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Chapter 2

Important Factors

Clearing Karma

Karma is the consequence of your actions—good, bad, or indifferent. According to chakraenergy.com, Karma is defined as a chosen learning process-effect. When dealing with the bad or indifferent, remember the past is the past. Repent, regroup, and relive your life. Holding on to the past will keep you in the same situation. The past will only exist as long as you allow it to. Forgive yourself and forgive those who have betrayed you. “Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors,” the Lord’s Prayer states. I say it again, forgive yourself, and others.

To my understanding, karma may travel with oneself through past lives into the present life. Break the cycle now. Let it end, for your life to begin. You must get rid of the old to make room for the new. We come into our families and circle of friends to heal past karma and to move on.

Lead as an example. You create your circumstances by your thoughts. Therefore, within your multiple-relationship development (MRD), create good karma. Be strong, wise, and obedient so those involved will gladly follow your lead. How can your mates follow you, if you cannot follow the Creator? How can your women respect you, if you are constantly creating situations that place you in torment with yourself and others? Stop lying and start trying to connect with the act of telling the truth. And with all due consideration, are these not the important factors? Study spiritual methods to clear yourself of karma. It may even be involved with family curses. Revisit those negative moments in life and relive them in a positive light. This may assist with clearing yourself of karma. Do this with an open invitation for the Creator to work on, and with you. Allow him to make you over. At this point, you are exercising your discretion. As you shift yourself into clarity, negative people and circumstances will either shift with you or move away from you. It’s a wonderful blessing to walk with the Holy Spirit freely. Seek the Holy Spirit daily and claim your absolute freedom in abundance. Also, ask that all the good available to you manifest itself in every moment of every day continuously and eternally. Thus, you will be sharing a positive riptide that will penetrate your multiple-relationship development (MRD) experience with peace, growth, and tranquility.


Discipline is defined as training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior. In a nutshell, discipline requires submission, character, control, training, and obedience as follows:

 submission to the Creator;

 character from within;

 control from emotional imbalance;

 wisdom of righteousness;

 training that leads to being the best you can be and obedience to Elohim for your mission to heal self and others; and

 obedience to the truth.

It takes faith, effort, and production; no one said it’s going to be easy, but you can do it. I’m speaking to the men and the women. Discipline wires you the right way and opens your spirit to a new wave of movement. This is whether you are in a monogamous relationship or an MRD relationship. One that will dance, speak, move, and step when appropriate in a divine direction. Allow oneself to be led by the Creator, being discreet and all the positive gifts available. Please believe that God (Elohim) has so many gifts available, gifts you could have never ever imagined with your human mind, “No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, nor mind has imagined the things GOD has in store for them,” (Cor. 2:9). I am living proof.

Meditation on the Lord (Yah) and the word of the Lord in the morning is great way to balance yourself for discipline throughout the day. And as the religion varies, so will the meditation. For example, the Buddhist believe that the chant nam mayoho renge kyo will assist with your fusion with the universe. In addition, the chant OM is said to be very powerful as well. Rasta demonstrates other various techniques of meditation that may include the focus of the flame on a white candle. Work hard to find your place with spirituality in order to manifest greatness in you and your woman or women’s lives. And women do the same in your man’s life. For the woman, in the beginning, you are not held liable to completely connect with the other women if it is difficult for you. For some, this is to be expected, and others may not have a problem in this area. Just don’t worry about the actions of the other women or wives. Focus on your connection with the Creator and your connection with your man. Work hard in prayer, meditation, and action to release the competitive entity haunting you within this experience. Eventually, you will be able fuse the greatness of your relationship with your man with the entire multiple-relationship development (MRD). To both the man and the women, I say, please be patient, because truth be told, you all must become one unit of greatness.

The best time to meditate is during the early morning hours between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m., preferably 5 a.m., because of the stillness in the air. Dispatch your angels before you get out of bed to assist you. In addition, take time during the day to become one with the earth. Permit your feet to touch the ground as you participate in your meditation. Also, your meditation will benefit by allowing yourself to hear and see the movement of the leaves on the trees, the flow of the waterfall, or the ether at the mountain top in your third eye. Try not to think about money at this time. As a matter of fact, don’t think of money as it pertains to discomfort (i.e., bills, debt) prior to stepping out of bed each morning. Only visualize your financial status in abundance. Think of what you want. Psalm 23:1 states, “The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want.” Peacefully hold Yah (the Lord) to this. For all, that is his will in his word, will be blessed. Instead of thinking of bills, think of having millions or even billions of dollars and practicing righteousness with it. Each time an unwanted thought enters your mind, replace it with the vision of a want immediately (i.e., new business, the vehicle you want, or the perfect family trip, etc.). In essence, practice more imagination, less doubt, thus strengthening your faith. Know that you live in absolute freedom and profusion. Know that Elohim loves you.

So You Want Seven Wives?

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