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The Young Swain and the Elves.


I was a handsome young swain,

And to the court should ride.

I rode out in the evening-hour;

In the rosy grove I to sleep me laid.

Since I her first saw.

I laid me under a lind so green,

My eyes they sunk in sleep;

There came two maidens going along,

They fain would with me speak.

Since I her first saw.

The one she tapped me on my cheek,

The other whispered in my ear:

"Stand up, handsome young swain,

If thou list of love to hear."

Since I her first saw.

They led then forth a maiden,

Whose hair like gold did shine:

"Stand up, handsome young swain,

If thou to joy incline."

Since I her first saw.

The third began a song to sing,

With good will she did so;

Thereat stood the rapid stream,

Which before was wont to flow.

Since I her first saw.

Thereat stood the rapid stream,

Which before was wont to flow;

And the hind all with her hair so brown,

Forgot whither she should go.

Since I her first saw.

I got me up from off the ground,

And leaned my sword upon;

The Elve-women danced in and out,

All had they the Elve fashión.

Since I her first saw.

Had not fortune been to me so good,

That the cock his wings clapped then,

I had slept within the hill that night,

All with the Elve-womén.

Since I her first saw.139

The Mythology of Fairies

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