Читать книгу Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying - The Doctor Barefoot - Страница 48

a feeling of belonging


(wherever you are)

While it is evident on close inspection that even the most permanent object, such as the oldest mountain, was once nothing more permanent, hence belonging only in situ, than molten lava, we still delude ourselves into craving a sense of belonging on the planet, and specifically to a particular place or group of places and, even more specifically, with a particular person or grouping of persons. Of course when you see through the illusion, it’s quite clear that if we belong anywhere at all, it’s in our bodies and in the universe. Anything more defined than that is asking for trouble. Yet ask for trouble we always do – hence xenophobia, nationalism and all the painful nonsense that comes with them.

So visualize yourself now feeling a deep sense of belonging in your body in the universe, so that no matter where you find yourself, nor with whom, whether in Taunton or Timbuktu, whether with friends or complete strangers, you feel completely at home. Feel it as a relaxing awareness in the belly now.

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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