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ОглавлениеUltimate elements of which the body is composed—Proximate principles—Fluids and solids—Primary tissues—Combinations—Results—Organs, systems, apparatus—Form of the body—Division into head, trunk, and extremities—Structure and function of each—Regions—Seats of the more important internal organs.
1. The ultimate elements of which the human body is composed are azote, oxygen, and hydrogen (gaseous fluids); and carbon, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and iron (solid substances). These bodies are called elementary and ultimate, because they are capable of being resolved by no known process into more simple substances.
2. These elementary bodies unite with each other in different proportions, and thus form compound substances. A certain proportion of azote uniting with a certain proportion of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, forms a compound substance possessing certain properties. Another proportion of azote uniting with a different proportion of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, forms another compound substance possessing properties different from the former. Oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, uniting in still different proportions without any admixture of azote, form a third compound possessing properties different from either of the preceding. The compounds thus formed by the primary combinations of the elementary substances with each other are called PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES.
3. Each proximate principle constitutes a distinct form of animal matter, of which the most important are named gelatin, albumen, fibrin, oily or fatty matter, mucus, urea, pichromel, osmazome, resin, and sugar.
4. By chemical analysis it is ascertained that all the proximate principles of the body, however they may differ from each other in appearance and in properties, are composed of the same ultimate elements. Gelatin, for example, consists (in 100 parts) of azote 16-988/1000, oxygen 27-207/1000, hydrogen 7-914/1000, carbon 47-881/1000 parts. The elementary bodies uniting in the above proportions form an animal substance, soft, tremulous, solid, soluble in water, especially when heated, and on cooling, which may be considered as its distinctive property, separating from its solution in water into the same solid substance, without undergoing any change in its chemical constitution.
5. Again, albumen consists of azote 15-705/1000, oxygen 23-872/1000, hydrogen 7-540/1000, carbon 52-888/1000, parts. The elementary bodies uniting in these different proportions, there results a second proximate principle, an adhesive fluid, transparent, destitute of smell and taste, miscible in water, but when subjected to a temperature of about 165°, converted into a solid substance no longer capable of being dissolved in water. This conversion of albumen from a fluid, which is its natural state, into a solid, by the application of heat, is called coagulation. It is a process familiar to every one. The white of egg is nearly pure albumen, naturally a glary and adhesive fluid: by boiling, it is coagulated into a white and firm solid.
6. In like manner, fibrin consists of azote 19-934/1000, oxygen 19-685/1000, hydrogen 7-021/1000, carbon 53-360/1000 parts, forming a solid substance of a pale whitish colour and firm consistence, the peculiar character of which is its disposition to arrange itself into minute threads or fibres.
7. On the other hand, fat or oil, which is a fluid substance of a whitish yellow colour, inodorous, nearly insipid, unctuous, insoluble in water and burning with rapidity, consists of a larger proportion of hydrogen, a small proportion of oxygen, and a still smaller proportion of carbon, without any admixture of azote.
8. From this account of the composition of the proximate principles, which it is not necessary to extend further, it is manifest that all of them consist of the same ultimate elements, and that they derive their different properties from the different proportions in which their elements are combined.
9. The ultimate elements that compose the body are never found in a separate or gaseous state, but always in combination in the form of one or other of the proximate principles.
10. In like manner, the proximate principles never exist in a distinct and pure state, but each is combined with one or more of the others. No part consists wholly of pure albumen, gelatin, or mucus, but albumen is mixed with gelatin, or both with mucus.
11. Simple or combined, every proximate principle assumes the form either of a fluid or of a solid, and hence the most general and obvious division of the body is into fluids and solids. But the terms fluid and solid are relative, not positive; they merely express the fact that some of the substances in the body are soft and liquid compared with others which are fixed and hard; for there is no fluid, however thin, which does not hold in solution some solid matter, and no solid, however dense, which does not contain some fluid.
12. Fluids and solids are essentially the same in nature; they differ merely in their mode of aggregation; hence the easy and rapid transition from the one to the other which incessantly takes place in the living body, in which no fluid long remains a fluid, and no solid a solid, but the fluid is constantly passing into the solid and the solid into the fluid.
13. The relative proportion of the fluids in the human body is always much greater than that of the solids; hence its soft consistence and rounded form. The excess, according to the lowest estimate, is as 6 to 1, and according to the highest, as 10 to 1. But the proportion is never constant; it varies according to age and to the state of the health. The younger the age, the greater the preponderance of the fluids. The human embryo, when first perceptible, is almost wholly fluid: solid substances are gradually but slowly superadded, and even after birth the preponderance is strictly according to age; for in the infant, the fluids abound more than in the child; in the child, more than in the youth; in the youth, more than in the adolescent; in the adolescent, more than in the adult; and in the adult, more than in the aged. Thus, among the changes that take place in the physical constitution of the body in the progress of life, one of the most remarkable is the successive increase in the proportion of its solid matter: hence the softness and roundness of the body in youth; its hard, unequal, and angular surface in advanced life; its progressively increasing fixedness and immobility in old age, and ultimate inevitable death.
14. The fluids are not only more abundant than the solids, but they are also more important, as they afford the immediate material of the organization of the body; the media by which both its composition and its decomposition are effected. They bear nourishment to every part, and by them are carried out of the system its noxious and useless matter. In the brain they lay down the soft and delicate cerebral substance; in the bone, the hard and compact osseous matter; and the worn-out particles of both are removed by their instrumentality. Every part of the body is a laboratory in which complicated and transforming changes go on every instant; the fluids are the materials on which these changes are wrought; chemistry is the agent by which they are effected, and life is the governing power under whose control they take place.
15. The fluids, composed principally of water holding solid matter in solution, or in a state of mechanical division, either contribute to the formation of the blood, or constitute the blood, or are derived from the blood; and after having served some special office in a particular part of the system, are returned to the blood; and according to the nature and proportion of the substances they contain, are either aqueous, albuminous, mucous, gelatinous, fibrinous, oleaginous, resinous, or saline.
16. When the analysis of the different kinds of animal matter that enter into the composition of the body has been carried to its ultimate point, it appears to be resolvable into two primitive forms: first, a substance capable of coagulation, but possessing no determinate figure; and secondly, a substance having a determinate figure and consisting of rounded particles. The coagulable substance is capable of existing by itself; the rounded particles are never found alone, but are invariably combined with coagulated or coagulable matter. Alone or combined with the rounded particles, the coagulable matter forms, when liquid, the fluids, when coagulated, the solids.
17. When solid, the coagulable substance is disposed in one of two forms, either in that of minute threads or fibres, or in that of minute plates or laminæ; hence every solid of the body is said to be either fibrous or laminated. The fibres or laminæ are variously interwoven and interlaced, so as to form a net-work or mesh; and the interspaces between the fibres or laminæ are commonly denominated areolæ or cells (fig. XVII).
18. This concrete substance, fibrous or laminated, is variously modified either alone or in combination with the rounded particles. These different modifications and combinations constitute different kinds of organic substance. When so distinct as obviously to possess a peculiar structure and peculiar properties, each of these modifications is considered as a separate form of organized matter, and is called a PRIMARY TISSUE. Anatomists and physiologists have been at great pains to discriminate and classify these primary tissues; for it is found that when employed in the composition of the body, each preserves its peculiar structure and properties wherever placed, however combined, and to whatever purpose applied, undergoing only such modification as its local connexions and specific uses render indispensable. Considering every substance employed in the construction of the body, not very obviously alike, as a distinct form of organized matter, these primary tissues may be said to consist of five, namely, the membranous, the cartilaginous, the osseous, the muscular, and the nervous.
19. The first primary tissue is the peculiar substance termed MEMBRANE. It has been already stated (16) that one of the ultimate forms of animal matter is a coagulable substance, becoming concrete or solid under the process of coagulation. The commencement of organization seems to be the arrangement of this concrete matter into straight thready lines, at first so small as to be imperceptible to the naked eye. Vast numbers of these threads successively uniting, at length form a single thread of sufficient magnitude to be visible, but still smaller than the finest thread of the silkworm. If the length of these threads be greater than their breadth, they are called fibres; if, on the contrary, their breadth exceed their length, they are termed plates or laminæ. By the approximation of these fibres or plates in every possible direction, and by their accumulation, combination, and condensation, is constituted the simplest form of organized substance, the primary tissue called membrane.
20. Membrane once formed is extensively employed in the composition of the body: it is indeed the material principally used in producing, covering, containing, protecting, and fixing every other component part of it. It forms the main bulk of the cartilaginous tissue; it receives into its cells the earthy matter on which depend the strength and hardness of the osseous tissue; it composes the canals or sheaths in which are deposited the delicate substance of the muscular, and the still more tender pulp of the nervous tissue; it gives an external covering to the entire body; it lines all its internal surfaces; it envelopes all internal organs; it enters largely as a component element into the substance of every organ of every kind; it almost wholly constitutes all the internal pouches and sacs, such as the stomach, the intestines, the bladder; and all tubes and vessels, such as arteries, veins, and lymphatics; it furnishes the common substance in which all the parts of the body are, as it were, packed; it fills up the interstices between them; it fixes them in their several situations; it connects them all together; in a word, it forms the basis upon which the other parts are superinduced; or rather the mould into which their particles are deposited; so that were it possible to remove every other kind of matter, and to leave this primary tissue unaltered in figure and undiminished in bulk, the general form and outline of the body, as well as the form and outline of all its individual parts, would remain unchanged.
21. The properties which belong to membrane are cohesion, flexibility, extensibility, and elasticity. By its property of cohesion, the several parts of the body are held together; by its combined properties of cohesion, flexibility, and extensibility, the body in general is rendered strong, light, and yielding, while particular parts of it are made capable of free motion. But elasticity, that property by which parts removed from their situation in the necessary actions of life are restored to their natural position, may be regarded as its specific property. The varied purposes accomplished in the economy by the property of elasticity will be apparent as we advance in our subject. Meantime, it will suffice to observe that it is indispensable to the action of the artery in the function of the circulation; to the action of the thorax in the function of respiration; to the action of the joints in the function of locomotion: in a word, to the working of the entire mechanism by which motion of every kind and degree is effected. All these properties are physical, not vital; vital properties do belong even to this primary form of animal matter; but they are comparatively obscure. In the tissue with which organization commences, and which is the least removed from an inorganic substance, the properties that are prominent and essential are merely physical.
22. By chemical analysis, membrane is found to contain but a small proportion of azote, the peculiar element of animal matter. Its proximate principles are gelatin, albumen, and mucus. In infancy and youth, gelatin is the most abundant ingredient; at a more advanced period, albumen predominates3. Gelatin differs from albumen in containing a less proportion of azote and a greater proportion of oxygen; on both accounts it must be regarded as less animalized. Thus animalization bears a certain relation to organization. The simplest animal tissue is the least animalized, and the least of all at the earliest period of life. Not only are the physical and mental powers less developed in the young than in the adult, but the very chemical composition of the primary tissue of which the body is constructed is less characteristic of the perfect animal.
23. Membrane exists under several distinct forms; a knowledge of the peculiarities of which will materially assist us in understanding the composition of the body. The simplest form of membrane, and that which is conceived to constitute the original structure from which all the others art produced, is termed the cellular. When in thin slices, cellular membrane appears as a semi-transparent and colourless substance; when examined in thicker masses, it is of a whitish or greyish colour. It consists of minute threads, which cross each other in every possible direction, leaving spaces between them, and thus forming a mesh or net-work (fig. XVII.), not unlike the spider's web. The term cells, given to these interspaces, is employed rather in a figurative sense than as the expression of the fact; for there are no such distinct partitions as the term cell implies. The best conception that can be formed of the arrangement of the component parts of this structure is, to suppose a substance consisting of an infinite number of slender thready lines crossing each other in every possible direction (fig. XVII.). The interspaces between these lines during life, and in the state of health, are filled with a thin exhalation of an aqueous nature, a vapour rather than a fluid, rendering and keeping the tissue always moist. This vapour consists of the thinner part of the blood, poured into these interstitial spaces by a process hereafter to be described, termed secretion. When occupying those spaces, it makes no long abode within them, but is speedily removed by the process of absorption. In health, these two operations exactly equal each other; but if any cause arise to disturb the equilibrium, the vapour accumulates, condenses and forms an aqueous fluid, which distends the cells and gravitates to the most depending parts. Slightly organized as this tissue is, and indistinct as its vita functions may be, it is obvious that it must be the seat of at least two vital functions, secretion and absorption.
A single film of the cellular tissue lifted up and slightly distended.
24. It is certain that the interspaces or cells of this membrane have no determinate form or size, that they communicate freely with each other, and that this communication extends over the whole body; for if a limb which has been infiltrated be frozen, a thousand small icicles will be formed, assuming the shape of the containing cells, some of which are found to be circular and others cylindrical, and so on. If air or water escape into any particular part of the body, it is often effused over the whole extent of it, and butchers are observed to inflate animals by making a puncture in some part where the cellular tissue is loose, and from this one aperture the air is forced to the most distant parts of the body.
25. Cellular membrane, variously modified and disposed, forms the main bulk of all the other solid parts of the body, constituting their common envelope and bond of union, and filling up all their interstices. It is dense or loose, coarse or fine, according to its situation and office. Wherever it is subject to pressure, it is dense and firm, as in the palm of the hand and the sole of the foot; around the internal organs it is more loose and delicate, and it becomes finer and finer as it divides and subdivides, in order to envelope the soft and tender structures of the body.
A portion of cellular tissue, very highly magnified, showing the strings of globules of which its ultimate fibres are by some supposed to consist.
26. According to some who have carefully examined with the microscope its component threads, they consist of minute particles of a globular figure (fig. XVIII.); other microscopical observers regard the cellular threads as coagulated or condensed animal substance, perfectly amorphous (without form).
27. Every part of this tissue is penetrated by arteries, veins, absorbents, and nerves, endowing it with properties truly vital, though in a less degree than any of the other primary tissues; and varied and important as the uses are which it serves in the economy, the most manifest, though certainly not the only ones, are those which depend upon its physical properties of cohesion, flexibility, extensibility, and elasticity.
1, A portion of adipose tissue; 2, minute bags containing the fat; 3, a cluster of the bags, separated and suspended.
28. The tissue which contains the fat, termed the adipose, is the second form of membrane; it is obviously a modification of the cellular, from which it differs both in the magnitude of its fibres, whence it constitutes a tougher and coarser web, and in their arrangement; for it is so disposed as to form distinct bags in which the fat is contained. Adipose tissue consists of rounded packets, separated from each other by furrows (fig. XIX. 2, 2); each packet is composed of small spheroidal particles (fig. XIX. 2, 2); each particle is again divisible into still smaller grains, which, on minute inspection, present the appearance of vesicles filled with the adipose matter (fig. XIX. 3).
29. The cells of the cellular tissue, as has been shown (24), are continuous over the whole body; but each adipose vesicle is a distinct bag, having no communication whatever with any other (fig. XIX. 2, 2). The cellular tissue is universally diffused; but the adipose is placed only in particular parts of the body; principally beneath the skin, and more especially between the skin and the abdominal muscles, and around some of the organs contained in the chest and abdomen, as the heart, the kidneys, the mesentery, and the omenta. In most of these situations some portion of it is generally found, whatever be the degree of leanness to which the body may be reduced; while in the cranium, the brain, the eye, the ear, the nose, and several other organs, there is none, whatever be the degree of corpulency. The uses of the fat, which are various, will be stated hereafter.
30. The third form of membrane is termed the
serous. Like the adipose, serous membrane is a modification of the cellular, and, like it also, it is limited in its situation to particular parts of the body, that is, to its three great cavities, namely, the head, the chest, and the abdomen. To the two latter it affords an internal lining, and to all the organs contained in all the three cavities, it affords a covering. By its external surface it is united to the wall of the cavity or the substance of the organ it invests; by its internal surface it is free and unattached; whence this surface is in contact only with itself, forming a close cavity or shut sac, having no communication with the external air. Smooth and polished (fig. XX.), it is rendered moist by a fluid which is supposed to be exhaled in a gaseous state from the serum of the blood; and from this serous fluid the membrane derives its name.
A portion of intestine, showing its external surface or serous coat.
31. Though thin, serous membrane is dense, compact, and of great strength in proportion to its bulk: it is extensible and elastic; extensible, for it expands with the dilatation of the chest in inspiration; elastic, for it contracts with the diminished size of the chest in expiration. In like manner, it stretches with the enlargement of the stomach during a hearty meal, and contracts as the stomach gradually diminishes on emptying itself of its contents. It is furnished with no blood-vessels large enough to admit the colouring matter of the blood; but it is supplied with a great number of the colourless vessels termed exhalents, with the vessels termed absorbents, and with a few nerves. It indicates no vital properties, but those which are common to the simple form of the primary tissue. Its specific uses are to afford a lining to the internal cavities; to furnish a covering to the internal organs; by its polished and smooth surface, to allow a free motion of those organs on each other, and by the moisture with which it is lubricated, to prevent them from adhering together, however closely, or for however long a period they may be in contact.
32. The fourth form of membrane, the fibrous, named from the obvious arrangement of its component parts, consists of longitudinal fibres, large enough to be visible to the naked eye, placed parallel to each other, and closely united. Sometimes these fibres are combined in such a manner as to form a continuous and extended surface, constituting a thin, smooth, dense, and strong membrane, such as that which lines the external surface of bones termed PERIOSTEUM, or the internal surface of the skull (dura mater). At other times, they form a firm and tough expansion (aponeurosis) which descends between certain muscles, separating them from each other, and affording a fixed point for the origin or insertion of neighbouring muscles; or which is stretched over muscles, and sometimes over even an entire limb, in order to confine the muscles firmly in their situation, and to aid and direct their action (fig. XXVII.). Fibrous membrane also constitutes the compact, strong, tough, and flexible bands used for tying parts firmly together, termed LIGAMENTS, principally employed in connecting the bones with each other, and particularly about the joints; and lastly, fibrous membrane forms the rounded white cords in which muscles often terminate, called TENDONS (fig. XXV., XXVI.), the principal use of which is to connect the muscles with the bones, and to serve as cords or ropes to transmit the action of the muscle to a distant point, in the accomplishment of which purposes their operation appears to be entirely mechanical.
33. The fifth form of membrane, the mucous (fig. XXI.), derives its name from the peculiar fluid with which its surface is covered, called mucus, and which is secreted by numerous minute glands, imbedded in the substance of the membrane. As serous membrane forms a shut sac, completely excluding the air, mucous membrane, on the contrary, lines the various cavities which are exposed to the air, such as the mouth, the nostrils, the wind-pipe, the gullet, the stomach, the intestines, the urinary organs, and the uterine system. Its internal surface, or that by which it is attached to the passages it lines, is smooth and dense; its external surface, or that which is exposed to the contact of the air, is soft and pulpy, like the pile of velvet (fig. XXI.). It bears a considerable resemblance to the external surface of the rind of the ripe peach.
A portion of the stomach, showing its internal surface or mucous coat.
Unlike all the other tissues of this class, the mucous membranes are the immediate seat of some of the most important functions of the economy; in the lung, of respiration; in the stomach, of digestion; in one part of the intestine, of chylification; in another, of excretion; while in the mouth and nose, they are the seat of the animal functions of taste and smell; and they are highly organized in accordance with the importance of the functions they perform.
34. The last form of membrane which it is necessary to our present purpose to particularize, is that which constitutes the external covering of the body, and which is called the skin. The skin is everywhere directly continuous with the mucous membranes that line the internal passages, and its structure is perfectly analogous. Both the external and the internal surface of the body may be said therefore to be covered by a continuous membrane, possessing essentially the same organization, and almost identically the same chemical composition. The skin is an organ which performs exceedingly varied and important functions in the economy, to the understanding of which it is necessary to have a clear conception of its structure; some further account of it will therefore be required; but this will be more advantageously given when the offices it serves are explained.
Portions of cartilage, seen in section.
35. Such is the structure, and such are the properties, of the first distinct form of organized matter. The second primary tissue, termed the CARTILAGINOUS (fig. XXII.), is a substance intermediate between membrane and bone. The nature of its organization is not clearly ascertained. By some anatomists, it is regarded as a uniform and homogeneous substance, like firm jelly, without fibres, plates, or cells; others state that they have been able to detect in it longitudinal fibres, interlaced by other fibres in an oblique and transverse direction, but without determinate order. All are agreed that it is without visible vessels or nerves: not that it is supposed to be destitute of them, but that they are so minute as to elude observation. Its manifest properties are wholly mechanical. It is dense, strong, inextensible, flexible, and highly elastic. It is chiefly by its property of elasticity that it accomplishes the various purposes it serves in the economy. It is placed at the extremities of bones, especially about the joints, where, by its smooth surface, it facilitates motion, and, by its yielding nature, prevents the shock or jar which would be produced were the same kind and degree of motion effected by a rigid and inflexible substance. Where a certain degree of strength with a considerable degree of flexibility are required, it supplies the place of bone, as in the spinal column, the ribs and the larynx.
Membranous portion of bone; the osseous portion being so completely removed, that the bone is capable of being tied in a knot.
36. The third distinct form of organized matter is termed the OSSEOUS tissue. Bone is composed of two distinct substances, an animal and an earthy matter: the former organic, the latter inorganic. The animal or organic matter is analogous both in its nature and in its arrangement to cellular tissue; the earthy or inorganic matter consists of phosphoric acid combined with lime, forming phosphate of lime. The cellular tissue is aggregated into plates or laminæ, which are placed one upon another, leaving between them interspaces or cells, in which is deposited the earthy matter (phosphate of lime). If a bone, for example, the bone called the radius, one of the bones of the fore-arm, be immersed in diluted sulphuric, nitric, muriatic, or acetic acid, it retains its original bulk and shape; it loses, however, a considerable portion of its weight, while it becomes so soft and pliable, that it may be tied in a knot (fig. XXIII.). In this case, its earthy matter is removed by the agency of the acid, and is held in solution in the fluid; what remains is membranous matter (cellular tissue). If the same bone be placed in a charcoal fire, and the heat be gradually raised to whiteness, it appears on cooling as white as chalk; it is extremely brittle; it has lost much of its weight, yet its bulk and shape continue but little changed. In this case, the membraneous matter is wholly consumed by the fire, while the earth is left unchanged (fig. XXIV.). Every constituent atom of bone consists, then, essentially of animal and earthy matter intimately combined. A little more than one-third part consists of animal matter (albumen), the remaining two-thirds consist of earthy matter (phosphate of lime); other saline substances, as the fluate of lime and the phosphate of magnesia, are also found in minute quantity, but they are not peculiar to bone.
Earthy portion of bone.
37. In general, the osseous tissue is placed in the interior of the body. Even when bone approaches the surface, it is always covered by soft parts. It is supplied with but few blood-vessels, with still fewer nerves, with no absorbents large enough to be visible, so that though it be truly alive, yet its vital properties are not greatly developed. The arrangement of its component particles is highly curious; the structure, the disposition, and the connexion of individual bones afford striking examples of mechanism, and accomplish most important uses in the economy; but those uses are dependent rather upon mechanical than vital properties. The chief uses of bone are— 1. By its hardness and firmness to afford a support to the soft parts, forming pillars to which the more delicate and flexible organs are attached and kept in their relative positions. 2. To defend the soft and tender organs by forming a case in which they are lodged and protected, as that formed by the bones of the cranium for the lodgment and protection of the brain (fig. XLVII.); by the bones of the spinal column for the lodgment and protection of the spinal cord (fig. XLVIII.); by the bones of the thorax (fig. LIX.), for the lodgment and protection of the lungs, the heart, and the great vessels connected with it (fig. LIX.). 3. By affording fixed points for the action of the muscles, and by assisting in the formation of joints to aid the muscles in accomplishing the function of locomotion.
38. All the primary tissues which have now been considered consist of precisely the same proximate principles. Albumen is the basis of them all; with the albumen is always mixed more or less gelatin, together with a minute quantity of saline substance: to the osseous tissue is superadded a large proportion of earthy matter. With the exception of the mucous, the organization of all these tissues is simple; their vital properties are low in kind and in degree; their decided properties are physical, and the uses they serve in the economy are almost wholly mechanical.
Portion of a muscle; showing (a) the muscular fibres and their parallel direction; and (b) the termination of the fibres in tendon.
39. But we next come to a tissue widely different in every one of those circumstances, a tissue consisting of a new kind of animal matter, and endowed with a property not only peculiar to itself, but proper to living substance, and characteristic of a high degree of vital power. Muscular tissue, the fourth distinct form of animal matter, commonly known under the name of flesh, is a substance resembling no other in nature. It consists of a soft and pulpy substance, having little cohesive power, arranged into fibres which are distinctly visible to the naked eye, and which are disposed in a regular and uniform manner, being placed close and parallel to each other (fig. XXV.). These fibres are every where pretty uniformly the same in shape, size, and general appearance, being delicate, soft, flattened, and though consisting only of a tender pulp, still solid (fig. XXV.). When examined under the microscope, fibres, which to the naked eye appear to be single threads, are seen to divide successively into smaller threads, the minutest or the ultimate division not exceeding, as is supposed, the 40,000th part of an inch in diameter. On the other hand, the fibres which are large enough to be visible to the naked eye, are obviously aggregated into bundles of different magnitude in different muscles, but always of the same uniform size in the same muscle (fig. XXV.).
Two portions of muscle; one of which, a, is covered with membrane; the other, b, is uncovered; c, the muscular fibres terminating in tendon.
40. The ultimate thread, or the minutest division of which the muscular fibre is susceptible, is called a filament; the smallest thread which can be distinguished by the naked eye is termed a fibre (fig. XXVI.); and the bundle which is formed by the union of fibres is denominated a fasciculus. The proper muscular substance is thus arranged into three distinct forms progressively increasing in size,—the filament, the fibre, and the fasciculus. The filament, the fibre, the fasciculus, as well as the muscle itself, formed by the aggregation of fasciculi, is each inclosed in its own distinct sheath of cellular membrane (fig. XXVI. a).
Portion of a muscle enclosed in a sheath of fascia or aponeurosis.
41. The composition of the ultimate filament has been very carefully examined by many distinguished physiologists with microscopes of high magnifying power. Under some of these microscopes the filament appears to consist of a series of rounded particles or globules of the same size as the particles of the blood when deprived of their colouring matter, so that it looks like a string of pearls (fig. XXVIII.), each globule being commonly stated to be about the 2000th part of an inch in diameter. But it is now pretty generally agreed that this globular appearance of the ultimate muscular fibre vanishes under the more improved microscopes of the present day, and, as viewed by the latter, appears as a peculiar pulpy substance arranged into threads of extreme minuteness, placed close and parallel to each other, intersected by a great number of delicate lines passing transversely across the muscular threads (fig. XXIX.),
Ultimate fibres of muscle, very greatly magnified; showing the strings of globules of which they are supposed by some to consist.
42. With the exception of the organs of sense, the muscular tissue is more abundantly supplied with arteries, veins, and nerves, than any other substance of the body. Every ultimate thread or filament appears to be provided with the ultimate branch of an artery, vein, and nerve. These vessels are seen ramifying on the surface of the delicate web of membrane that incloses the pulp, but cannot be traced into it.
The appearance of the ultimate muscular fibres and of their transverse lines, as seen under the microscope of Mr. Lister, when the object is magnified 500 diameters.
43. The proximate principle of which the muscular pulp is composed is fibrin. From the pulp, when inclosed in its sheath of membrane, albumen, jelly, various salts, and a peculiar animal extract called osmazome, are also obtained; but these substances are probably derived from the membranous, not the muscular, matter. Fibrin contains a larger proportion of azote, the element peculiar to the animal body, and by the possession of which its chemical composition is distinguished from that of the vegetable, than any other animal substance.
Portion of the trunk of a nerve; dividing into branches.
44. Muscular tissue possesses a slight degree of cohesion, a high degree of flexibility and extensibility, but no degree of elasticity; for although muscle, considered as a compound of muscular substance and membrane, be highly elastic, yet this property is probably altogether owing to the membranous matter in which it is enveloped. Its peculiar and distinctive property is vital, not physical, and consists in the power of diminishing its length, or of contracting or shortening itself on the application of a stimulus. This property, which is termed contractility, is the great, if not the sole source of motion in the body. Without doubt, elasticity and gravity, under the generating and controlling powder of contractility, aid in accomplishing various kinds of motion. Thus membranes, tendons, ligaments, cartilages, and bones, by their physical and mechanical properties, modify, economize, facilitate, concentrate and direct the motive power generated by the pure muscular substance; but still the only real source of motion in the body is muscular tissue, and the only mode in which motion is generated is by contractility. This will be more fully understood hereafter.
Ultimate fibres of nerve, very highly magnified; showing the strings of globules of which they consist.
45. The last primary tissue, termed the NERVOUS, is equally distinct in nature and peculiar in property. It consists of a soft and pulpy matter, of a brownish white colour (fig. XXX.). According to some, the nervous, like the muscular pulp, is composed of minute globules, arranged in the same manner like a string of pearls (fig. XXXI.); according to others, it consists of solid elongated threads, of a cylindrical form, differing in thickness from that of a hair to the finest fibre of silk. The pulp, whatever its form of aggregation, is inclosed in a sheath of delicate cellular tissue. This external or containing membrane is called the neurilema, or the nerve-coat; the internal or contained substance, the proper nervous matter, is termed the nerve-string. The nerve-string, enveloped in its nerve-coat, constitutes the nervous filament. As in the muscle, so in the nerve, many filaments unite to form a fibre, many fibres to form a fasciculus, and many fasciculi to form the large cord termed a nerve. Moreover, as in the muscle, so in the nerve, the filament, the fibre, the fasciculus, the nervous cord itself, are each enveloped in its own distinct sheath of cellular membrane; but the arrangement of the nervous fibres differs from that of the muscular in this, that though the nervous fibres are placed in juxtaposition, yet they do not, like the muscular, maintain through their entire course a parallel disposition, but cross and penetrate each other, so as to form an intimate interlacement (fig. XXXII.).
Nervous fibres, deprived of their neurilema and unravelled, showing the smaller threads, or filaments, of which the fibres consist.
46. The nervous pulp is at least as liberally supplied with blood-vessels as the muscular; the vessels are spread out upon the nerve-coat, in which they divide into innumerable branches of extreme minuteness, the distribution of which is so perfect, that there is not a particle of nervous matter which is not supplied both with an arterial and a venous vessel. Hence the neurilema is not merely a sheath containing and protecting the nervous pulp, but it affords an extended mechanical surface for sustaining the arterial vessels, from which the pulp is probably secreted, and certainly nourished.
47. Albumen, in conjunction with a peculiar fatty matter, constitutes the chief proximate principles of which the nervous tissue is composed. To these are added a small proportion of the animal substance termed osmazome, a minute quantity of phosphorus, some salts, and a very large proportion of water; for out of one hundred parts of nervous substance, water constitutes as much as eighty. Its peculiar vital property is sensibility; and as all motion depends on the contractility of the muscular fibre, so all sensation depends on the sensibility of the nervous substance.
48. Such are the primary tissues, or the several kinds of organized matter of which the body is composed; and from this account it is obvious that they consist of three only—namely, the concrete matter forming the basis of membrane, the pulpy matter forming the proper muscular substance, and the pulpy matter forming the proper nervous substance. Of these three kinds of animal matter the component parts of the body consist. In combining to form the different structures, these primary substances are intermixed and arranged in a great variety of modes; and from these combinations and arrangements result either an organ, a system, or an apparatus.
49. As filaments unite to form fibres, and fibres to form tissues, so tissues unite to form organs: that is, bodies having a determinate size and figure, and capable of performing specific actions. The cellular, the muscular, and the nervous tissues are not organs; membranes, muscles, and nerves are organs. The tissue, the simple animal substance, is merely one of the elements of which the organ is composed; the organ is compounded of several of those simple substances, arranged in a determinate manner, and moulded into a given shape, and so constituting a specific instrument. The basis of the muscle is muscular tissue; but to this are added, invariably, membrane, often tendon, and always vessels and nerves. It is this combination that forms the specific instrument called a muscle, and that renders it capable of performing its specific action. And every such combination, with its appropriate endowment, constitutes an organ.
50. Organs are arranged into groups or classes, according as they possess an analogous structure, and perform an analogous function; and this assemblage constitutes a SYSTEM. All the muscles of the body, for example, whatever their size, form, situation, or use, have an analogous structure, and perform an analogous function, and hence are classed together under the name of the muscular system. All the bones, whatever their figure, magnitude, density, position, or office, are analogous in structure and function; and hence are classed together under the name of the osseous system. For the same reason, all the cartilages, ligaments, vessels and nerves, form respectively the cartilaginous, ligamentous, vascular and nervous systems.
51. An APPARATUS, on the contrary, is an assemblage of organs, it may be differing widely from each other in structure, and exercising various and even opposite functions; but all nevertheless concurring in the production of some common object. The apparatus of nutrition consists of the organs of mastication, deglutition, digestion, absorption, and assimilation. Among the individual organs which concur in carrying on these functions may be reckoned the lips, the teeth, the tongue, the muscles connected with the jaws, the gullet, the stomach, the duodenum, the small intestines, the pancreas, the liver, the lacteal vessels, the mesenteric glands, and the lungs. Many of these organs have no similarity in structure, and few have any thing analogous in function; yet all concur, each in its appropriate mode and measure, to the conversion of the aliment into blood. In the apparatus of respiration, in that of circulation, of secretion, of excretion; in the apparatus of locomotion, in the apparatus of sensation, and more especially in the apparatus of the specific sensations,—vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, organs are combined which have nothing in common but their concurrence in the production of a common end: but this concurrence is the principle of their combination; and the individual organs having this conjoint operation, taken together, constitute an apparatus.
52. A clear idea may now be affixed to the terms structure and organization. Structure may be considered as synonymous with arrangement; the disposition of parts in a determinate order; that which is constructed or built up in a definite mode, according to a determinate plan. The arrangement of the threads of the cellular web into areolæ or cells; the combination of the primary threads into fibres or laminæ; the disposition of the muscular pulp into filaments, placed parallel to each other; the investment of the filaments in membraneous sheaths; the combination of the filaments, included in their sheaths, into fibres; the aggregation of fibres into fasciculi; and the analogous arrangement and combination of the nervous pulp, are examples of structure. But when those structures are applied to particular uses; when they are so combined and disposed as to form a peculiar instrument, endowed with a specific function; when the cellular fibres, for example, are so arranged as to make a thin, dense, and expanded tissue; when to this tissue are added blood-vessels, absorbents, and nerves; when, in a word, a membrane is constructed, an organ is formed; when, in like manner, to the muscular and the nervous fibres, arranged and moulded in the requisite mode, are added blood-vessels, absorbents, and nerves, other organs are constructed capable of performing specific functions: and this is organization—the building up of organs—the combination of definite structures into special instruments. Structure is the preparatory process of organization; the one is the mere arrangement of the material; the other is the appropriation of the prepared material to a specific use.
53. The term organization is employed in reference both to the component parts of the body, and to the body considered as a whole. We speak of an organized substance and of an organized body. An organized substance is one in which there is not only a definite arrangement of its component parts (structure), but in which the particular arrangement is such as to fit it for accomplishing some special use. Every organized substance is therefore essentially a special organ; limited in its object it may be, and perhaps only conducive to some further object; but still its distinctive character is, that it has a peculiar structure, fitting it for the accomplishment of some appropriate purpose. On the other hand, an organized body is a congeries of organs—the aggregate of the individual organs. Attention was directed in the early part of this work to one peculiar and essential character, by which such an organized is distinguished from an unorganized body. Between the individual parts of the organized body there is so close a relation, that no one of them can be removed or injured, or in any manner affected without a corresponding affection of the whole. The action of the heart cannot cease without the cessation of the action of the lung; nor that of the lung without that of the brain; nor that of the brain without that of the stomach; in a word, there is no organ in whatever distant nook of the system it be placed, or however apparently insignificant its function, that is not necessary to the perfection of the whole. But into whatever number of portions an unorganized body may be divided, each portion retains the properties of the mass, and constitutes in itself a perfect existence; there being no relation between its individual parts, excepting that of physical attraction: on the contrary, each component part of an organized body, being endowed with some appropriate and specific power, on the exercise of which the powers of all the other parts are more or less dependent, the whole must necessarily suffer if but one part fail.
54. From the whole, then, we see that the human body is a congeries of organs; that those organs are constructed of a few simple tissues; and that all its parts, numerous, diversified, and complex as they are, are composed of but three primary forms of animal matter variously modified and combined.