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Under dinner table (for cosyness, hmmm)

Dear Mum and Dad,

About The Case of the Ants’ Lost Football Boots, I forgot to finish off, sorry. The solving part was, we got out our magnifying glasses and had a good look round the heap where the ants live, going stare stare.

Anycase, quite soonly, we found many a small track. We followed these, crawlingly, to a rotted log. And guess what we found hiding under the bark? A centipede wearing 72 football boots! Stubbs can speak Insect so he said, “Ark Squark Crark?” ect. meaning arkscuse me, small crook, are you warking for Mister Twister the Farks? Or are you warking alone as a stealer? Also have you seen the ghost of Bigbad Wolf in a whisky bottle by any small chance?

The centipede said (insect voice), “It is a fair cop, misters. But I have not seen a big bad ghost and no I do not work for Mister Twister. Also, I am not a crook really. I just wanted to do loud riverdancing and get faymuss. By the way I taste horrible, hint hint.”

Then he tried to do a fast getaway but no, he tripped over his laces and got captured har har. So well done us.

Yours Xplainingly


PS He Xcaped Soonly, boo Shame. Must get smaller handcuffs.

Up the troutpool, the chilly bit

Dear Mum and Dad,

We had a good wet hunt for Mister Twister and Uncle Bigbad’s ghost today, so I bet you are going pat pat well done our cub. Yeller’s Big Ideer was to swim down and look at Lake Lemming’s bottom. Because you never know, Mister Twister is crafty enuff to hide down there. We saw some nice bubbles, also Normus caught a nice fishy tea (yum yum tasty). But no crooks or ghosts in whisky bottles, boo shame.

The ants’ football team came over today saying we can be best friends and they will give us a kick-about any time. Good, eh? Also, today we got a hansum reward because we found a lost froghopper in the long grass and took him back to his mum. She was so happy, she gave us some cuckoo spit. So now we have got some nice froth to go on cups of hot choclit, yum yum tasty!

Yours yawnly,

Laaah Waaaah Zzzzzz

Little Wolf, Forest Detective

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