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Table of Contents

Characters by which living beings are distinguished from inorganic bodies—Characters by which animals are distinguished from plants—Actions common to plants and animals—Actions peculiar to animals—Actions included in the organic circle—Actions included in the animal circle—Organs and functions defined—Action of physical agents on organized structures—Processes of supply, and processes of waste—Reasons why the structure of the animal is more complex than that of the plant.

The distinction between a living being and an inorganic body, between a plant and a stone, is, that the plant carries on a number of processes which are not performed by the stone. The plant absorbs food, converts its food into its own proper substance, arranges this substance into bark, wood, vessels, leaves, and other organized structures; grows, arrives at maturity, and decays; generates and maintains a certain degree of heat; derives from a parent the primary structure and the first impulse upon which these varied actions depend; gives origin to a new being similar to itself, and, after a certain time, terminates its existence in death.

No such phenomena are exhibited by the stone; it neither absorbs food, nor arranges the matter of which it is composed into organized structure; nor grows, nor decays, nor generates heat, nor derives its existence from a parent, nor gives origin to a new being, nor dies. Nothing analogous to the processes by which these results are produced, is observable in any body that is destitute of life; all of them are carried on by every living creature. These processes are, therefore, denominated vital, and, being peculiar to the state of life, they afford characters by which the living being is distinguished from the inorganic body.

In like manner the distinction between an animal and a plant is, that the animal possesses properties of which the plant is destitute. It is endowed with two new and superior powers, to which there is nothing analogous in the plant; namely, the power of sensation, and the power of voluntary motion; the capacity of feeling, and the capacity of moving from place to place as its feeling prompts. The animal, like the plant, receives food, transforms its food into its own proper substance, builds this substance up into structure, generates, and maintains a certain temperature, derives its existence from a parent, produces an offspring like itself, and terminates its existence in death. Up to this point the vital phenomena exhibited by both orders of living creatures are alike: but at this point the vital processes of the plant terminate, while those of the animal are extended and exalted by the exercise of the distinct and superior endowments of sensation and voluntary motion. To feel, and to move spontaneously, in accordance with that feeling, are properties possessed by the animal, but not by the plant; and therefore these properties afford characters by which the animal is distinguished from the plant.

The two great classes of living beings perform, then, two distinct sets of actions: the first set is common to all living creatures; the second is peculiar to one class: the first set is indispensable to life; the second is necessary only to one kind of life, namely, the animal. The actions included in the first set, being common to all living or organized creatures, are called ORGANIC; the actions included in the second class, belonging only to one part of living or organized creatures, namely, animals, are called ANIMAL. The ORGANIC actions consist of the processes by which the existence of the living being is maintained, and the perpetuation of its species secured: the ANIMAL actions consist of the processes by which the living being is rendered percipient, and capable of spontaneous motion. The ORGANIC processes comprehend those of nutrition, respiration, circulation, secretion, excretion, and reproduction; the first five relate to the maintenance of the life of the individual being; the last to the perpetuation of its species. The ANIMAL processes comprehend those of sensation and of voluntary motion, often denominated processes of relation, because they put the individual being in communication with the external world. There is no vital action performed by any living creature which may not be included in one or other of these processes, or in some modification of some one of them. There is no action performed by any inorganic body which possesses even a remote analogy to either of these vital processes. The line of demarcation between the organic and the inorganic world is, therefore, clear and broad; and the line of demarcation between the two great divisions of the organic world, between the inanimate and the animate, that is, between plants and animals, is no less decided: for, of the two sets of actions which have been enumerated, the one, as has just been stated, is common to the whole class of living beings, while the second set is peculiar to one division of that class. The plant performs only the organic actions: all the vital phenomena it exhibits are included in this single circle; it is, therefore, said to possess only organic life: but the animal performs both organic and animal actions, and is therefore said to possess both organic and animal life.

Both the organic and the animal actions are accomplished by means of certain instruments, that is, organized bodies which possess a definite structure, and which are moulded into a peculiar form. Such an instrument is called an organ, and the action of an organ is called its function. The leaf of the plant is an organ, and the conversion of sap by the leaf into the proper juice of the plant, by the process called respiration, is the function of this organ. The liver of the animal is an organ; and the conversion of the blood that circulates through it into bile, by the process of secretion, is its function. The brain is an organ; the sentient nerve in communication with it is also an organ. The extremity of the sentient nerve receives an impression from an external object, and conveys it to the brain, where it becomes a sensation. The transmission of the impression is the function of the nerve; the conversion of the impression into a sensation is the function of the brain.

The living body consists of a congeries of these instruments or organs: the constituent matter of these organs is always partly in a fluid and partly in a solid state. Of the fluids and solids which thus invariably enter in combination into the composition of the organs, the fluids may be regarded as the primary and essential elements, for they are the source and the support of the solids. There is no solid which is not formed out of a fluid; no solid which does not always contain, as a constituent part of it, some fluid, and none which is capable of maintaining its integrity without a continual supply of fluids.

Whatever be the intimate composition of the fluids out of which the solids are formed, the investigation of which is more difficult than that of the solids and the nature of which is therefore less clearly ascertained, it is certain that all the matter which enters into the composition of the solid is disposed in a definite order. It is this disposition of the constituent matter of the living solid in a definite order that constitutes the arrangement so characteristic of all living substance. Definite arrangements are combined in definite modes, and the result is what is termed organization. From varied arrangements result different kinds of organized substances, each endowed with different properties, and exhibiting peculiar characters. By the recombination of these several kinds of organized substances, in different proportions and different modes, are formed the special instruments, or organs, of which we have just spoken; while it is the combining, or the building up of these different organized substances into organs, that constitutes structure.

In the living body, not only is each distinct organ alive, but, with exceptions so slight that they need not be noticed here, every solid which enters into the composition of the organ is endowed with vital properties. This is probably the case with the primary substances or tissues which compose the several organs of the plant; but that the animal solids are alive is indubitable; nay, the evidence is complete, that many even of the animal fluids possess vitality. The blood in the animal is as truly alive as the brain, and the bone as the flesh. The organized body, considered as a whole, is the seat of life; but life also resides in almost every component part of it.

Yet the matter out of which these living substances is formed is not alive. By processes of which we know nothing, or, at least, of which we see only the first steps,—matter, wholly destitute of life, is converted into living substance. The inorganic matter, which is the subject of this wonderful transformation, is resolvable into a very few elementary substances. In the plant, these substances consist of three only, namely, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. The first two are aëriform or gaseous bodies; the last is a solid substance, and it is of this that the plant is chiefly composed: hence the basis of the plant is a solid. The elementary bodies, into which all animal substance is resolvable, are four, namely, azote, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Into every animal fluid and solid this new substance azote enters so largely, that it may be considered as the fundamental and distinctive element of the animal organization: hence the basis of the animal is an aëriform or gaseous fluid. The animal is composed of air, the plant of solid matter; and this difference in their elementary nature gives origin to several distinctive characters between the plant and the animal, in addition to those which have been already stated.

Thus the characters of the plant are solidity, hardness, fixedness, and durability; while the animal is comparatively fluid, soft, volatile, and perishable; and the reason is now manifest. The basis of the animal being an aëriform fluid, its consistence is softer than that of the plant, the basis of which is a firm solid; and, at the same time, the component elements of the animal being more numerous than those of the plant, and the fluidity of these elements, and of the compounds they form, greatly favouring their action and reaction on each other and on external agents, the animal body is more volatile and perishable during life, and more readily decomposed after death.

It has been stated, that the object of every structure or organ of the living body, is the performance of some special action or function,—the ultimate object of the fluids being the production of the solids; the ultimate object of the solids being the formation of organs; the ultimate object of organs being the performance of actions or functions; while it is in the performance of actions or functions that life consists. Functions carried on by organs; organs in action; special organs performing definite actions, this it is that constitutes the state of life. Every particle of matter which enters into the composition of the living body has thus its own place, forming, or destined to form, a constituent part of some organ; every organ has its own action; all the organs of the body form the body; and all the actions of all the organs constitute the aggregate of the vital phenomena.

Every organ is excited to action, or its function is called into operation by means of some external body. The external bodies capable of exciting and maintaining the functions of living organs, consist of a definite class. Because these bodies belong to that department of science which is called physical, they are termed physical agents. They are air, water, heat, cold, electricity, and light. Without the living organ, the physical agent can excite no vital action: without the physical agent, the living organ can carry on no vital process. The plant cannot perform the vital process of respiration without the leaf, nor, with the leaf, without air. The physical agent acts upon the living organ; the living organ reacts upon the physical agent, and the action between both is definite. In the lung of the animal a certain principle of the air unites, in definite proportions, with a certain principle of the blood; the oxygen of the air combines with the carbon of the blood; the air is changed by the abstraction of its oxygen; the blood is changed by the abstraction of its carbon. Atmospheric air goes to the lung, but atmospheric air does not return from the lung; it is converted into a new substance by the action of the organ: it is changed into carbonic acid by the union of a given quantity of oxygen, which it transmits to the organ, with a given quantity of carbon which the organ conveys to it. Venous blood goes to the lung, but venous blood does not return from the lung; it is converted, by the instrumentality of the organ, into a new substance, into arterial blood, by giving to the air carbon, and by receiving from the air oxygen. In this manner the change in the physical agent is definite and uniform; and the change in the living substance is equally definite and uniform.

It is this determinate interchange of action between the living organ and the physical agent that constitutes what is termed a vital process. All vital processes are carried on by living organs; the materials employed in all vital processes are physical agents; the processes themselves are vital functions. All the changes produced by all the organs of the plant upon physical agents, and all the changes produced by all physical agents upon the organs of the plant, constitute all the vital processes of the plant—comprehend the whole sum of its vital phenomena. The root, the trunk, the woody substance, the bark, the ascending vessels bearing sap, the descending vessels bearing secreted fluids, the leaves, the flowers, these are the living organs of the plant. Air, water, heat, cold, electricity, light, these are the physical agents which produce in these organs definite changes, and which are themselves changed by them in definite modes; and the whole of these changes, taken together, comprehend the circle of actions, or the range of functions performed by this living being.

In the state of life, during the interchange of action which thus incessantly goes on between physical agents and vital organs, the laws to which inorganic matter is subject are resisted, controlled, and modified. Physical and chemical attractions are brought under the influence of a new and superior agency, with the laws of which we are imperfectly acquainted, but the operation of which we see, and which we call the agency of life. Air, water, heat, electricity, are physical agents, which subvert the most intimate combinations of inorganic bodies, resolving them into their simple elements, and recombining these elements in various modes, and thus forming new bodies, endowed with totally different properties; but the physical and chemical agencies by which these changes are wrought in the inorganic, are resisted, controlled, and modified by the living body: resisted, for these physical agents do not decompose the living body; controlled and modified, for the living body converts these very agents into the material for sustaining its own existence Of all the phenomena included in that circle of actions which we designate by the general term life, this power of resisting the effects universally produced by physical agents on inorganic matter, and of bringing these very agents under subjection to a new order of laws, is one of the most essential and distinctive.

All vital processes are processes of supply, or processes of waste. By every vital action performed by the organized body, some portion of its constituent matter is expended. Numerous vital actions are constantly carried on for the sole purpose of compensating this expenditure. Every moment old particles are carried out of the system; every moment new particles are introduced into it. The matter of which the organized, and more especially the animal, body is composed, is thus in a state of perpetual flux; and in a certain space of time it is completely changed, so that of all the matter that constitutes the animal body at a given point of time, not a single particle remains at another point of time at a given distance.

All the wants of the economy of the plant are satisfied by a due supply of air, water, heat, cold, electricity, and light. Some of these physical agents constitute the crude aliment of the plant; others produce in this aliment a series of changes, by which it is converted from crude aliment into proper nutriment, while others act as stimulants, by which movements are excited, the ultimate object of which is the distribution of the nutriment to the various parts of the economy of the plant.

The same physical agents are indispensable to the support of the animal body; but the animal cannot be sustained by these physical agents alone; for the maintenance of animal life, in some shape or other, vegetable or animal matter, or both in a certain state of combination, must be superadded: hence another distinction between the plant and the animal,—the necessity, on the part of the animal, of an elaborated aliment to maintain its existence. By the vital processes of its economy, the plant converts inorganic into organic matter; by the vital processes of its economy, the animal converts matter, already rendered organic, into its own proper substance. The plant is thus purveyor to the animal: but it is more than purveyor to it; for while it provides, it also prepares its food; it saves the animal one process, that of the transmutation of inorganic into organic matter. The ultimate end, or the final cause of the vital processes performed by the first class of living beings, is thus the elaboration of aliment for the second: the inferior life is spent in ministering, and the great object of its being is to minister to the existence of the superior.

At the point at which organization commences structure is so simple that there is no manifest distinction of organs. Several functions are performed apparently by one single organized substance. The lowest plants and the lowest animals are equally without any separate organs, as far as it is in our power to distinguish them, for carrying on the vital actions they perform. An organized tissue, apparently of an homogeneous nature, containing fluid matter, is all that can be made out by which the most simply-constructed plant carries on its single set, and by which the most simply-constructed animal carries on its double set, of actions. But this simplicity of structure exists only at the very commencement of the organized world. Every advancement in the scale of organization is indicated by the construction of organs manifestly separate for the performance of individual functions; and, invariably, the higher the being, the more complete is this separation of function from function, and, consequently, the greater the multiplication of organs, and the more elaborate and complex the structure;—and hence another distinction between the plant and the animal. The simplicity of the structure of the plant is in striking contrast to the complexity of the structure of the animal; and this difference is not arbitrary; it is a matter of absolute necessity, and the reason of this necessity it will be instructive to contemplate.

The plant, as has been shown, performs only one set of functions, the organic; while the animal performs two sets of functions, the organic and the animal. The animal, then, performs more functions than the plant, and functions of a higher order; it carries on its functions with a greater degree of energy; its functions have a more extended range, and all its functions bear a certain relation to each other, maintaining an harmonious action. The number, the superiority, the relation, the range, and the energy of the functions performed by the animal are, then, so many conditions, which render it absolutely indispensable that it should possess a greater complexity of structure than the plant.

1. To build up structure is to create, to arrange, and to connect organs. Organs are the instruments by which functions are performed, and without the instrument there can be no action. With as many more organs than the plant possesses the animal must, therefore, be provided, as are necessary to carry on the additional functions it performs. Organs, for its organic functions, it must have as well as the plant; but to these must be superadded organs of another class, for which the plant has no need, namely, organs for its animal functions. Two sets of organs must, therefore, be provided for the animal, while the plant requires but one.

2. Some functions performed by the animal are of a higher order than any performed by the plant, and the superior function requires a higher organization. The construction of an organ is complex as its action is elevated; the instrument is elaborately prepared in proportion to the nobleness of its office.

3. But this is not all; for the addition of a superior function requires not only the addition of an organ having a corresponding superiority of structure, but it requires, further, that a certain elevation of structure should be communicated to all the organs of all the inferior functions, on account of the relation which it is necessary to establish between function and function. Unless the organ of an inferior function be constructed with a perfection corresponding to that of the organ of a superior function, the inferior will be incapable of working in harmony with the superior. Take, for example, the inferior function of nutrition: nutrition is an organic function equally necessary to the plant and to the animal, and requiring in both organs for performing it; but this function cannot be performed in the animal by organs as simple as suffice for the plant. Nutrition, in the plant, is carried on in the following mode:—The root of the plant is divided, like the trunk, into numerous branches (fig. I. 1). These branches divide and subdivide into smaller and smaller branches, until at last they reach an extreme degree of minuteness (fig. I. 2 2). The smallest of these divisions, called, from their hair-like tenuity, capillary (fig. I. 2 2), are provided with a peculiar structure, which is endowed with a specific function. In most plants this peculiar structure is found at the terminal point of the rootlet (fig. I. 2 2); but in some plants the capillary branches of the rootlets are provided with distinct bodies (fig. II. 1 2), scarcely to be discerned when the root has been removed some time from the soil, and has become dry (fig. II. 2 2); but which, in a few minutes after the root has been plunged in water, provided the plant be still alive, become turgid with fluid, and, consequently, distinctly visible (fig. II. 1 1 1). These bodies, when they exist, or the terminal point of the rootlet when these bodies are absent, are termed spongeolæ, or spongeoles; and the structure and function of the organ, in both cases, are conceived to be precisely the same. In both the organ consists of a minute cellular structure. Fig. III. 1, shows this structure as it appears when the object is magnified. The office of this organ is to absorb the aliment of the plant from the soil; and so great is its absorbing power, that, as is proved by direct experiment, it absorbs the colouring molecules of liquids, though these molecules will not enter the ordinary pores, which are of much greater magnitude. With the spongeoles are connected vessels which pass through the substance of the stem or trunk to the leaf. Fig. III. 2, shows these tubes springing from the cellular structure of the spongeole, and passing up to the stem or trunk. Fig. IV. 2, exhibits a magnified view of the appearance of the mouths of these tubes on making an horizontal section of the spongeole. Fig. V. 1 1 1, exhibits a view of these tubes passing to the leaf. Figs. VI. and VII. 1 1 1 1, show these vessels spread out upon, and ramifying through, the leaf. The crude aliment, borne by these tubes to the leaf, is there converted into proper nutriment; and from the leaf, when duly elaborated, this proper nutriment is carried out by ducts to the various organs of the plant, in order to supply them with the aliment they need.

Now, for carrying on the process of nutrition in this mode, there must be organs to absorb the crude aliment, organs to convey the crude aliment to the laboratory, the leaf, in which it is converted into proper nutriment; and, finally, organs for carrying out this proper nutriment to the system. Complication of structure, to this extent, is indispensable; and, accordingly, with spongeolæ, with sap-vessels, with leaves, with distributive ducts, the plant is provided. Without all the parts of this apparatus it could not carry on its function: any further complication would be useless.

But, suppose a new and superior function to be added to the plant; suppose it to be endowed with the power of locomotion, what would be the consequence of communicating to it this higher power? That its former state of simplicity would no longer suffice for the inferior function. Why? because the exercise of the superior would interrupt the action of the inferior function. Nutrition by imbibition, and the exercise of locomotion, cannot go on simultaneously in the same being. The plant is fixed in the soil by its roots; and from this, its state of immobility, results this most important consequence, that its spongeolæ are always in contact with its food.

But we may imagine a plant not fixed to the soil; a plant so constituted as to be capable of moving from place to place; such a plant would not be always in contact with its food, and therefore, as it exercised its faculty of locomotion, it could not but interrupt or suspend its function of nutrition. In a being capable of carrying on these two functions simultaneously, the entire apparatus of the function of nutrition must then be modified. Instead of having spongeolæ fixed immovably in the earth, and spread out in a soil adapted to transmit to these organs nutrient matter in a state fitted for absorption, it must be provided with a reservoir for containing its food, in order that it may carry its aliment about with it in all its changes of place. And such is the modification uniformly found in all animals: an internal reservoir for containing its food is provided, perhaps, for every animal without exception. Even the simplest and minutest creatures with which the microscope has made us acquainted, the lowest tribes of the Infusoria (fig. VIII.), the sentient, self-moving cellules, placed at the very bottom of the animal scale, possess this modification of structure. For a long time it was conceived that these minute and simple creatures were without distinction of parts, that they had no separate organs for the reception and digestion of their food; that they absorbed their aliment through the porous tissue of which their body is composed; that thus, instead of having a separate stomach, their entire body is a stomach, and instead of having even as much as a separate organ for absorption, like the more perfect plant, the whole body might be considered as a single spongeole.

But, by a simple and beautiful experiment, a German physiologist has shown the incorrectness of this opinion, and has established the fact, that the distinction between the plant and the animal, here contended for, is found even at the very lowest point of the animal scale. Like other physiologists, conceiving that the difficulty of discovering the structure of the lower tribes of the animalculi might be owing to the transparency or the tissues of which they are composed, it struck Ehrenberg, that if he could feed them with coloured substances, he might obtain some insight into their organization. In his first endeavours to accomplish this object he failed, for he employed the pigments in ordinary use; but either the animals would not touch aliment thus adulterated, or those that did so were instantly killed. It then occurred to him, that these colours are adulterated with lead and other substances, in all probability noxious to the little subjects of his experiment. "What I require," said he, "is some vegetable or animal colouring matter perfectly pure." He then tried perfectly pure indigo and perfectly pure carmine. His success was now complete: in a minute or two, after mixing with their food pure vegetable colouring matter, he observed in the interior of the body of these creatures minute spots of a definite figure, and of the colour of the pigment employed (fig. VIII. 1 1 1 1). The form and magnitude of these spots were different in different tribes, but the same in the same individual, and even in the same species (fig. IX. 1 1, fig. X. 1 1). No other parts of the body were tinged with the colour, though the animals remained in the coloured fluid for days together. This was decisive. This physiologist had now obtained an instrument capable of revealing to him the interior organization of a class of beings, the structure of which had heretofore been wholly unknown. On applying it to the Monas Termo (fig. VIII.), the animated point, or cellule, which stands at the bottom of the animal scale, he discovered, in the posterior portion of its body, several coloured spots which constitute its stomachs (fig. VIII. 1 1 1 1). The different situations and different forms of the stomach in different tribes of these creatures, are represented by the coloured portions (fig. VIII. 1, fig. IX. 1, fig. X. 1), in which the currents of fluid flowing to their mouths are seen (fig. IX. 2, fig. X. 2). These experiments go far towards establishing the fact, that every animal, even the very lowest, has an external mouth and an internal stomach, and that it takes its food by an act of volition.

But if the proof of this must be admitted to be still imperfect with regard to the lowest tribes of animals, it is certain that, as we ascend in the scale of organization, the nutritive apparatus is uniformly arranged in this mode. Every animal of every class large enough to be distinctly visible, and the structure of which is not rendered inappreciable by the transparency of its solids and fluids, is manifestly provided with a distinct internal reservoir for containing its food. On the internal surface of this reservoir open the mouths of vessels, minute in size but countless in number, which absorb the food from the stomach.

Fig. XI. shows these vessels opening on the inner surface of the stomach, the white points representing their mouths, turgid with the food they have absorbed. Fig. XII. exhibits magnified views of the same vessels, the points representing their open mouths, and the lines the vessels themselves in continuation with their mouths. Fig. XIII. shows the appearance of the inner surface of the intestine soon after the animal has taken food; the smaller white lines (1 1 1 1) representing the absorbent vessels full of digested food, and the larger lines (2 2 2 2) the trunks of the absorbent vessels formed by the union of many of the smaller.

From this account, it is clear that the absorbing vessels of the stomach perform an office precisely analogous to that of the spongeoles of the root. What the soil is to the plant, the stomach is to the animal. The absorbing vessels diffused through the stomach, as long as the stomach contains food, are in exactly the same condition as the spongeoles of the root spread out in the soil; and the absorbing vessels of the stomach are as much and as constantly in contact with the aliment, which it is their office to take into the system, as the spongeoles of the root. Such, then, is the expedient adopted to render the function of nutrition compatible with the function of locomotion. A reservoir of food is placed in the interior of the animal, provided with absorbent vessels which are always in contact with the aliment. In this mode, contact with aliment is not disturbed by continual change of place; the organic process is not interrupted by the exercise of the animal function.

But the more elaborate organization which it is necessary to impart to the apparatus of the inferior function, in consequence of the communication of a superior faculty, is not completed simply by the addition of this new organ, the stomach. Other complications are indispensable; for if food be contained in an isolated organ, placed in the interior of the body, means must be provided for conveying the food into this organ; hence the necessity of an apparatus for deglutition. Moreover, the food having been conveyed to the stomach, and having undergone there the requisite changes, means must next be provided for conveying it from the stomach to the other parts of the body; hence the necessity of an apparatus for the circulation. But food, however elaborately prepared by the stomach, is incapable of nourishing the body, until it has been submitted to the action of atmospheric air; hence the necessity of an additional apparatus, either for conveying food to the air, or for transmitting air to the food, or for bringing both the food and the air into contact in the same organ. And, when structure after structure has been built up, in order to carry on this extended series of processes, the number of provisions required is not even yet complete; for of the most nutritious fond the whole mass is not nutritive; and even the whole of that portion of it which is actually applied to the purpose of nutrition, becomes, after a time, worn out, and must be removed from the system; hence the necessity of a further apparatus for excretion.

That nutrition and locomotion may go on together, it is clear, then, that there must be provided a distinct apparatus for containing food, a distinct apparatus for deglutition, a distinct apparatus for circulation, a distinct apparatus for respiration, a distinct apparatus for excretion, and so on; and that, in this manner, the communication of a single function of a superior order renders a modification not merely of one but of many inferior functions absolutely indispensable, in order to adjust the one to the other, and to enable them to act in harmony.

But the necessary complication of structure does not stop even here; for the communication of one function of a superior order imposes the necessity of communicating still another. Locomotion cannot be exercised without perception; sensation is indispensable to volition, and volition, of course, to voluntary motion. A being endowed with the power of moving from place to place, without possessing the power of perceiving external objects, must be speedily destroyed. The communication of sensation to a creature fixed immovably to a single spot, conscious of the approach of bodies, but incapable of avoiding their contact, would be not only useless but pernicious, since it would be to make a costly provision for the production of pain, and nothing else; but the communication of locomotion without sensation would be as unwisely defective, as the former would be perniciously expensive; since it would be to endow a being with a faculty, the exercise of which would be fatal to it for the want of a second faculty to guide the first. Nor could the possession of locomotion, without the further possession of sensation, be otherwise than fatal, for another reason. Consciousness is not necessary to nutrition as performed by the plant, but it is indispensable to nutrition as performed by the animal: for if the food of the animal be not always on the same spot with itself; if it be under the necessity of searching for it, and of conveying it, when found, into the interior of its body, it must, of course, possess the power of perceiving it when within its reach, and of apprehending and appropriating it by an act of volition, of none of which actions is it capable without the possession of sensation. Again, then, we see that, in order to secure harmonious action, function must be put in relation with function. In order to prevent jarring and mutually-destructive action, function must be superadded to function, and throughout the animal creation the complication of structure, which is necessary for the accomplishment of these ends, is given without parsimony, but without profusion: nothing is given which is not needed, nothing is withheld which is required.

4. As we ascend in the scale of organization, numerous functions being carried on, and numerous organs constructed for performing them, it is obvious that the range of each function must be proportionally extended; the range necessarily increasing with the multiplication of organ and function: and this is another cause of the unavoidable complication of structure. Slight consideration will suffice to show the necessary connexion between an extended range of action and complication of structure. Take, as an example, the organic function of respiration: respiration is the function by which air is brought into contact with food; it is the completion of digestion. The sole end of all the apparatus that belongs to this function is to bring the air and the food into a certain degree of proximity. Now, when all the substances that enter into the composition of the body of an animal are slight, delicate, and permeable to air (as in fig. XIV.), and when the body is always surrounded by air, air must at all times be in contact with the particular organ that contains the food, no less than with the general system to which the food is distributed. In this case, to construct a separate apparatus for containing air would be useless, because wherever food is, there air must be, since it constantly permeates every part of the body.

When, on the other hand, the tissues are so firm and dense as to be impermeable; when they are folded into bulky and complex organs, and when these organs are placed in situations to which the external air cannot reach, the construction of a separate apparatus for respiration is indispensable. The respiratory apparatus consists either of organs for carrying air to the food, or of organs for carrying food to the air. The one or the other is adopted, according to the nature of the body. If the size of the animal be small; if the tissues which form the solid portion of its body be delicate in texture; if, at the same time, the wants of its economy require that its food should be highly aërated (for there is the closest connexion between energy of function and perfect aëration of the food), an apparatus of sufficient magnitude to aërate the food in a high degree would occupy the entire bulk of the body. In such a case, it is easier to carry air to the food than food to the air; it is better to make the entire body a respiratory organ, than to construct a respiratory organ disproportioned to the magnitude of the body. Air-tubes diffused through every part of the body, and opening on its external surface, would obviously afford to every point of the system an easy access of air. By an expedient of this kind the system might be highly aërated, while the respiratory apparatus would occupy but a comparatively small space; the function might be performed on an extended scale, while there would be no necessity for encumbering a minute body with a bulky organ. And this is the mode in which respiration is carried on in large tribes of creatures, whose body is small in size and delicate in texture, and the functions of whose economy are performed with energy (fig. XV.).

The Achilles Butterfly of South America (Papilio Achilles), showing the tracheæ on the upper and under side of the wings.

But this contrivance will not do when the animal is of large magnitude; when its body is divided into numerous compartments; when these compartments extend far beneath the external surface; when important organs are placed in deeply-seated cavities; and when the substances that compose the organs are dense, hard, thick, and convoluted. To construct air-tubes of the requisite diameter and length, always open, always in a condition to permit the ingress and egress of an adequate current of air to and from the remotest nook and corner of a body such as this, would be difficult, if not impossible. At all events, it is easier, in such a case, to carry the food to the air, than the air to the food. But, for the accomplishment of this purpose, what is necessary? An organ for containing food; an organ for containing air; vessels to carry food to and from the receptacle of the aliment; vessels to carry air to and from the receptacle of the air; expedients to expose a stream of food to a current of air; and, finally, tubes to carry out to the system the product of this complicated operation. Accordingly, a reservoir of food and a reservoir of air; an apparatus by which both are conveyed to their respective receptacles; and an apparatus by which both are brought into contact sufficiently close to admit of their mutual action, are all combined in the lung of the animal, and in the mechanism by which its movements are effected. The object is accomplished, but the apparatus by which it is effected is as complex in structure as it is efficient in action; the result simple; the means by which the result is secured, highly complicated.

And if this be true of an inferior or organic function, it is still more strikingly true of a superior or animal function. The relation is still stricter between the complexity of the apparatus of sensation and the range of feeling, than between the complexity of the apparatus of respiration and the range of the respiratory process. The greater the number of the senses, the greater the number of the organs of sense; the more accurate and varied the impressions conveyed by each, the more complex the structure of the instrument by which they are communicated; the more extended the range of the intellectual operations, the larger the bulk of the brain, the greater the number of its distinct parts, and the more exquisite their organization. From the point of the animal scale, at which the brain first becomes distinctly visible, up to man, the basis of the organ is the same; but, as the range of its function extends, part after part is superadded, and the structure of each part becomes progressively more and more complex. The evidence of this, afforded by comparative anatomy, is irresistible, and the interest connected with the study of it can scarcely be exceeded.

5. In the last place, structure is complex in proportion to the energy of function. The greater the power with which voluntary motion is capable of being exerted, the higher the organization of the apparatus by which it is performed; the more compact and dense the shell, the cartilage, the bone, the firmer the fibre of the muscle, and, in general, the greater its comparative bulk. The wing of the eagle is as much more developed than the wing of the wren, as its flight is higher, and its speed swifter. The muscles which give to the tiger the rapidity and strength of its spring possess a more intense organization than those which slowly move on the tardigrade sloth. The structure of the brain of man is more exquisite than that of the fish, as his perceptions are more acute, and capable of greater combination, comprehension, and continuity.

Thus we see that the organization of the animal is more complex than that of the plant, not from an arbitrary disposition, but from absolute necessity. The few and simple functions performed by the plant require only the few and simple organs with which it is provided: the numerous and complicated functions performed by the animal require its numerous and complicated organs: the plant, simple as it is in structure, is destitute of no organ required by the nature of its economy; the animal, complex as it is in structure, is in possession of no organ which it could dispense with: from the one, nothing is withheld which is needed; to the other, nothing is given which is superfluous: in the one, there is economy without niggardliness; in the other, munificence without waste.

The Philosophy of Health (Vol. 1&2)

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