Читать книгу Little Wolf, Forest Detective - Ian Whybrow, Tony Ross - Страница 8


Dear Mamong et parp-parp (french),

No we have not found Mister Twister yet. Yes, I do remember he has shamed the name of Wolf by being a kidnapper and ghostnapping Uncle Bigbad in his whisky bottle. But do not fret and frown, we will solve this case soonly, easy cheesy. (Probly.) But just now we are a bit busy doing Tips for Tecs to help us. Do you like them?


practise magnifying, pawprinting, handcuffing, sharpening (pencils) and shortpaw writing

Use your brute instinct

Use your keen beastly senses, such as eyes, ears, nose, also having a good lick

Find clues

Write about them in your notebook quick but no smudjis

Have a good think

Do plans for fast getaways

Then you will be Mister ACE Forest Detective and case solver, arrroooo!

Good, eh?

Yours cheefly,

L Wolf (son)

Little Wolf, Forest Detective

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