior wall. This alone was an amazing feat, because the artifacts, ransom and remains of what was within the chamber would have caused most men’s attention to waiver to the point of wonderment.

Perhaps being a mile away and only viewing this spectacular sight by remote vision allowed these technicians, scientists and theologians some degree of professional detachment. But I know if it had been me at the controls of the robot, that my eyes could not have been removed from the flowing walls of the tabernacle’s tent in the center of the huge cave’s room, nor the mass of golden suited men surrounding it.

Another month passed by while still yet more archaeologists, scientific advisers, statesmen, linguists, and theologians were brought to the remote site to discuss what the markings on the seventh seal might mean and view the videotapes of the spectacular sights locked in the cave. Debates raged on again to not only to whether the seal should be rolled to the left or right, but whether or not it should be opened at all. There was never going to be an absolute clear cut decision on any of the issues and so after miles of film had been shot of the splendors within, and every inch of the room videotaped, and samples of the air in the cave had been drawn and analyzed, the foretold day finally came to open the last of the seven seals and see if this would trumpet terror or expand our knowledge of the world we live upon.

In the sixth chamber as the lifelike looking corpses still knelt towards the wall looking with their shut eyes at the eye of Torah, the two robots slowly rolled the circular seal in the same direction as what our world revolved. There wasn’t an explosion or even a puff of smoke; however, the sight within would have blinded any mere mortal man.

The cameras recorded the tent in the cave’s center trembled with a pulsating multi-colored light that made the kneeling men who were within the room appear to move, but cast no shadows that our sight could see. A sound came forth that was neither music nor noise, but in a range above human comprehension invaded the followers’ brains and departed its message. A smell arose that was sweeter than wine or roses and reached out seeking a nose to please with a poison or passion, you could not know which. A taste came forth that was neither terror nor transcendentalism, but transcended the touch of both. The walls of the tent fluttered outward as if a strong wind was moving them, and yet no breeze was recorded and all else in the room remained unmoved.

The door rolled easy until the eye of Torah was upright again and a final blood red tear appeared to seep forth from the stone. Then what happened next was even more amazing. The pulsating light that was emitting from the tent started to grow in intensity and a clear white stream of luminescence seemed to reach out to all of the faithful forefathers that had remained kneeling for millenniums and touched each of their faces. The multiple cameras captured every moment as the flesh which had remained motionless and youthful looking for centuries now appeared almost animated as the ancient prophets’ eyes began to slowly open and tears of blood ran down all of their cheeks just before their flesh and bones started to crumble and turn into sand and salt. As the bodies disappeared and became but piles of dirt there was not a noise heard as their golden garb collapsed in heaps on the ground.

The emotions of the expedition’s leaders having already been stretched to the breaking point were now even further tightened to an intensity that seemed everything must be rapidly vibrating and the resonance of their feelings echoed about the command module. A decision was immediately reached that they would go no further until additional investigations could be completed.

The sights they just shared scared their sense of triumph and even the most vocal and adventuresome considered it wise to pull back and regroup. Besides, they reasoned with the circular seal now rolled to the side, the teams of scientists and theologians would have greater access to study the cave of the covenant and what appeared to be the Holy Ark sitting in the center of the tabernacle. Most amazingly its walls now waved about as if in a wild wind that moved nothing except the cloth fabric of the tent and not a single speck of sand or dust was stirred by the energy moving the cloth.

It was not known what caused the motion or if something was seeping forth from the center of the cave, but the ark was well documented in size, shape and construction and this vessel appeared indeed to be it. The secrets within were supposed to include the Ten Commandments that God wrote with his own finger and gave to Moses in the midst of a fire and smoke experience at the top of Mount Sinai. Also there might be within the treasured box some manna that fell from heaven and placed in a golden pot and the rod of Aaron that budded. Although these two items were only supposed to be placed by the ark’s side, they were not seen anywhere else and may have been locked within the ark with who knows whatever other secrets the ancient priests wished to keep hidden away from humanity.

The Ark of the Covenant was designed as a vessel that contained the original cosmic creation light of energy. This sphere of pulsating white light was supposed to be brought about by the synergy of the three sacred items that together formed a creation of an energy source that could transcend time and matter. This energy of light was intended to enlighten our sense of awareness and guide our souls towards the ultimate salvation.

The word “ark” came from the Hebrew word “Aron” and means vessel, box, container or chest. The Bible says the box dimensions are 2-1/2 cubits by 1-1/2 cubits by 1-1/2 cubits. Translating these measurements to modern times it is about 62.5 inches long by 37.5 inches wide by 37.5 inches tall. These exact dimensions are also echoed by much earlier constructions including the porphyry coffer in the king’s chamber within the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the lave that priests used to wash their feet to purify their walk towards the wisdom of worship.

The ark was constructed of setim wood which was overlaid on the inside and out with pure living gold which was charged with seven octaves of energy and meant to protect the priests from the massive cosmic energy force trapped within. This most sacred and divine source of fiery white light could only be endured by the highest orders of the Masonic priests, who before the days of Solomon were trained to astrally aligned their physical, emotional and spiritual forces. These priests knew how to initiate molecular changes in their body’s chemistry and construction with which without, the power of the words of God would destroy the uninitiated physical being’s body, spirit and soul. The priests also wore protective garments made of gold, jewels and crystals to help insulate and shield them from the powerful emanations. The source of these cosmic rays of divine energy were supposed to be charged each year with the creative energy of ram’s blood or man himself to keep the ark active, but passive. Because these masonic ceremonies had not been conducted for thousands of years it now appeared that the ark had frozen in place its followers and slowly tapped their vital energy forces to maintain the ark’s equilibrium. Once the magically sealed outer seventh seal of the cave’s barrier had been breached by rolling the eye of Torah to the side, the entire earth now appeared to become the source of living energy until the sacred mason rites could be restored. This became evident as slowly the sphere of energy that had been contained for millenniums now slowly crept forward in any ever-expanding circle and sucked the life out of every plant and animal within its sphere.

It was only because of the remote location of the cave and its deep dark secrets, that the written word about the expanding field of death and destruction was not discovered earlier than it was. Also the sand and granite of this desert contained vast deposits of minute crystals that absorbed much of the accelerated energy that was being emitted by the ark trying to re-balance its original state after centuries of sustaining itself only on the shadow and scent of its followers’ substance and spirits.

The remote pictures that had been taken and analyzed showed that the ark had changed very little from the earliest descriptions of it. The vessel shimmered and shined with the living gold layer that encased the wooden box. A golden rim ran around its top and upon the chest sat two cherubim made of beaten gold. The two angels faced each other in a kneeling position and had their wings expanded as if ready to take off in flight. Their spreading wings also reached to the outer edge of the trunk and covered the surface with their shadows as if to protect it from above.

Upon its remote viewing it became obvious, and no one had any doubt, that the ark’s design, size and shape were descended from the most ancient of Egyptian religious art. The sacred emblems carried the masonic signs of the world’s greatest magician. Moses also shared the common bond of being brothers and traveling men of the free mason and fully understood the inner golden circle’s rites, rituals and powers.

This chest was to be the only exception to God’s law forbidding the Israelites or Islamics of making carved images or false statues to other deities. The ark appeared inspired by the sacred Bari of which the earlier gods of Egypt were paraded once a year to the public. This vessel also contained images of God and other sacred emblems and was only meant to be shared annually in the same manner of which the Ark of the Covenant residing in the Holy of Holies was annually recharged with the blood of a goat by the high priest on the Day of Atonement.

At the corners of the ark were four golden circles through which it was moved about by threading two long bars of setim wood also overlaid with living gold. These rods were to always remain with in the rings and their electromagnetic harmonic properties were believed to be the key to lock or unlock the powers within and release the invisible presence of God’s divine nature that would forever more alter the illusion of reality. All that was inharmonious to the ark’s nature would be destroyed by its powerful emanations and all who were in balance with their brain and body and em-betterment would be immune and experience the ecstasy of divine enlightenment.

The tabernacle is also described in the Old Testament and the tent that was constructed to protect God’s temple was not just a portable building, but also indeed a shrine of its own. Although its powers were not widely written about, it was rumored that anyone who entered the shelter would be cured of any diseases and even the dead could be raised again to the ranks of the living.

Strange but true, only a portion of the power of the Holy Ark was illustrated to God’s chosen people. The Israelites followed it throughout the desert for 40 years before using its presence to destroy the city/state of the Canaanites. After Moses died upon viewing the Promised Land, Joshua succeeded him and after God’s will parted another river’s water for His chosen people they reached the walls of Jericho. The impregnable walls appeared to be impossible for any invaders to breach, but the army of God had no doubts about the ark’s ability having just crossed the Jordan River without getting their feet wet. Leading the way was the Ark of the Covenant that was carried by four priests. For six days and nights the high priests slowly walked about the outer walls of Jericho while the citizens and army within wondered just what was going on. Then on the seventh day before the sun rose the priests instructed all of their troops to pack their ears with cotton, wax and flax and while turning their eyes away from the wall yell out at dawn with all their might. When all the preparations were in place the highest priest who knew he might lose his life, volunteered for the honor of opening the ark. After all the protective prayers were said the priest was dressed in a golden suite of armor and prepared himself to endure the ecstasy of the power within the ark. When the chosen people were safe in place and started their battle cry at dawn, the priest barely cracked open the lid of the ark and a thundering roar of wind and light came surging out like a wild hurricane and all of the city’s walls tumbled and crumbled to dirt and dust. As the lid fell shut the city’s citizens and troops were in utter confusion and shock. Before their state of awe subsided the troops of God walked over the rubble and slaughtered them all while they were still standing in place.

After this episode the two golden locking rods were placed back on the ark to prevent the power within from escaping and turning the entire word blind, deaf and mute. It now seemed not even the Holy Ark could prevent the power of the Almighty from making its presence known to the people.

But forgetting ancient history and getting back to the present, the debate of the scientists and theologians now continued to rage onto new levels of contention. It became obvious that only through remote viewing and the use of robotics could the opening of the ark and reading of the message take place, unless a holy man who shared the blood line of Abraham and the masonic creed of David, Solomon and Moses could be discovered and recruited to conduct the religious ritual to restore the balance of astral power of the ark.

Or so the story line goes. This is just sort of a Reader’s Digest condensed version of the tale of transcendentalism to be told tomorrow or perhaps the day after. The sacred story about the message of the Messiah will become greatly improved and much more believable as all the information will be massaged, manipulated and managed to the extreme by talented and well-trained teams of translators, editors, research assistants, graphic directors, producers and spin doctors. These professionals will examine every word and develop every picture that will positively prove to you that the biggest lie ever told is about to be made true.

So fear not your future fate, for if you find yourself reading this account perhaps there is still time to save yourself or at least understand why you had to die.


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