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“How could you leave all this?”

Emma wiped her face again. Despite her disheveled appearance, there was a wide grin on her face.

“I know you don’t understand, but it wasn’t easy. Toughest decision of my life.”

Their gazes connected and Zach swallowed hard.

“Then why did you?” she asked softly. “We’d been friends since I was seven years old, and suddenly you left without a backward glance.”

He kept his mouth shut, unwilling to open that particular can of worms here and now.

“I guess there’s no point asking why you’ve stayed away for three years, either,” she continued.

When another heifer released a loud, mournful wail, Zach turned his horse around. “Saved by the heifer.”

“You can run…” Emma murmured. “But it seems to me that you and I have a lot to talk about.”

Yeah, she was right; eventually he and Emma were going to have to talk.

Why was it that although he’d never given a second thought to heading into danger as a navy SEAL, the thought of going toe-to-toe with his brother’s widow terrified him?

Christmas With The Cowboy

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