Читать книгу Christmas With The Cowboy - Tina Radcliffe - Страница 9


Dear Reader,

I’m so delighted to return to Big Heart Ranch in Timber, Oklahoma. What a treat it was to weave a story of faith and love at the most wondrous time of the year, Christmas. A time when we celebrate the birth of our Lord.

This third installment introduces you to the third and youngest Maxwell, Emma Maxwell Norman. Along with her siblings, Lucy and Travis, Emma manages Big Heart Ranch for orphaned, abused and neglected children, where unconditional love and the good Lord reign. Widowed Emma carries the additional challenge of being a single mother to twin daughters.

A former navy SEAL with a troubled past, Zach Norman returns to Timber and lands right in Emma’s path. He’s the only man who can possibly win the heart of the fiercely independent whirlwind of a cowgirl. Zach and Emma must learn to trust and set aside their fears in order to find their happy ending. And isn’t that the way it always works? We must let go of the past to grab the future the Lord has for us.

I hope you enjoy this romantic and inspirational holiday tale. Do drop me a note and let me know your thoughts. I can be reached through my website, www.tinaradcliffe.com, where you can also find Emma’s chocolate muffin recipe.


Tina Radcliffe

Christmas With The Cowboy

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