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Many people have made this book and the work on which it is based possible. Psychology is itself a form of disciplined storytelling, a reflection on human experience that, in the end, comes to us one unique story at a time. First to thank then are my students and clients from whom I have learned so much. Some of their stories appear in the pages that follow, but each has trusted me to share and participate in his or her unique experience at a time of career or life impasse.

At the Harvard Business School, I have received generous support and encouragement for my work from Steve Nelson, Executive Director of the MBA Program, and from two MBA program faculty chairpersons, Carl Kester and Rick Ruback. These individuals, along with deans Kim Clark and Jay Light, have been generous in their support of the MBA coaching program and of my research efforts. The staff of MBA Career Services have been great colleagues and fellow coaches from whom I have learned much. Their management talent and dedication has allowed my research and writing work to continue amid the busy demands of an office that offers thousands of coaching sessions every year. In particular, I would like to acknowledge Jana Kierstead, Lauren Murphy, Betsy Strickland, Mat Merrick, and Stacey Kessel.

Jim Waldroop and Dave LeLacheur have been great partners, colleagues, and friends over the years that we have built the Career- Leader program. I am excited about the work that lies ahead of us.

From Beijing, Chicago, and Singapore, to Barcelona, Cambridge, and Lausanne, and from many other cities around the world, over a thousand counselors, professors, and career services professionals have sponsored or participated in the workshops on counseling and self-assessment that my colleagues and I have taught. I thank them all for their enthusiasm, ideas, friendship, and dedication to their students.

I want to thank Kris Dahl, my agent at ICM, for taking on this, our third project together.

A special thanks goes to Melinda Merino at Harvard Business School Press, who championed this project from the beginning and saw it through its many phases. Julia Ely has worked diligently during the production process. Rick Ruback, Linda Butler, Laura Nash, Fran Davis, Pam Lassiter, Jim Waldroop, and an anonymous reviewer read early drafts and provided valuable suggestions and encouragement. Connie Hale’s editorial contributions have been truly extraordinary. Her enthusiasm, talent, and persistence have made this a much more accessible (and much shorter) book. Andrea Truax’s careful and quick typing saved the day when deadlines loomed, and Pam Goett provided thoughtful and detailed copy editing. Jennifer Waring skillfully guided this project through the production process.

As always, I am full of gratitude for my wife Linda’s patience, insight, and unwavering support.

Getting Unstuck

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