Читать книгу The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston - Tim Ferguson - Страница 8



In the Beginning

In the beginning there was God . . . so reads Genesis chapter one.

In the beginning there was a singularity. So states the theory of cosmology, the study of the origin of the universe. This singularity was infinitely small, made up of the most elemental of atomic particles. These particles were in constant motion and their location could not be identified. In a sense they were nowhere and yet everywhere.

About fourteen billion years ago a gravity-defying force appeared and the singularity exploded in what is known as the Big Bang. The universe expanded to about the size of a grapefruit then split into several identical universes. Just as human twins grow up genetically identical, yet different as they mature, so did these universes. For our story we simply consider two: our universe and the universe of a young man named Mattpaul.

Mattpaul’s world evolved simultaneously as the world of Earth evolved. In some ways we on Earth are more advanced. In other ways Mattpaul’s world is. One thing is clear. Mattpaul’s world of Caperston has been the more orderly world until recently when new emerging ideas began to challenge age-old traditions.

It is important to understand that Mattpaul’s planet is much smaller than Earth and revolves around a smaller star. It is closer to that star and makes many more revolutions over a given period in time than Earth does. For example, during one earth year, Mattpaul’s planet makes 50 revolutions. Thus, twenty- five Earth years would equal 1,250 revolutions around Mattpaul’s star. With such high numbers of “years” passing, Mattpaul’s world measures time by the generations that pass not by the actual years.

One last introductory fact must be mentioned. Contact from Mattpaul is due to their development of Strings technology, a recent innovation in his world of Caperston. In Appendix One the science behind Mattpaul’s ability to communicate is discussed.

In Appendix Two there are three approaches youth leaders can adopt if they choose to use the book as a study guide. Appendix Two also contains twelve lessons that can be used in discussing the story. It is recommended that youth leaders review these lessons prior to having youth read the story.

For now, let us begin our journey to Caperston through the eyes of a faraway friend from a different universe. Let’s hear Mattpaul tell his story.

The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston

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