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social status


There’s no need to point out how important social status is to everyone, even if they don’t admit it. Our entire social structure, whether we like it or not, is organized around hierarchies of social importance, based on criteria of merit, wealth, power and influence (including the ability to provide connections through marriage or association). Were it not so, everyone would drive around in identical cars and wear identical clothes and have identical exteriors to their houses, and we wouldn’t have such a sick fascination with celebrity culture, with all its shallow tawdriness. The energy we put into outward displays of status, however discreetly splurged, is truly phenomenal – hence the pointless expenditure on so-called premium logo branded clothing, for example, or being seen at the ‘right’ overpriced restaurants and clubs. And while it’s obviously utterly silly, it’s an utterly silly life in many respects, and nothing is gained by avoiding the status game altogether, so you might as well visualize yourself now enjoying good social standing and having the power to influence events in a positive direction. I’m not sure how that looks to you. But however it looks to you, let yourself see it, feel it, smell it, taste it and hear it now.

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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