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This book is dedicated to all of the drug addicts in the world. Whether you are actively using, are in early recovering, have been sober for 15+ years, this is for you. Our collective struggle is one that I will never be able to ignore. It is the hardest thing I have ever been through. It takes true strength, courage, and spirit to move on from the world of drugs/dealing. Wherever you are at now, know that coming back to the light of reality is possible. You have it in you. You are so unbelievably worthy of love, even in the moments you may not believe it.

This collection may be incredibly triggering, I am warning you now, but I hope by the end of it you find a bit of peace. At the very least, I hope you know that you are seen and heard: that your story matters. Your life is worth living, I wish you the best on your journey of rediscovering that. Please, find your light, find what makes you feel alive, and then fight for it every single day. It will be worthwhile, I know that to be true.

Where We Came From

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