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Machine-gun versus Rifle.

This illustrates the rapidity and accuracy with which the modern rifle can be used. Sergeant O'Leary, V.C., tackled a gun crew of five and killed them all before they had time to slew their gun round—a striking contrast to the "Brown Bess" of a hundred years ago.

Another well-known explosive is gun-cotton. Surely this must be a fancy name, for what can harmless, simple cotton have to do in connection with guns. It is a perfectly genuine descriptive name, however. It seems very strange at first, but it is perfectly true that nitrogen, as it turned glycerine into dynamite, can also turn cotton into gun-cotton. Cotton consists mainly of cellulose, a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, happily combined together and therefore showing, as we well know from experience, no tendency whatever to change into anything else, least of all to "go off bang." But that state of things is very much changed when we have induced nitrogen to take a hand in the game.

In actual practice, cotton waste, pure and clean, is dipped into a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids whereby the cellulose becomes changed into nitro-cellulose, just as a similar process changes glycerine into nitro-glycerine. The whole process of manufacture is of course far more than that simple dipping, but that is the fundamental fact of it all. The rest is concerned with getting rid of the superfluous acid, tearing the stuff into pulp and pressing it into blocks. It is probably the safest of explosives, since it can be kept wet, in which case the danger of an accidental explosion is practically nil, provided reasonable care be taken. Even when dry, it behaves in a very kindly way. If hit with a hammer, it only burns for a moment just at the point struck. If ignited with a red-hot rod, it burns but does not explode, unless it is enclosed. The burning, that is to say, is not sufficiently rapid to constitute an explosion.

On the other hand, if it be exploded by a detonator, by which is meant a small quantity of a very powerful explosive, such as fulminate of mercury, fired close to it, it then goes off with a violence which leaves little to be desired.

It would be better still could we persuade a little more oxygen to enter into its composition, for as it is there is not quite enough to burn up the other matters completely. That, however, does not cause smoke, since the combustion is complete enough to change everything into invisible gases. With more oxygen more heat might be generated and the power of the explosion be made greater. Still, even as it is, the explosion of gun-cotton has been estimated by a high authority to produce a pressure of 160 tons per square inch, four times as much as gunpowder. Nitro-glycerine has the advantage of a rather larger proportion of oxygen to carbon, resulting in its being rather more energetic.

Yet another class of explosive is made from Coal Tar. This is a by-product in the manufacture of gas for lighting and also in the manufacture of coke for industrial purposes. It comes from the retorts along with the gas in a gaseous form but condenses into a black liquid in the pipes and more particularly in an arrangement of cooled pipes called a condenser specially placed to intercept it.

In the chemist's eyes it is the most interesting of liquids, for it is full of mysteries and possibilities. The most wonderful achievements of chemistry have it for their raw material and there is still scope for much more in the same direction.

If the tar be gently heated in a closed vessel it will evaporate and the vapour can be led to another vessel, there cooled and converted back into a liquid. This looks rather like doing work for nothing, but the various liquids, of which tar is a mixture, evaporate at different temperatures, so that this furnishes a means of separating them. The first liquid thus procured is known as coal tar naphtha, and if it be again distilled it can be subdivided further, the first liquid separated from it being known as Benzine. This, again, is another of those almost numberless things which consist of carbon and hydrogen. Also, like the other similar substances which we have been discussing, it can, if treated with nitric acid, be made to take into partnership a quantity of oxygen and nitrogen.

Thus we get nitro-benzene. We can repeat the process, when it will take more and become di-nitro-benzene. Again we can repeat it, thus producing tri-nitro-benzene.

The second liquid separated from coal tar naphtha is called Toluene, which again is composed of carbon and hydrogen in slightly different proportions. Like its confrère benzene it, too, can be treated with nitric acid, becoming nitro-toluene and then di-nitro-toluene and finally tri-nitro-toluene, the deadly explosive of which we read in the papers as T.N.T.

After the naphtha has been removed from the tar another substance is obtained called Phenol, which in a prepared form is familiar to us all as the disinfectant Carbolic Acid. It also can be treated with nitric acid, to produce tri-nitro-phenol, otherwise known as Picric Acid, which after a little further treatment becomes the famous "Lyddite."

Most of the actual explosives used in warfare are prepared from one or more of the above-mentioned compounds. For example, nitro-glycerine and gun-cotton, having been dissolved in acetone (another compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) and a little vaseline added, form a soft gelatinous substance which on being squeezed through a fine hole comes out looking like a cord or string, and hence is called Cordite.

Other explosives are finished in the form of sheets, the dissolved gun-cotton or whatever it may be being rolled between hot rollers which give it the convenient form of sheets and at the same time evaporate the solvent.

By combining these various substances various characteristics can be given to the finished explosive. For instance, the one which drives the shell from the gun, known as the propellant, must not be too sudden in its action. It must push steadily. Its purpose is to drive the shell not to burst the gun, wherefore its action must be comparatively slow and continuous so long as the shell is still in the gun. It must "follow through" as the golf player would put it.

The charge in the shell, however, needs to go off with the greatest possible violence so as to blow the shell to pieces and to scatter the fragments so that they do the maximum of damage.

Those explosives, whose function is thus to burst with a sudden shock, are called High Explosives, as distinguished from the propellants which produce a more or less sustained push.

The great fundamental principle which enables large quantities of these powerfully explosive substances to be handled with comparative safety involves the use of two different substances in combination. That which is used in quantity and which actually does the work is made comparatively insensitive, indeed in some cases it is very insensitive, so that it can safely travel by train, by ship and by road and also may be handled by the soldiers and sailors with very little risk. Some of these compounds can be struck or set on fire with impunity. They are none the less violent, however, when, by the agency of a suitable detonator they are caused to explode.

The detonator, of course, has to be very sensitive indeed, but it need only be used in very small quantities, so that by itself it, too, is comparatively safe. Fulminate of mercury is often employed for this purpose—a compound based upon mercury but in which nitrogen of course figures largely.

Thus, there are two things necessary for the successful explosion, one of which is powerful but insensitive, while the other is highly sensitive but relatively harmless since it is never allowed to exist in large quantities, and as far as possible these are kept apart until the last moment.

One other thing may be mentioned in regard to this matter which is of the greatest importance. That is the necessity for the utmost uniformity in these various compounds, so that when the gunners put a charge into a gun they can rely upon it to throw the shell exactly as its predecessor did. Modern artillery seeks to throw shell after shell within a small area which would clearly be quite impossible if one charge were liable to be stronger or weaker than another, for we can easily see that the more powerful the impetus given the farther will the shell go.

To secure this uniformity the greatest care is taken at all stages of the manufacture, and various batches of the same stuff are tested and mixed, and any of them turning out a little too strong are placed with some a little too weak, so that their faults may neutralize each other. By such methods as these a remarkable degree of uniformity is attained, the result of which we see when we read in the papers of the wonderfully accurate gunnery of which our soldiers and sailors are capable.

In conclusion, a word of warning may be appropriate. Reference has been made above to the safety of modern explosives in the absence of the detonators, but do not let that lead anyone to take liberties. Should any reader come into possession of any of these materials, even in the smallest quantities, let him treat it with the utmost respect, for although what has been said about safety is quite correct, it only means comparative safety, there can be no absolute safety where these substances are concerned.

The Romance of War Inventions

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