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Bocas del Toro
ОглавлениеBocas del Toro, or “mouth of the bull,” has a funky and laid-back, almost bohemian feel to it. Lying in the extreme northwest corner of Panama, this place is for water and nature lovers. If you are looking for upscale, cosmopolitan living, “Bocas” is not for you. If the lyrics to Jimmy Buffett’s “Margaritaville” put you in the proper frame of mind, then you may have found your ideal place to settle. Bocas is a collection of nine islands and more than 200 keys sprinkled about
25 miles off the coast near the Costa Rican border. Christopher Columbus named the archipelago, which today counts 10,000 residents.
A short description of Boca’s natural environment includes luxurious rain forests, sunny islands, beaches that rival the best in all of the Caribbean with coral reefs and crystal water, mangrove islets in what appears to be lakes, Indian villages and government-protected lands dedicated to preserving nature, including the huge Bastimentos National Marine Park. It all makes up an incredible, natural archipelago tucked away in the corner of Panama. If you were disappointed in the Pacific coast, then Bocas will make up for your disappointment. To really know Bocas, you must take a boat tour (in fact, the roads to Bocas Town are only connected to the mainland by a ferry at the town of Almirante). It is a stunning archipelago with small homes, bars and restaurants only accessible by water and beautiful nature scenes—don’t be surprised when dolphins follow your boat and jump in the wake you leave behind. The water is crystal clear, and the area remains unspoiled despite its status as a development hotspot.
Bocas Town, the main village of fewer than 5,000 people, is the hub of activity. It is a laid-back town that is densely packed, with many curious streets and some stray chickens vying for the road with the relatively few vehicles. Businesses, homes and other establishments made out of wood and tin sit on stilts over the calm waters alongside thatched huts. The town is surrounded on nearly all sides by water, thus earning its nickname the “Venice of the Caribbean.” For a small town off the beaten path, it has a lively restaurant and entertainment scene with Lebanese, Mexican and Thai restaurants. A mixture of European and U.S. tourists gives it a true international appeal. English is widely spoken and understood. While Bocas is off the beaten path, you’ll be surprised that cell phones and email work just fine, thanks to Panama’s excellent telecommunications infrastructure. You are only a 50-minute flight to Panama City and Costa Rica is 20 miles away. Bocas has many paved streets, treated water and sewer systems, electricity, telephones, cable TV, a hospital and ambulance service and a fire department. As is the case in all of Panama, there are no hurricanes in Bocas, giving it a big leg up on other destinations in the Caribbean. All signs point to Bocas being a boom place, but things don’t happen overnight in Central America. Investors need to always keep this in mind.
Bocas del Toro is an ideal place to build the single-family home of your dreams where waterfront properties are plentiful and affordable. Several large-scale developments are under construction, such as Red Frog Beach Club, which will have single-family homes and condos spaced over several dozen acres. Special consideration of the environment has been taken, and it will feel like a luxurious Jurassic Park when completed. As is the case in all of Panama, title insurance is a must. There have been several publicized incidents of problem claims in the area, but research and due diligence usually take care of most problems. Unlike David and Chiriqui, there are no plans for an international airport. So the tranquil, remote area should remain popular for years to come.