Читать книгу CURSE of the HOLY ARK - Ted Miller III - Страница 9
ОглавлениеWithout a hallelujah or an amen, we next moved on and talked about each person’s writing assignments and research projects. The personal assistants had stood at attention behind each deck chair during my delivery about what the core values of our book were to be. I wasn’t sure if any of them even blinked or breathed while I explained our theme, but now ink pens flew across pages to capture the thoughts that would aid in our delivery.
For the first week each author would work on their own with a hand picked team of assistants and researchers to develop background studies and allow time to individually work on their own outline of an original interpolated interpretation of the Messiah’s message.
During this week of work, briefs, synopses and condensed versions of all the great religions will be developed and shared by the group. Our emphasis would be on not what our work of words is to be, but what it isn’t to say.
During week two we would hang up our halos and become the devil’s advocates for each other’s work. Each writer would become a member of a team and have three partners to participate with. Week three would again increase each of the teams to six, as one team would be dissolved into the remaining two, and then during the fourth week the entire team would join together to finish composing the message for a new millennium. This ever-expanding pyramid of a writer’s base, along with their personal assistants and research teams, was intended to bring about the rebirth of a golden dawn of history.
As I stared at the three-carat flawless diamond set in the golden pyramid which had found a new home on my hand, I knew that without the help of these superb storytellers we would never claim a new world of writer-hood. These twelve writers would become as married to the story as I was. This is the brain trust that would rewrite a new text that favored mankind’s morals instead of the control of the church and state.
As part of the background information they were about to receive, it was noted that it was well known throughout theology’s inner circles that during the various multiple translations from ideographic signs, Shamanistic symbols, Sanskrit, Egyptian, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syria, Coptic, Vulgate, Latin and finally the King James Version in English, that the thirty-nine books forming the old covenant were no longer the true and original scripture that was written with God’s own finger. Since the rabbinical gathering at Jamnia in 90 A.D. and the Nicene Creed adopted by a council of church elders in 325 A.D. and expanded in 397 A.D. by the Synod at Cathage, the Bible has been grammatically restored and contextually reinterpreted to preach the doctored divine doctrine that the churches control of God’s gospel was more important than the principles of the imprimatur and illumination as originally delivered by God. Neither the pope nor any of his allied priests or preachers wanted any worship between mankind and Our Maker to take a direct route to redemption, without the churches collecting a ten percent tithing. Our message would prove to the world that heavenly wisdom had been lost in the institutionalization of the information of the original oracles.
The new message would read as a self-revelation to the glory of God and His words of wisdom would save mankind from the ultimate demise of mutual self destruction. The new book would be labeled as a modern day interpretation of the original values God departed to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. These values would provide a path to paradise for those who wish to seek salvation from the senseless insanities which had infected our world with war, pestilence and disease.
Only a new age Yahweh could defeat the Antichrist’s of Armageddon and stop the holy holocaust of humanity’s own making. If we do not listen to His words, then surely the bindings of Satan will be snapped open and cast aside and the seven seals, trumpets and vials of destruction will be released upon our planet as a period of pain and pestilence will only preview our perishing.
But the new message will show all of humanity how to prevent or at least survive the end of our world of wastes and worries and instead enter the glorious millennium of mankind’s newest rulers of the realm. This message will explain how humans will conduct themselves in the new and improved cosmos. No longer would you have to give your gold to the church to talk with God. No longer would you be taxed to death by your governments. No longer would you send your sons to wage a senseless war, whose broken bodies were used as cannon fodder to feed the money machines. Families would become families again, and the only price you will pay is an undying gratitude and absolute obedience to the new oracles of the one and only true faith. Your skin and soul would now belong to them, but no longer would you be terrorized to death. It would seem like a good trade to escape from the maze of moneyed might and instead embrace the message of the Messiah presented by our evangelical emperors to be.
The team of writers that were assembled fully understood that doing nothing, was not an option. As each of the authors departed and was led away by their assistants to their writing rooms, they each knew that the ambition or greed of the world’s politicians, preachers and popes has truly exceeded our sense of salvation. That we all will continue to commit suicide of our souls, until we discover and can explain the spectrum of colors just beyond our current sense of perception. Only then, will we be allowed to obtain a clear view of our future. Finally we will see and sense the synergy of the revelations that will rock the world and make its core quake and erupt in an enlightenment which will engulf our emotions and intellect in a sea of ecstasy.
Our goal would not be easy … but inventing a new god never is.