Читать книгу The Ceo's Surprise Family - Teresa Carpenter - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

I’m very lucky to have a large, very supportive family. If you read me with any frequency, I’m sure that’s shown through in my stories, as family always plays a large part of my work. I am aware, however, that not all people are as lucky as me. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions to remove ourselves from harsh or unhealthy situations. Or step back so someone else can flourish.

These decisions don’t come easily. They require thought, courage, selfishness, sacrifice and the bravery necessary to take action. In The CEO’s Surprise Family, an executive faces tough decisions to the backdrop of glittering Las Vegas in a hotel designed after a game. In this world of flash and chance, he must choose whether to give up the daughter he never knew he had so she can have the life he never did, or go against the odds by accepting love in his life and scoring the biggest jackpot of all, a family of his own.

I hope you hear the cha-ching at the end.


Teresa Carpenter

The Ceo's Surprise Family

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