Читать книгу The Ceo's Surprise Family - Teresa Carpenter - Страница 3


Lexi was about to wrangle a shark in his surf.

But she had no choice. He may well be Jazi’s father, and the only person with the power to grant her custody.

A confirmed bachelor, he’d stated in one article that he never intended to have a family. According to him, he took a satisfaction in his work that he’d never found in a relationship, so why force something that wasn’t meant to be?

Lexi hoped he believed what he said. Jazi’s and her futures rested in his hands. But she needed to confirm her hunch before she put her proposition to him.

She made her way to the bar, a room dressed in dark leather, light wood and shining crystal. And there he was. Seated at the end of the bar in a custom-made tuxedo that emphasized the broad reach of his shoulders, showcasing his tall, lean frame to perfection. His brooding expression kept everyone, including the bartender, at bay.

A shark surveying his territory, there was nothing subdued about him. His hair was nearly black, his eyes dark and piercing, though the color was indiscernible at this distance and angle. Features a shade too sharp to be considered classically handsome made him all the more compelling.

The Ceo's Surprise Family

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