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Chapter Eight (Saturday, June 26, 2021)


Rita was the first one awake, Alex still asleep in his bedroom, Dixie asleep in the den. She wore a robe into the bathroom, showered quickly, then went into the kitchen to make coffee. She could hear Alex moving around now. He soon entered the kitchen wearing jeans and t-shirt.

“Hi Rita.”

She smiled. “How’s the patient?”

He lifted his shirt. “Bit of a bruise is all.”

Rita looked at the bruise. “I’ll say. Does it hurt much?”

He shook his head, sat down at the table. “I could have shot that guy. I couldn’t pull the trigger.”

“I shouldn’t have given you the gun. I’m not a very good guardian.”

“You’re better than anyone I’ve ever known. Am I a coward, Rita?”

She shook her head. “You’re no coward, Alex. You’re a sixteen year old boy is all.”

“It was easy to shoot on the gun range.”

“Killing a person is different.”

“You can do it.”

“Yes, but I’ve been doing this for a while now. I’m trained to kill.”

“Does it bother you?”

“I sometimes have bad dreams about it. We’re in a war for our very existence. Islam is a dangerous death cult with many followers. They want world domination. Nothing less. And I will continue to kill them until they’ve been defeated.”

“He looked at me first. Then he shot me. I had time to shoot.”

“Forget it. It don’t mean nothin’.” She grinned. “Up for some breakfast?”

“Okay. What are we doing today?”

“You want to hang with me?”

“Can I ask Amanda to come along?”

“A Badger Troop squad is arriving sometime this morning. After I get them squared away you can call her. Perhaps lunch.”

“What are we doing first?”

“I need to go visit a woman. You can drive.”

“A girlfriend?”

She just looked at him. “No. The same woman we went to see before.”

“Amanda would make a good girlfriend for you.”

“Amanda is only nineteen years old.” Rita frowned. “Are you trying to set me up?”

“No, but if you were looking for a girlfriend, Amanda would be a good one.”

Rita shook her head. “Has she said anything to you about me?”

“No, Rita. I was just thinking.”

“I see. Amanda is much too young for me.” She grinned. “But I do think she’s easy on the eyes.”

Alex smiled and nodded. “What about Dixie? She’s nice.”

“Dixie’s under my command. And she has a boyfriend. And quit trying to set me up, Picasso.” Rita grinned. “But you do have good taste in women. That’s important.”

“Important how?”

Rita shrugged. “If you make it into Badger Troop you may have to go undercover. Things like that. You’ll need to use all your senses.” Rita smiled. “You have a keen eye for women, I think.”

Alex said nothing, just thought about her words.

After breakfast, Dixie returned to her apartment, then Rita drove away with Alex after leaving instructions for the Army guys not to follow, but to just stay put and guard the house. No one enters.

While Alex steered his truck, Rita removed a dress from a travel bag, slipped the long dark colored heavy material over her clothes, donned a large black head scarf. A few minutes later Alex parked where instructed.

Rita looked into his eyes. “You stay put, Picasso. Use your senses. If you sense something is wrong, blow the horn and keep blowing it. I’ll hear it.”

He looked at her clothes, her face. “Yes, Ma’am.”

She smiled. “Stop being down on yourself. Practice how I showed you. You have an eagle spirit, it will help you.”

“Yes, Rita.”

She grinned. “I shan’t be long.”

Rita walked to a house and knocked. Waited, looked up and down the street. Saw nothing suspicious.

The door opened and Rafa Zamani stared at her. “Major Royale? Why are you dressed like that?”

“May I come in, Rafa? I need to talk to you.”

She nodded and allowed Rita to enter.

Rita asked, “What else do you know about Mamoud?”

“Just what I told you.”

She shook her head. “Think harder.”

Rafa looked at her fair skinned face, green eyes. “Has something happened?”

“I think Mamoud’s people attacked my house again last night. They shot my son.”

She stared. “Your son is dead?”

“No. But he’s hurt and I need your help.”

“I told you what I know.”

“There must be something. Did your husband keep an address book?”

“I’ll get it for you.”

Rita waited, looked around the tidy house. Rafa returned with a small book.

“This is what you want.”

Rita took the book, scanned through the pages. She didn’t see a Mamoud, just an X and a question mark. No number, no address. “What is this?”

Rafa looked at the page. “I do not know.”

“Can I keep this book for now?”

“Yes.” She looked at Rita’s scarf. “The Islam I know no longer exists. I no longer believe in any of it. Perhaps I never did. No god would ask what he commands.”

“You mean kill the infidels? Beat and brutalize women and children?”

Rafa nodded slowly. “Yes. Other things too.”

Rita looked into her eyes. “Like cutting off a woman’s clitoris? Were you mutilated, Rafa?”

“No, but I know of women who were.”

“Its dangerous to leave Islam.”

“Its more dangerous to stay, Major Royale. I’m leaving this island in a few days. A place where no one knows I was ever a Muslim.”

“Has anyone threatened you? Bothered you?”

“Not like you mean, but if some knew I was leaving here that might be bad.”

“If I can help just let me know.” Rita touched her arm. “I mean it.”

She nodded once. Smiled a little. “Thank you, Major.”

“Is anyone in the mosque violent or anyone who speaks of Jihad?”

“I do not think so. My husband used to talk like that. Some of his friends too, but they are all dead now.”

Rita nodded. “What about the Imam?”

“I know his wife. She has not spoken to me of Jihad. The Imam has not either, as far as I remember.”

“What about Army people? Did your husband ever have an Army man in this house?”


“Could you recognize him again?”

“Yes. A big man.”

“What rank was he?”

“He was dressed like a westerner.”

“How do you know he was Army?”

“He mentioned he was moving off the base. I overheard.”

“Would you like to help me? If I set something up will you tell me if it was the man you saw? You won’t be in any danger and he won’t see you.”

“Yes, but I am leaving very soon.”

“May I ask how you sold your house so fast?”

Rafa tensed slightly. “I called a business man.”

Rita decided not to push it. She smiled. “So can you be at my office early Monday morning? Before eight o’clock?”

She thought for a moment. Studied this beautiful military woman’s face. “Yes, Major Royale, that will be fine.”

“I’ll bring an Army man to the office and you can hide and look at him. Tell me if he was the one who came to your house. Come in the back entrance to the office.”

“I will, Major.”

Rita thanked her and returned to the truck, looked all around then hopped inside.

Alex looked at her. “Where to now, Rita?”

She thought for a moment. “To the Army base.”

“Won’t that be dangerous for you?”

“Whoever the traitor is will do nothing while I’m on the base.”

Alex moved the truck forward, glanced in the rear-view mirror. Remained quiet. Rita removed the dress and scarf. They arrived at the base and Rita showed her identification to the guards at the gate. Alex drove to headquarters and parked.

“Stay here. I need to go in there alone. After I come out, we can go and get Amanda and I’ll take you both for a cheeseburger.”

He smiled. “Can we go to Kats Klub?”

“Yes, if you like.” Rita squinted. “Wouldn’t you rather go somewhere with straight girls?”

He shrugged. “Kats Klub is good.”

“Fine by me. You’re too young to go on dates with straight women anyway.”

He frowned. “I’m nearly seventeen.”

Rita patted his cheek softly. “You’re not ready just yet, Grasshopper.” She looked at him closer. “You haven’t been with a girl already, have you?” She shook her head, waved her hands. “I don’t want to know right now.”

Rita left the truck quickly, entered the building, spotted a young female corporal sitting at the front desk.

She glanced up at the woman, assumed she was a civilian. Except for the pistol she wore. “Can I help you?”

“I’m Major Royale.”

The woman pushed back her chair, stood to attention.

“Relax, Corporal. Is Lieutenant Sweet on the base?”

“No Ma’am. His day off.”

“Could you phone him, please.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

She dialed the number and handed Rita the phone. In a few seconds a man answered.

“Lieutenant Sweet speaking.”

“Lieutenant, its Major Royale.”

“Major, what can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if you could come to my office at eight o’clock Monday morning. I wish to discuss the investigation with you.”

“I’ll need to check with Colonel Robinson first.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary, Lieutenant.”

He paused briefly. “Yes, Major. I’ll be there.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant. Enjoy your day off.”

Rita handed the phone back to the corporal. She wanted to ask where Amanda Slater was quartered but didn’t trust the corporal.

“Is Colonel Robinson on the base?”

“No, Ma’am. Its his day off too.”

“A squad of Badger Troop females will be arriving shortly. I trust you’ll give them your full cooperation.”

“Females, Ma’am?”

“Yes. Nine of them. They may need to use this building for a short time. To check in and things like that.” Rita stared at the young nervous looking corporal. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Rita smiled to herself. “I don’t think there’s any need to bother Colonel Robinson about any of this. My squad just needs to make some calls after they arrive. They shouldn’t inconvenience you for too long. Let’s just keep this between us girls, Corporal.”

The corporal nodded. “A pleasure to meet you, Major Royale. Some of the women on the base talked about how beautiful you are. I see why now.”

“You’re too kind, Corporal.”

“Jillian Ely, Ma’am.”

Rita smiled. “Carry on, Corporal Jillian Ely.”

“Thank you, Major. Your squad will get my full cooperation.”

Rita looked at her for a few moments before leaving Headquarters and jumping back inside the Chevy pickup.

“Did Amanda tell you where on the base she’s quartered?”

“I know she lives here somewhere.”

“Why don’t you call her and tell her to meet us at Kats Klub.”

He nodded, took his phone from his pocket. Rita’s cell rang at that moment.

“Major Royale speaking.”

“Major. Its Captain Carol Yates. We’ll be arriving at the base shortly.”

“Excellent. When you arrive, I need you to go directly to headquarters. Tell the corporal at the front desk to take a break for an hour. She won’t be a problem. Locate Lieutenant Sweet’s office and Colonel Robinson’s office and bug everything. We’ll set up a command post at my office in downtown Sidney. I’ll wait in my office for you. Come alone. Leave the rest of the squad on the base. There’s quarters there for you all. Tell your team to trust no one.”

“Yes Major. See you at your office.”

Kats Klub was better than half full. Jazz played softly in the background, women seated at tables and at the bar, most there for the usual Saturday special. Today’s special was fish and chips. Rita and Alex sat at a table; a few women stared at Alex, half-wondered why a male had invaded their turf. Rita took a few looks herself. Amanda soon strolled in wearing sandals, a short navy blue skirt, sleeveless white blouse, no bra, her long dark hair tied behind.

Alex nodded. “Hey Amanda. I’m having the special.”

She grinned. “Me too.”

Rita looked at them both and smiled. “Me three.”

Nicki placed the beverages on the table, took their order and hurried off to the kitchen. Rita glanced around the room, caught a definite look from a dark haired woman. Quite attractive in fact. She smiled politely to the woman.

Alex caught the look. “She likes you, Rita.”

She squinted. “Yeah. Maybe.”

“Are you ever going on a date again?”

“Maybe some day.”

Amanda looked at her. “I saw the picture of your wife in your house. She was very beautiful. Like you, Major.”

“Thank you, Amanda. Yes, she was beautiful, not just in looks. In other ways too.”

Amanda fidgeted slightly. “Major, maybe I should have mentioned this before. I’m not sure why I didn’t. When that thing on the pier happened, I overheard Sergeant Lewis talking to someone on his phone. I was one of the guards keeping the people back and he was walking close to me. I had my back to him but I heard him say, ‘One bag is light’.”

Rita looked at her closely. “Anything else?”

“No, Ma’am, but I remember thinking he was talking about the three bags next to the dead guys. They all looked full when we got there. I saw them. When they took the pictures of the bags and the bodies, one bag looked different. It looked flatter. I didn’t say anything. I had just arrived two days before and that was my first time out. The new privates, me included, drove in a covered truck and the sergeant had a van. We stopped a half block away from the pier. I wondered why we were just sitting there doing nothing. I asked a corporal and he told me to just keep my mouth shut. So I did. Everyone seemed afraid of the sergeant. Then we heard the shooting.”

“What about Lieutenant Sweet? Are you afraid of him?”

“Kind of. He and the sergeant seemed to like each other. I’ve never really spoken to the LT.”

“Thanks, Amanda. Did you mention this to anyone else?”

“No, Ma’am.”

“Do you know a corporal named Jillian Ely?”

“A little. I think she’s butch. I’m not certain though.”

“Have you ever seen her talking to the LT or the sergeant?”

Amanda shook her head. “Jillian works in a different group from me. I don’t really know her except to say hi.”

“Okay, thanks, Amanda.”

Rita guessed her team would be bugging headquarters about now. The woman who had earlier smiled at Rita walked to the table wearing what Rita thought was a great looking little white summer dress. Shorter perhaps than she would wear, but quite stylish.

The woman smiled at Alex. “Hi, are you the boy who painted the outside?”

Alex was thrilled to be noticed by this older woman. He thought she looked like a total babe. “Yes, Ma’am. I painted the walls.”

“Very nice. Perhaps you’d like to come and paint my dress shop?” She glanced at Rita, back to Alex.

“I don’t know anything about dresses.”

She smiled at Amanda, then Alex. “Well, how about boats?”

“You want me to paint a boat?”

“A sailboat on the water might be nice.”

“I could try.”

She smiled, handed him her business card, looked at Rita. “Hi, I’m Dianne Franklin.”

Rita looked up at her. “Rita Royale.”

“Pleased to meet you, Rita. They’re having a bit of a party here on Friday night. Were you thinking of coming?”

“I don’t know. I’m very busy at work now.”

“What do you do, Rita?”

Rita looked at the wispy woman’s frame, slender legs, long dark hair, dark captivating eyes that smiled, lighting up a quite lovely face. “I’m in the military.”

She glanced at Rita’s gun. “I should have guessed. You look like a military woman. I hope you find the time to come on Friday. I’d love to get to know you better.”

Rita squinted. “Why?”

She just looked at Rita slightly flustered. “I thought it was pretty obvious.”

Rita grinned, sensed her nervousness. “I’ll think about it, Dianne.”

She creased her eyes. “Yes, please do think about it.” She smiled at Alex and Amanda and walked back to her friends at another table.

Alex stared. “She really has the hots for you, Rita.”

Rita grinned. “You think so?”

He nodded vigorously. “Yeah. Totally.”

“Well, when you paint her sailboat you can check her out, make sure she’s okay.”

“I will, Rita.”

The major caught Amanda’s eye. “What do you think about that woman, Private?”

“She’s really beautiful. A total femme.” She smiled a little. “Like me, I guess.”

“What else did you sense?”

Amanda thought for a moment. “She’s afraid of your weapon, Major. But I believe she heartily approves of your free swinging and…dare I say it, most excellent tits, Ma’am.”

Rita laughed. She liked how Amanda could make her laugh. “Interesting observation, Private Slater. You’ll make a good MP.”

“Thank you, Major. I’m also of the opinion that Ms. Franklin is well aware of the fact she’s a total babe. She’s drawn to you physically for sure. Goose bumps appeared on her arms and her nipples grew hard. Inside I believe she’s too afraid of anything more than just casual sex with you, Major.”

Rita stared. “You deduced all that?”

Amanda smiled. “I think she’s a total femme who thinks she wants a walk on the wild side. She’d probably be better off being with another femme. A safe lipstick lesbian. Something along those lines. She would be much happier. I doubt she’ll ever admit that to herself though.” Amanda smiled. “Did I say too much?”

Rita shook her head. “No. I’m amazed, actually.”

“I struggle with those same issues, Major.”

Rita smiled. This young private seemed older than her years. “I appreciate your honesty, Amanda.”

Alex looked at Amanda. He knew what she meant. Sort of. Probably. He felt like maybe he was really starting to get a handle on lesbians. And this was way more fun than painting graffiti on old houses with his old buddies. And, some of the women he’d seen lately were definitely hotter than any of the girls who hung out at the pier. He turned his head and glanced at Dianne. Pictured himself with her on a sailboat, Dianne in a little white bikini, wind blowing her long hair.

Nicki arrived holding three platters of fish and chips, set them on the table. She said, “I gave you an extra piece of fish, Alex. I swear you’ve grown an inch since yesterday. A young man needs to eat lots to grow tall and strong.”

Alex smiled. “Thanks, Nicki. It looks really good.”

She touched his shoulder. “Don’t eat too fast, my young friend.”

Rita looked at him. “How’s the chest, Picasso?”

“Its sore, but not bad.”

Amanda smiled. “I think his chest is getting swelled.”

Rita laughed. “So do I.”

Alex looked at both of them, looked down at his chest. “I don’t see nothing.”

Rita smiled, glanced quickly at Dianne across the room. She reminded her of Arizona in some way. The shape of her mouth, that was it.

When the trio arrived at the Liaison Office, Alex and Amanda walked the short distance to the pier, as Alex wanted to look at sailboats. Rita entered her office, looked out the large window, saw the pair standing on the pier. She sat at Dixie’s desk and watched them for a while. She thought they made a nice couple, doubted that was likely to happen. Maybe friends were better anyway.

A knock sounded on the front door, Rita saw a female face in the window. Short dark hair and complexion. She opened the door.

“Major Royale, I presume? I’m Captain Carol Yates.”

Rita smiled. “Come in Captain Yates.”

She looked around the office, looked at Rita. “Nice to finally meet you in person, Major. I’ve seen photos of you before.”

“And you, Carol. Your heritage is Indian?”

“My mother was born in India, but I grew up in Canada.”

“What made you want to join Badger Troop?”

“Muslims have killed millions of Indians.”

“Yes, I know. We fight against a determined enemy.”

“Yes, Ma’am. There is no surrender.”

Rita nodded, blew out her breath. She asked, “Is headquarters bugged?”

“I have what we need to listen in. I acquired a vehicle from the base. Its parked just in front of the building.”

“Do you have anything that will tell us if this office is bugged?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I’ll do a sweep of the office and then set up the listening devices.”

Forty minutes later, after a thorough sweep, no bugs were found in either office. Rita’s office was now the listening post. The bugs at the Army base would be monitored twenty-four hours a day by the new Badger Troop women. Carol volunteered the first shift. Two other Badgers were en route to Rita’s house to keep guard and one to accompany Alex wherever he went.

Alex and Amanda entered the main office area, looked at the slender dark complexioned Captain. He smiled, walked to her, held out his hand. “I’m Alex Racine.”

Carol smiled. “Hello Alex. Rita’s been telling me how brave you are.”

“I’m not brave, Ma’am.”

“I don’t know about that.” She looked at Amanda. “Hi, I’m Captain Yates.”

“I’m Private Amanda Slater, Ma’am. Nice to meet you.”

“Army private?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Carol looked at her closely. “I suppose the major already told you not to mention to anyone what you see in this office.”

Amanda didn’t see anything unusual. “I understand, Captain.”

Rita smiled. “Are you okay here now, Carol?”

“Yes, Major. The two troopers should be at your house now. I’ll stay here until my replacement arrives later. Someone will be here all night.”

“I’ll be available if you should need me. No matter the hour. There’s a nice restaurant a few doors away.”

She nodded. “From what you told me, probably not much will happen until Monday.”

“I hope not. I need a break from these assholes for a while.”

Carol released a smile, exposed her white straight teeth. “I imagine you do, Major. Don’t worry; the two women staying at your house are more than capable.”

Rita looked at Alex. “You my young man are going to have an escort for the next while.”

“Like a bodyguard?”


“You said I wasn’t a target, Rita.”

“I know. Just a precaution.”

Amanda drove Alex back to the beach house while Rita followed them in the truck. She hoped the bugging devices would lead to something. She thought about seeing Lieutenant Sweet and Rafa on Monday morning. All there was to do now was be patient and wait. She also thought about the woman named Dianne. Rita wasn’t quite sure what to think about her. Outwardly Dianne was one very sexy woman. But what if Amanda was right? What if Dianne did just want sex and nothing else? Even though a part of Rita wouldn’t mind that, she decided her life needed more than just sex. Sex was nice. Relationships were better. But maybe she could never have another relationship. There would never be another Arizona.

Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House)

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