Читать книгу Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying - The Doctor Barefoot - Страница 40



If you were feeling sentimental or in a particularly retro-Beatles frame of mind, you’d stick this at the top of the list even before pure air, because without a doubt, the need to both give and receive love (to and from everyone) is the subtext of all our interactions with others – not that I’d say it’s all you need, because without clean air, something to slake your thirst, a bit of grub in your stomach, a roof over your head, freedom from pain and illness, strength and all the rest of it, you won’t be feeling very loving; and without some nice threads and a bit of a wash every now and then you won’t be very appealing in the loveability stakes anyway. But once the basics are taken care of or transcended, it’s love you want, not just carnal or romantic love but the unconditional, universal variety, as well as general day-to-day bonhomie. So visualize yourself now, chest completely relaxed, heart open, with love not only pouring forth from you, but pouring forth into you from six billion people worldwide including partners, lovers, family, friends, acquaintances and strangers, and don’t just see it, but feel yourself veritably glowing with it now.

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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