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Table of Contents


Book I. On The Eve Of The Reformation. Chapter I. The Papacy.1

§ 1. Claim to Universal Supremacy.

§ 2. The Temporal Supremacy.

§ 3. The Spiritual Supremacy.

Chapter II. The Political Situation.15

§ 1. The small extent of Christendom.

§ 2. Consolidation.

§ 3. England.

§ 4. France.

§ 5. Spain.

§ 6. Germany and Italy.

§ 7. Italy.

§ 8. Germany.

Chapter III. The Renaissance.16

§ 1. The Transition from the Mediæval to the Modern World.

§ 2. The Revival of Literature and Art.

§ 3. Its earlier relation to Christianity.

§ 4. The Brethren of the Common Lot.

§ 5. German Universities, Schools, and Scholarship.

§ 6. The earlier German Humanists.

§ 7. The Humanist Circles in the Cities.

§ 8. Humanism in the Universities.

§ 9. Reuchlin.

§ 10. The “Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum.”

§ 11. Ulrich von Hutten.

Chapter IV. Social Conditions.47

§ 1. Towns and Trade.

§ 2. Geographical Discoveries and the beginning of a World Trade.

§ 3. Increase in Wealth and luxurious Living.

§ 4. The Condition of the Peasantry.

§ 5. Earlier Social Revolts.

§ 6. The religious Socialism of Hans Böhm.

§ 7. Bundschuh Revolts.

§ 8. The Causes of the continuous Revolts.

Chapter V. Family And Popular Religious Life in the Decades Before the Reformation.67

§ 1. Devotion of Germany to the Roman Church.

§ 2. Preaching.

§ 3. Church Festivals.

§ 4. The Family Religious Life.

§ 5. A superstitious Religion based on Fear.

§ 6. A non-Ecclesiastical Religion.

§ 7. The “Brethren.”

Chapter VI. Humanism And Reformation.105

§ 1. Savonarola.

§ 2. John Colet.

§ 3. Erasmus.

Book II. The Reformation. Chapter I. Luther to the Beginning of the Controversy About Indulgences.130

§ 1. Why Luther was successful as the Leader in a Reformation.

§ 2. Luther's Youth and Education.

§ 3. Luther in the Erfurt Convent.

§ 4. Luther's early Life in Wittenberg.

§ 5. Luther's early Lectures in Theology.

§ 6. The Indulgence-seller.

Chapter II. From The Beginning of the Indulgence Controversy to the Diet of Worms.152

§ 1. The Theory and Practice of Indulgences in the Sixteenth Century.

§ 2. Luther's Theses.162

§ 3. The Leipzig Disputation.167

§ 4. The Three Treatises.171

§ 5. The Papal Bull.

§ 6. Luther the Representative of Germany.

Chapter III. The Diet Of Worms.176

§ 1. The Roman Nuncio Aleander.

§ 2. The Emperor Charles v.

§ 3. In the City of Worms.

§ 4. Luther in Worms.

§ 5. Luther's first Appearance before the Diet of Worms.222

§ 6. Luther's Second Appearance before the Diet.

§ 7. The Conferences.

§ 8. The Ban.

§ 9. Popular Literature.

§ 10. The Spread of Luther's Teaching.

§ 11. Andrew Bodenstein of Carlstadt.309

§ 12. Luther back in Wittenberg.

Chapter IV. From The Diet of Worms to the Close Of the Peasants' War.

§ 1. The continued spread of Lutheran Teaching.

§ 2. The beginnings of Division in Germany.

§ 3. The Peasants' War.319

§ 4. The Twelve Articles.

§ 5. The Suppression of the Revolt.

§ 6. Luther and the Peasants' War.

§ 7. Germany divided into two separate Camps.

Chapter V. From The Diet Of Speyer, 1526, To The Religious Peace Of Augsburg, 1555.

§ 1. The Diet of Speyer, 1526.326

§ 2. The Protest.329

§ 3. Luther and Zwingli.

§ 4. The Marburg Colloquy.331

§ 5. The Emperor in Germany.

§ 6. The Diet of Augsburg 1530.337

§ 7. The Augsburg Confession.342

§ 8. The Reformation to be crushed.

§ 9. The Schmalkald League.353

§ 10. The Bigamy of Philip of Hesse.357

§ 11. Maurice of Saxony.

§ 12. Luther's Death.

§ 13. The Religious War.364

§ 14. The Augsburg Interim.365

§ 15. Religious Peace of Augsburg.368

Chapter VI. The Organisation Of Lutheran Churches.372

Chapter VII. The Lutheran Reformation Outside Germany.385

Chapter VIII. The Religious Principles Inspiring The Reformation.386

§ 1. The Reformation did not take its rise from a Criticism of Doctrines.

§ 2. The universal Priesthood of Believers.

§ 3. Justification by Faith.

§ 4. Holy Scripture.

§ 5. The Person of Christ.

§ 6. The Church.


History of the Reformation

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