Читать книгу Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House) - Terry JD Anderson - Страница 9

Chapter Seven (Friday, June 25, 2021)


Two days had passed since the murder of Sergeant Lewis, the Army now on full alert, Colonel Robinson handing the case over to the already over loaded Lieutenant Sweet. The entire personnel at the Army base totaled just over seventy. Only forty of which were actual MPs, the others being support personnel such as legal, medical, cooks and motor pool. Not many people to patrol the entire Saanich Peninsula, but soldiers could be brought in from Victoria or Nanaimo if needed. Base Sidney was more a police operation than anything else. That was the prime function of the base. The reason it existed at all.

Officially, Rita and her two assistants were not involved in anything to do with the base, but unofficially they had been doing some quiet investigating on their own. So far nothing. No trace of Mamoud.

Rita walked into the shower, the day sunny and bright, the house filled with sunlight. As she stood letting the warm water wake her up, she was frustrated that they were getting nowhere fast in finding Mamoud. Not one clue to his whereabouts. She stepped from the shower and dried herself, walked from the bathroom naked. Alex was staring at her.

Rita turned around and walked toward her bedroom. “Sorry, I thought you were asleep.”

He grinned; he’d never seen breasts as large as Rita’s up close. “I guess I’m getting used to waking up early now.”

“So I see.” Rita walked into her bedroom thinking she better take a robe with her into the bathroom from now on.

Alex entered the bathroom thinking Rita had to be the best looking woman on the planet. Maybe even the galaxy. Or maybe even the universe.

Rita dressed in tight faded blue jeans and black t-shirt, walked barefoot into the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast for Alex. She could hear him singing in the shower. She didn’t know the song.

She was standing at the stove when Alex entered the kitchen. He looked at her slender shape as she tended to the food. Thought she also had the nicest butt in the entire universe too. It was perfect. Just like everything else about her.

Rita turned her head. “Last day at Kats Klub?”

He nodded. “I should be done by noon. I’ll do the other place on Monday.”

“So after today you’ll have lots of money in your pocket.”

He smiled. “I like Nicki. She said she likes the flowers.”

“I’ve never seen flowers filled with women in bikinis before.”

“The idea just came to me.”

Rita thought this kid’s hormones were probably raging. Or was it testosterone? She knew so little about boys. “And Nicki likes the bikini women?”

He nodded. “She thinks the lesbians will like them too.”

Rita filled two plates with bacon and eggs, poured Alex a glass of orange juice, set the food on the table.

“This looks good, Rita.”

She smiled. “I was thinking I might play some poker tonight for a couple hours. What are your plans tonight?”

“Could I go see my buddies for a while?”

“Sure. Don’t drink and drive. Home by eleven.”

He shook his head. “I won’t, Rita. We’re just going to hang out at the pier for a while. Some girls from school are going to be there too.”

“Okay. Take your cell phone with you.”

“Thanks for the phone, Rita. Its really cool.”

“You’re welcome, Picasso.”

Rita arrived at the office, parked her motorcycle in front, looked at the usual Friday protesters. The same people every Friday. People with signs wanting elections to begin again in Canada. Rita guessed they’d be waiting for a long time, as trouble with the Islamists was not finished quite yet. She smiled at the protesters, said good morning, only one woman returned the greeting.

Rita entered the office, Dixie already at her desk. “Good morning, Lieutenant.”

“Hi, Major.”

“What’s on tap for today?”

“Colonel Robinson just called, he said he can’t provide constant watching of you and Alex anymore, as he needs all the MPs, because of what happened to Sergeant Lewis.”

Rita nodded. “If Mamoud comes after me, the Army guys wouldn’t be able to stop him anyway.”

“Do you think Mamoud is after you?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe this Zamani character acted alone when he came to my house. Mamoud would have used professionals, not amateurs like Zamani and his crew.”

“Maybe Mamoud has nothing at all to do with any of this.”

“Maybe not. Still, we need to watch our backs. Somebody killed the sergeant.”

“Roger that, Major.”

Rita looked at Dixie; her red hair sparkled in the morning light. “Alex saw me walk out naked from the bathroom this morning.”

Dixie laughed. “You’re going to have to change your habits, Major.”

“I know. I sometimes forget I have a young man living with me now. He’s a good kid though. Have you seen the paintings he did?”

“Yes. I drove by this morning. Bikini clad mermaids rising up out of the flowers. Quite good, actually. Quite the imagination he has.”

Rita nodded. “I’m growing rather fond of him.”

“Your mother instincts are showing, Major.”

“Yeah. Me a mother. Who knew?”

“It looks good on you, Major.”

A grin crossed her face. “Where’s Cathy?”

“Dentist appointment. She’ll be here in a while.”

Rita nodded, blew out her breath. Looked out the window. “Its such a nice day. I don’t feel like working. I think I’ll get out of here. Why don’t you and Cathy knock off at noon today.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Rita adjusted her holster. “Okay, see you Monday.”

Dixie smiled. “Yes, Major. Have a nice weekend.”

Rita grabbed her leather jacket, slung it over a shoulder and walked outside. She smiled at the protesters, walked to her motorcycle and bungeed the jacket onto the back seat. She sat on the cruiser and fired it up, the exhaust note loud as it echoed off the buildings on either side of the busy avenue.

She rode the few blocks to Kats Klub to see how Alex was coming along, the traffic heavy as it usually was on Friday’s. When she parked at the club she didn’t see Alex outside. She didn’t see the Army car either. She was suddenly tense. She walked inside the club quickly, spotted Alex sitting with Nicki and another woman in uniform. Rita walked to the table.

“Hi, Rita.”

Her manner eased. “All done?”

“Just a break. Nicki made me coffee.”

Rita looked at the military woman then at Nicki. “Anymore coffee left?”

Nicki smiled. “Yes, Major, have a seat.”

The military woman looked at Rita. Smiled a little. Said nothing.

Rita looked at her young pretty face. Dark eyes. Long dark hair tied behind. “Hi. I’m Major Royale.”

“Private Amanda Slater, Ma’am.”

Alex looked at Rita. “Amanda likes the way the walls look outside.”

Rita looked at her closer. “You like big breasted women in bikinis, Amanda?”

“I guess I do. I also like the colors and the way Alex blended them all together.”

“Are you an artist?”

“I try. I think Alex is better than I am though.”

“Yes, he’s not bad for a sixteen year old kid.”

She looked carefully at the major. “I was wondering if I could take Alex out to dinner tonight, Major Royale.”

“How old are you, Amanda?”

“Nineteen, Ma’am.”

“And you want to go out with Alex?”

Amanda felt a drop of sweat roll from her armpit and down her side. “I just like Alex and he’s nice to talk to.”

Alex fidgeted on his chair, didn’t look at Rita. She said, “I’m his guardian now. I’m not sure if this is a good idea.”

Alex looked at her, his eyes pleading. “Its just a dinner, Rita. I’ll be home by eleven.”

Rita squinted at the Army woman. “Amanda, I’m not sure how to put this tactfully, but are you interested in more than just dinner with Alex?”

She smiled, felt another drop of sweat roll down her other side. “No, Major. I assure you I’m not. I was just transferred here from Calgary and I don’t know anyone. Alex and I seem to like many of the same things.”

Alex pleaded. “Please, Rita.”

The major squinted, studied his eyes. “Okay, just dinner. No hanky panky.”

Alex stood to his feet and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks, Rita. No hanky panky. Whatever that is.”

“It means no sex.”

Alex grinned. “Is that what the old people call it?”

“I’m not old, Picasso.”

“I know, Ma’am. No hanky panky.”

Nicki put a cup in front of Rita. Sat down with a grin on her face.

Alex said, “I need to go finish the last wall now, Rita.”

Rita nodded. “Have fun.”

“Thanks.” He grinned, walked outside.

Nicki said, “Nice kid.”

Rita nodded, looked at Amanda. “I suppose you must think I’m being overly protective of Alex.”

“I completely understand, Major.” She studied Rita’s face, had heard about this lesbian major before. “I’m not interested in Alex in any sexual way. I like his painting and I like talking about art with him. And he’s a nice guy too.”

Rita rubbed her chin. “You’re a lesbian?”

“From head to toe. And all stops in between, Ma’am.” The private released a careful smile.

Rita grinned. “Okay, Private. Don’t drink and drive.”

“No, Ma’am. No drinking.” Amanda grinned easier. “Or hanky panky.”

The major arrived home after an enjoyable ride, said hello to Stella weeding her flowers, eased into her house like a cat and thought about what to make for lunch. Decided on chicken Caesar salad. It was easy and the chicken was already pre-cooked.

After lunch Rita sat on the front porch sipping tea, thinking about Alex, about Amanda, about terrorists, and about playing poker tonight. It had been a long time since she played poker. She hoped she still had the touch. She stared at the ocean, her thoughts drifted to her deceased wife Arizona. Almost eight months and it still felt like yesterday when she died. She missed her so much. Like living with a big hole in her heart. She remembered the times they had made love, Arizona knowing just where and how to touch her, and then afterward they would talk about their future together. They had so many plans, and now nothing.

Rita sipped her sweet tea, gazed across the water. White sails in the distance. It really was nice here, she thought. Isabel, the school principal, popped into her mind unexpectedly. Rita wondered why she thought about her at this moment. She was nice looking. A friendly face too. Her mind slipped away from Isabel and turned to Amanda. She had a friendly face as well. Young, beautiful, but definitely too young. What was she thinking?

She shook away all the thoughts, stood to her feet and walked into her bedroom. Lay on her bed and in mere seconds fell fast asleep. Dreamed of flying naked inside a warm silky ribbon of darkness. A soft light in the distance. A nice dream for a change.

That evening Rita dressed in her best jeans, white sleeveless blouse, strapped on her holster and waited for Alex to come out of the bathroom, where he had been for the last half hour. She sat on the deck watching the small waves roll to shore. Looked up and down the street, the Army guys no longer watching her house. She looked back at the beach.

Alex walked onto the deck dressed in black slacks, white shirt and gray sports jacket.

“My, don’t you look handsome.”

He grinned. “Do I really?”

“Yes, you really do.”

He sat on the chair next to her. “Don’t worry about me tonight, okay. Amanda is just lonely. Both her parents died in a car accident last year and she joined the Army because she had no money and was all alone. I don’t like seeing people lonely, Rita.”

“I know you don’t, Picasso. I’m worried because you’re too young to get involved with Amanda. She’s a grown woman.”

“We just like talking to each other. Its not like a real date. She really is a lesbian.”

Rita grinned. “Okay. She did seem nice.”

“She is nice, Rita.”

“What about your buddies at the pier tonight?”

“Its boring hanging out there. I’d rather have dinner with Amanda.”

“Yeah. Well I’m going to try my luck at poker tonight. I used to play all the time until I joined the military.”

“You’re probably good. You’re good at everything.”

“Not everything. I’m not so good at being a guardian.”

“I like it here with you. I’ve never known anyone like you before.”

Rita stood to her feet, kissed him on the cheek. “I like you living here too.”

“Did I tell you Nicki liked the paintings so much she gave me five hundred dollars today?”

“I’m impressed.”

“She said I could go there anytime I wanted to.”


“I told her again I was sorry for the graffiti and things I wrote.”

“Maybe tomorrow we can practice using our senses.”

“The eagle was with me again today.”

“You have an eagle spirit, I think. A good thing.” She glanced at her watch. Glanced at the beach. “I guess I’d better roll. Have fun tonight.”

Alex stood to his feet, his arms reached around her back gently. He squeezed her and released her in one easy motion.

She grinned. “What was that for?”

“I just wanted too.”

She smiled, was just about to leave when something felt wrong. She looked at Alex. “Go inside the house. Something’s not right.”

He looked at her, looked at the beach. Walked into the house, Rita right behind him. She ran into her bedroom, returned with a bullet proof vest.

“Put this on.”

“Why Rita?”

“Someone’s out there.”

Alex struggled with the vest, while Rita inserted a full magazine into an extra gun she kept in the computer desk drawer.

She helped him finish putting on the vest. “I hate to do this, Alex, but you may have to use this.” She handed him the gun. “Do as I showed you.”

“Yes, Rita.” He was suddenly afraid.

She peeked out the window, the evening still light, her eyes moved along the road out front, along the beach. Scanned the large twisted driftwood, the rocks near the road. “Come on. We can’t stay in here.”

Rita and Alex slipped out the back door, walked along the side of the house, past the parked motorcycle. They crouched down even with the front of the house. Watched all around. Rita saw a movement behind a large piece of driftwood sunk into the sand. Then another. And another. Three darkly dressed men ran crouched across the road toward the house, AK 47’s in hand.

She glanced at a scared looking Alex. “Go to the corner of the house and watch the back yard. Shoot anything that moves.”

He looked at her, eyes wide. Moved quickly. The three men neared her front gate, faces covered in black balaclavas. Rita waited. As they entered the yard they split up, one man walked around the opposite side of the house, the other two walked toward the front porch.

She stood up from her hiding place, completely surprised both men. Her bullets entered the nearest man’s brain before he could react, the pistol reports echoed loud. The second man aimed his rifle. She fired again. Pop pop pop. The man crumpled quickly to the ground. The third man was now on the other side of the house. Rita jumped over the short picket fence, ran along the front of the porch. She chanced a look around the corner; a bullet glanced off the side of the house. She ducked as another shot sent wood splinters flying from the exterior wall.

Rita ran onto the porch and inside the front door, moved quickly to the back door. She hoped Alex knew where the man was. She opened the door slowly; saw the man still looking toward the front. She fired twice. One bullet in the leg another in his shoulder. His rifle fell from his hands as he slumped to the ground. She ran down the steps toward him.

“Alex.” Rita called out, pointed her pistol at the man on the ground.

He peeked around the corner. She saw his face. She said, “Go to the front and watch the street. If you see anyone, fire a shot into the air.”

He nodded. Rita looked at the downed man.

“Okay you bastard. Who are you working for?”

His eyes glared at her from behind the balaclava. He screamed. “Allahu Akbar.”

Rita stepped on his leg wound. “I asked you who you work for.”

“Allahu Akbar.”

She shot him twice in the head. Rita eyes were like a green fire, her blood hot like her pistol barrel. She glanced behind her at the back yard. Saw no one. Ran along the side of her house to the front. Looked at the beach and up and down the road. People now leaving their houses, some standing on the road. She walked from the yard and stared at the beach holding her pistol with both hands, ran toward the ocean. A man jumped up from behind a rock, fired his rifle, his bullets missed her by inches. Rita reacted, fired several shots, each of her bullets hitting him in the chest.

She turned and looked at Alex standing on the driveway. Heard the bird cry out in her mind. Watched Alex turn around, the sound of a gunshot, watched the boy fall to the pavement. Her heart pounded as she ran toward him, spotted a man just inside Stella’s yard. She fired at the man as she ran, her bullets missing, the man aiming his rifle. She kept up a rapid fire, her bullets slammed into his face and chest. The man collapsed on the grass.

Rita ran to the unmoving Alex. She knelt down beside him, stared at his face. His eyes were closed. Tears slipped from her own eyes. She saw the bullet lodged in his Kevlar vest. She placed two fingers on his neck. Felt a pulse. Talked to him softly.

Stella soon appeared beside Rita, knelt down next to her. “Is he dead?”

Rita shook her head. “No, but he’s hurt. Go call an ambulance and the MPs.”

Stella walked as fast as she could back next door to her house, while Rita caressed the boy’s face gently. He was coming around now.

Alex opened his eyes. “Rita, I’m sorry. I couldn’t shoot.”

She smiled. “Never mind that. Just lay still and the ambulance will be here soon.”

“I didn’t sense anything bad like you did.”

“It will come in time.”

He stared at her face. “I love you, Rita.”

She wiped a tear and nodded. “I love you too, Picasso. No more talking until the ambulance arrives.”

Thirty minutes later, the entire beach road and Rita’s house were swarming with MPs, the ambulance with Rita and Alex already at the hospital. Dixie arrived at the hospital. Found Rita in the waiting room and sat next to her on a hard plastic chair.

“How is Alex?”

Rita just looked at her. “They’re checking for any internal damage.”

“Someone said you killed five of them?”

“I guess I did. I kind of lost track.”

“Thank God you and Alex are even still alive.”

“When he was shot, I thought it was over. I was so scared for him.”

Dixie put her arm around her. “You can’t stay at your house.”

“They’re not going to drive me out. I’m going to find the leader of these guys and personally deal with him.”

“We don’t have any leads, Major.”

“The Army is involved somehow. Someone or some ones.”

“How do you know that?”

“Colonel Robinson removes the guards from my house the same day these guys come for us. Sergeant Lewis is killed. Someone in the Army knows something and I’m going shake it out.”

At that moment a man in olive green walked up to Rita. “Hello, Major. How’s the boy?”

Rita looked up at him. “I don’t know, Colonel. Any ideas who might have done this?”

“We’re still working on it.”

Rita saw something in his eyes, she didn’t believe him. “I’ll be taking over this investigation from now on.”

He looked at her. “On whose authority?”

“On my authority, Colonel.”

“You don’t have the authority to remove me from this investigation.”

“Now you see, that’s where you’re wrong, Colonel. I’m Badger Troop, remember. You’re not. Now you listen to me. If you get in my way, I’ll personally see you’re busted down to private. You’ll be handing out parking tickets until you retire. And, I want my house protected tonight. You get a squad out to the beach house right now. Tomorrow I’m bringing in a Badger Troop squad. From that point on you and the Army stay clear of us. Do you understand me, Colonel?”

He just glared at her. “I’m calling General Arnold.”

Rita grinned. “You do that. And by the way, Colonel. You’re now a suspect.”

“You can’t be serious.”

Rita stood to her feet, touched her weapon. “Want to see how serious I am?”

He looked in her eyes. “Screw you.”

Rita struck him so fast he didn’t even see it coming. A strike to his throat which caused him to drop to his knees, land hard on the hospital waiting room floor. He tried to speak and get up but was unable to.

Rita looked down at him with eyes like the fires of Hell. “Screw me? You’re not man enough to screw me. And if anymore attacks occur at my beach house, I’ll come after you. Now you get your ass back to your base and order nine MPs to watch my house. My team will be arriving tomorrow and then your guys can go back to pulling cats out of trees. That’s all you’re good for anyway.”

He struggled to his feet, his hand on his throat. His eyes filled with hate. He walked from the room.

Dixie just stared at her. “Major. What did you just do?”

“I’m shaking things loose. He’s dirty. I know he’s dirty. Coming after me is one thing. Shooting Alex changes the game.”

“But still, you’ve made an enemy.”

“I doubt he was ever a friend to begin with.”

A doctor walked into the waiting room, smiled at Rita. “Alex will be fine. His chest will be sore for a few days, but no internal damage.”

Rita’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you, Doctor. Can he come home tonight?”

“Yes, he’s okay to leave. That vest saved the boy’s life. He’s getting dressed now. He’ll be along soon.”

Dixie gave her major a serious look. “I’m coming to stay with you tonight.”

Rita just nodded.

A few minutes later Alex walked into the waiting room wearing his black slacks and white shirt. Rita hugged him carefully, avoided squeezing his chest.

“Rita, Amanda will be wondering why I didn’t show up.”

“I know. You can call her from Dixie’s car.”

It was after ten o’clock in the evening when Rita arrived home. The bodies now gone from her yard and the beach, two Army men in green now positioned in front and back of the house. A couple of cars parked along the roadside out front.

Stella arrived and made coffee, gave Alex a glass of juice as he lay on the sofa. She touched his face, smiled at the young man.

Rita phoned the general from her den. Listened to the ringing.

“Arnold here.”

“Hello General. Sorry to call so late.”

“Rita. What the hell’s going on out there? It sounds like a war zone. I just talked to Colonel Robinson. He says you assaulted him and relieved him from the investigation. He was some upset.”

“Yes, sir. He’s either dirty or incompetent. I’m not sure which. Either way, he’s unfit to lead this investigation.”

“And you want me to relieve him of command?”

“No sir. Let him stay. I think maybe he’ll lead us to Mamoud.”

“Dammit, Rita. I don’t know. Maybe you should get the hell out of there.”

“No general. They shot my son.”

“You don’t have a son, Rita.”

“I do now. I’m the boy’s guardian. He feels like my son.”

“How is the boy?”

“He’ll be okay. I had him wearing a vest. General, I need a few Badgers here. Perhaps a squad for now.”

“I’ll have a squad sent there tomorrow from Kamloops. They can quarter at the Army base. Anything else?”

“Tell them to bring bugging equipment, plus automatic weapons, grenades, launchers. The whole nine yards, sir.”

“Sounds to me like you’re going to war, Rita.”

“Mamoud’s close. I feel it. This may be our only chance to find that savage.”

“I hear the five you shot were Muslims?”

“Yes, sir.”

Arnold blew out his breath. “Some vacation I sent you on, huh, Rita?”

“There is no vacation until all these damn terrorists are kicked out of this country or killed. This area was under their control not so long ago. There’s still a few around.”

“I guess you’re right about that. Okay, Rita. You’re the boss of Sidney. Do what you do best. And keep in close touch. I mean it.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Your squad will be there tomorrow.”

“Thank you, General.”

“You really killed five?”

“I guess I did, sir.”

He released an audible breath. “You watch yourself; the colonel is an unhappy man right now.”

“I’ll deal with him, sir.”

“You’re my favorite major, Rita, and my good friend. And you once saved my wife’s life. And my own, if the truth be known. You need more help you just let me know.”

Rita nodded her head. “Thank you, General Arnold.”

As she walked from the den, Amanda was now in the house sitting on the sofa with Alex. She stood to her feet quickly when she saw Rita.

Rita squinted at the young woman dressed in civilian clothes. White blouse. No bra. Small tits. Perky came to mind. Very short skirt. Slender legs, feet bare. Long hair hanging free over her shoulders and down her back. A concerned look on her face. “How are you, Amanda?”

“Major. The whole base is buzzing about what happened. When Alex didn’t show up I went back to the base. I saw the colonel talking to Lieutenant Sweet. He was so mad his face was red.”

Rita glanced at Dixie, then Amanda. “Did you hear what they talked about?”

She shook her head. “No, Ma’am. I didn’t hang around long enough.”

Rita smiled, looked at Stella. “I think I’d like something stronger than coffee, Stella.”

She smiled like only a kooky Christian could smile, couldn’t believe this dangerous woman with a face made for the big screen was her next door neighbor. Stella’s life was becoming quite exciting to say the least. “I believe a saw a bottle of single malt scotch in one of your cupboards, Major. Perhaps I’ll join you in a glass. A lady should never drink alone.” Stella looked at Dixie and winked, walked into the kitchen with a swing in her step.

Rita smiled and relaxed at that moment, looked at Amanda’s still concerned and still pretty young face. Rita felt her age tonight. No question about it. “Care for a drink, Private?”

Amanda couldn’t help smiling . “No thank you, Ma’am. I’m under strict orders. No drinking or hanky panky.”

Green eyes slowly perused Amanda from head to foot and back again. Rita thought this petite dark haired woman really did have it all. Youth, looks, wit. Something interesting going on behind her dark eyes. She looked at Dixie, much closer to her own age. Only ten years younger. “I’ll bet you like scotch, Lieutenant.”

Dixie smiled, shook her long red hair. Tussled it. Pursed her lips. “Lead the way, Ma’am.”

Rita looked at her and squinted. “Sometimes that word makes me feel old.”

The lieutenant grinned, adjusted her shirt and shoulder holster. “You’re tired, not old, Major.” Dixie looked Rita up and down and smiled. “You are one serious hard ass.”

A smile crept over Rita’s face, her sleepy green eyes perused the lieutenant from head to Army boots then slowly back up the long slender body. She squinted. “Thank you, Dixie.”

Stella entered with four glasses on a tray. Held out her arms. “I couldn’t help noticing that none of you military women are wearing a bra. Is there a new rule I haven’t heard about?” She smiled at Rita.

Alex, who lay listening and watching from the couch remained quiet, and very interested in this sudden turn in the conversation. His chest didn’t hurt quite so much now.

Rita lifted a shot glass from the tray, glanced at Amanda. “Take a drink, kid. A lot of women died fighting so we could swing our tits freely.”

Amanda stared at the major. Nodded. Lifted a glass from the tray and drew it near her lips. As did Dixie and Stella.

Rita looked at them all. Raised her glass. “Here’s to all the brave women who died fighting for freedom. And are still dying. May our tits always swing freely. No surrender. Only victory or death.” She smiled at Stella. “We use it or we lose it.”

Alex watched Rita as she downed the drink. In that very moment he knew what she meant. Maybe he couldn’t fully understand, but he understood enough. He heard the bird cry in his mind. Rita turned and held his eyes. A grin slid across her face, a smile in her green eyes that held him breathless. For how long he didn’t know.

Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House)

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