Читать книгу The Rheology Handbook - Thomas Mezger - Страница 264 Continuous retardation time spectrum


The continuous retardation time spectrum H(Λ) is produced from an “infinite” number of individual values i = 1 to k (and k → ∞). H is called the amount or intensity, and H(Λ) is referred to as the distribution function of the retardation times Λ. The sum of the continuous spectrum is usually presented in the form of an integral. The corresponding integral equations are calculated using special analysis programs.

Usually, H(Λ) is presented with H on the y-axis and Λ on the x-axis. The data points of H(Λ) at low or high Λ-values are indicating the number of molecules (or other components) with short or long retardation times, respectively. For information on the relaxation time spectrum H(λ), including a diagram, see Chapter and Figure 7.10; most of the information given there applies also to H(Λ), either directly or in an adapted form.

The Rheology Handbook

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