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The ferry left the port of Rabat, an inconspicuous woman in a black veil, merged with other women; it was possible to think that someone was transporting a harem to another country. This entire not a significant time on the way, the Wine sat motionless, and waited for further instructions from the ferryman. The wine arrived in Spain much earlier than Sultana did. The style, climate and beauty of Spain merged with the beauty of this girl. This country and the new appearance of Guilt were literally made for each other. Green eyes, lush hips, proud posture. All this went to Wine, especially in such a temperamental country. All this beauty was covered with a veil, only eyes bright as fire gave out the beauty of beautiful forms covered with a veil. Vina strictly followed the instructions of the person accompanying her, and did not say a word during the entire journey. As soon as she got her hands on a new mobile phone with her husband’s only number, she was escorted to the ward and the door slammed in front of her.

There were many questions in Vina’s head that no one could answer, not even herself. Why did she leave her husband’s house so suddenly? Why Spain? Why is she isolated from the world? Not knowing the language made itself felt. The only foreign language that the girl knew perfectly well was English. Having English roots in the family, Vina’s parents made every effort to teach the girl this language. Vina and her late sister went to extra classes; knowledge of this language provided a strong shoulder in such an adventurous lifestyle of the girl. Having no connection to the outside world just made Guilt feel helpless.

Sultana arrived on the third day, after the arrival of Vina. This girl felt much more self-confident. Sultana was always ready for battle, and her majestic gait emphasized this. A beautifully tied handkerchief, bright makeup, a statuesque figure, all spoke of the boiling life of this girl. A beautiful smile literally made even the most cheerful people smile in response. – Donna Sultana! Welcome! We have been waiting for you! Hearing this appeal, the Sultan literally shuddered. Not used to such words, she just froze, trying to figure out if it was addressed to her. Smiling back, Sultana looked at her husband.

– Don Amir. Barely restraining her laughter, Sultana took his hand. – Where did you take me!

– I will explain everything later.

– Maybe now. Amir gave the package of documents to the administrator.

– The further away you are from home, the better.

– Better for whom?

– For you first. It is useful with pleasant.

– I do not see anything pleasant.

– I know. The registration time took about half an hour. —You will be safe here. Sultana tried to find the answer in her husband’s eyes. – I cannot tell you anything. Just know that the Guilt has escaped, and I need to find answers too many questions. Understand what she wants.

– Escaped? Such fear appeared in Sultana’s eyes. It seemed that she saw a snake crawling on her.

– Don’t be afraid, I am with you. Your safety is guaranteed to you.

– No. I am not staying here without you. And Sultana’s hand clung to Amir’s hand like that, bloody scratches appeared on the skin.

– Here. It will be difficult to find you in Spain.

– And in which country will you hide me then? This question took Amir by surprise. – It will not be difficult for them to calculate my flight. Remember what happened last time. They stole me from clinics where I was not registered. Amir trying to calm his wife by taking her aside.

– I know. You are safe for now. My friends from Laos work in this clinic. It will be easier for me to keep you safe here than in Bangkok. Sultana’s fingers slowly unclenched Amir’s hand, and she sat down on the leather sofa in a detached manner.

– Okay. Maybe you are right.

– Honey, believe me. This monster woman no longer has the same connections as before and even more so as her husband. Especially here in Spain. She has already failed, and she will fail a second time. Sultana had to agree, but feeling fear, reluctantly went to her room.

Amir felt an incomprehensible sense of guilt in front of his wife. Leaving the Sultan alone in this country, he understood that this was the best option to prevent a threat to her life. Yet his premonition said otherwise.

Left alone, a feeling of alienation came over Sultana. It seemed to her that she had been betrayed, abandoned, handed over to an orphanage. Of course, all this was not so, but the feeling of resentment outweighed the girl’s overwhelming emotions, and sitting on the windowsill, she stared out the window. – What a beautiful girl. Is she also being treated for infertility? Sultana saw the Wine walking around the territory.

Vina skillfully hid her hair under a headscarf, but her bright eyes and deathly pale skin were so fresh and so beautiful that they made many men look around. Of course, Sultana did not recognize in this girl the culprit of her troubles. But something attracted her, and Sultana decided to meet this beautiful stranger. Hastily tying her handkerchief, the girl wanted to run out of the ward. – Where are you going? The voice sounded so strict that Sultana decided that she was under arrest.

– Take a walk in the garden. A radiant smile shone on the girl’s face.

– You are not allowed to leave your room now. The doctor has not examined you yet. Donna Sultana – wait for an invitation. Slamming the door, Sultana poured out a sea of curses at the staff.

– They only know how to smile at my husband. Donna Sultana! Donna Sultana! Sultana returned to the windowsill, quickly looking for a beautiful girl with her hair hidden under a scarf.

The return was sad. Amir did not know where to start. To whom to run for help. He wanted to settle this matter as soon as possible. —Where can I find her?” What this woman wants. After calling Igor, Amir found out that the “Oriental Fairy Tale” is still working. The manager said. – If the manager is Said, then the Fault is somewhere nearby. Guilt and Said are not separable.

Said, in turn, decided to talk directly with Vina. If Vina does not want to negotiate further, he will persuade Ajo to join his father’s business. And if his efforts fail, he decided to force Vina to run her late husband’s business. During this not a lot of time, the Guilt of being married to Adjo, Said managed to gather a whole army of people loyal to him and her. Acting on her behalf, people happily agreed to dirty work. The distraught Guntur, being in a Moscow psychiatric clinic, was looking forward to his liberation. Said made an effort, and the faithful dog in love could not leave the walls of this clinic alive, because Said saw him as a threat to his safety. Everything was ready for work, carjackings had already begun somewhere, and there was talk in Indonesia about opening a guesthouse that was out of work for a short period. – How is this possible? After all, the host is dead. Or not?

Once revived by Guilt, the business could not exist without the help of Said. Now this business has died down with the disappearance of Guilt. Said was unable to lead what Vina was able to resurrect. This fragile girl was able to become the head and lead away the volunteers.

– The body has not been found yet. Get ready for the opening. The workers just threw up their hands.

– “Who’s the boss now?”

– What is it to you? Work and that is it.

– “You’re wrong about that. Knowing Said, its better not to get involved in this case. Said and Arthur are one. His wife, yes, she is something else entirely. She’s a real queen.

– Then you had better be quiet. And don’t collect troubles on your head. If you know Said. Or get out of here.

– I will wait for news from the host. Many of the so-called “fans” of Guilt did not believe that she was alive. Someone thought she died in prison. Someone that she died while escaping. Only a few people were looking forward to her appearance.

Ajo was looking forward to Saeed’s appearance. Said did not take long to wait. Arriving one day, he went straight to the house of the Ajo family. – As-salam “alaikum.

– Alaikum assalam. Said’s shifty gaze searched for Guilt. And when he didn’t find it, he stopped questioningly at Adjo.

– Where is she?

– This is my wife. Why do you need it? Ajo’s hostile attitude forced Said to change tact.

– I am just worried about her emotional shock. You understand her past.

– The past is in the past. Just like my father and his business. You know. Adele is my wife. You are a Muslim. How can you come here and be interested in my wife’s emotional state?

– So you do not want to see me anymore. Ajo realized that he had driven himself into a dead end. Realizing that Said had invested too much Guilt in the escape, he was simply in debt to this criminalist.

– “I mean, you’ve done too much for my family. Thank you very much. My wife is the mother of my future children. Her emotional state needs peace. So I sent her to my relatives. Let him change the situation.

– That is how. Well, then. Seeing that Adjo did not even offer coffee, Said felt like an enemy of the family in this house. – Ajo, what do you plan to do in the future?

– What do you want to offer me?

– I want to invite you to a business dinner at a restaurant. Ajo, wanting to cut off Said finally, unexpectedly accepted the invitation.

Dinner was held in one of the best restaurants in Rabat. Said was literally trying to buy this guy. By choosing the best restaurant in the city. By ordering the best food. I tried to give money for a living. – Adjo. You are the son of my childhood best friend.

– “I know that. Said patiently waited for this guy to moderate his ardor.

– Your friendship with your father is very dear to me.

– By my late father.

– “I can’t help your father anymore. But I want to help you, your wife and your mother.

– At the moment I am in charge of your late father’s affairs.

– As far as I know, everything went to pieces after his death.

– Yes, but your current wife managed to resurrect everything.

– Why did she do all this?

– “She loved your father very much.

– This is not an excuse to sell live goods and weapons. Is there something else?

– Yes. Guilt choked her. She could not find a place for herself. She killed your father, and with him his business.

– That is, how did she kill him? Said, realizing that he is lighting a fire, and thereby ruining the family, tells Adjo about the real death of his father. Adjo, not believing Said’s words, gets up and leaves the table. Said was satisfied with his work, and patiently waited for the next meeting with Adjo. – Mom, tell me, did you know?

– About what?

– “About what she killed?”

– Who killed whom?

– My father is Adele.

– Who told you about it?

– What is the difference?

– I do not know who killed your father and how. I have been hiding from him all my life so he would not kill me.

– Mom, I am sorry. Bakhiti hugged her son. She decided to lie to protect her already worried son. – Said told me that.

– I know. Besides him, there is no one to bring discord into our family. In her heart, Bakhiti rejoiced at the truth that Said had revealed. She was waiting for further action from Said regarding Guilt.

– Mom, why did she do that?

– So she had no other choice. So there were good reasons for that. If you only knew how many lives, your father took.

– Maybe you are right. We need to figure it out. Adjo went to meet Saeed again. Said broke into a smile.

– I have been waiting! She killed your father trying to settle a score. Life is for life. Your father killed her sister, and she found out about it. Ajo sat in silence, his eyes downcast on the snow-white tablecloth.

– That is how. Maybe I would have done the same.

– You are not. You would not do that. You are different. Your father was too cruel.

– “You mean I have nothing in common with him?”

– That is not what I meant. You have a lot in common with him. But to achieve what he has achieved, you need to be able to do it. That is the Fault I could. She has achieved a lot in a short time. She is respected. Said tried to bring Adjo to the truth, to push him to the cause.

– She is not a Fault anymore.

– I know. So, I want to suggest that you run your father’s business in parallel with me. Ajo sat in confusion. He did not want to accept this offer, and at the same time, he just needed to keep Said by his side. His head was so overloaded that he just could not think. Business, Guilt, father’s murder.

– I will think about it. I will contact you in the next few days.

– That is nice. We will be friends. We are not strangers. Said broke into a smile. Adjo was looking at Said with his stern eagle gaze. And not blurring in an answering smile, he left the table dryly. Said was confident of victory, and was looking forward to the phone call.

Ajo inherited from his father severity, seriousness, determination, and courage. But he wasn’t cruel like Arthur. Gentleness and justice passed to him from his mother. This guy was so serious, outwardly he looked much older than his years. Tall, serious-looking, not a big beard, combined with his shock of hair. Ajo was an exact copy his father. One could even say that it is a clone of Arthur. The only thing that could distinguish them was their untidiness. Adjo, loved grooming. Clothes, appearance, cleanliness and order in the house, these elements for Adjo occupied not the last place in life. This guy was not pedantic, or narcissistic, the love of cleanliness and order were instilled in childhood and transferred into adulthood. The childhood of father and son was so different; Arthur grew up in cruelty and not so favorable conditions. Untidiness and lack of love for order passed to Arthur from his father. And if it wasn’t for the love of Guilt, Arthur would never have learned to look after himself.

Adjo’s appearance, unlike Vina’s, was so suitable for the Northwestern state of Africa. This guy looked like a local aborigine. Vina’s appearance as this guy’s wife suggested the opposite. After plastic surgery, the appearance of Guilt ceased to be combined with Islam. If not for the burqa, she would simply be considered a foreign tourist. Wearing a headscarf made this girl more beautiful than she really is. The color of her eyes combined with the color of her hair and made her much younger than her years. Due to this, the age difference did not distinguish this couple, but on the contrary, due to his severity, Adjo looked much older than his rejuvenated wife did.

Vina did not consider her husband a youngster. She saw young Arthur in him, and that was enough for her. Only sometimes, she remembered the constant flights and trips to the restaurant. Adjo worked as a tour guide, from time to time he brought his wife to work. Flights and trips to the restaurant were replaced by local excursions and local food. Thanks to these trips, Vina learned a lot about the life of Morocco, got acquainted with local attractions. The most attractive excursion in Morocco is the Sahara Desert. In Morocco, the Sahara Desert occupies most of the entire territory, as well as Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia and Chad. In ancient writings, the desert was called “great”. The most tourist period for exploring the Sahara desert is winter, as the temperature in this period it fluctuates around twenty degrees Celsius. The vegetation of the Sahara consists of bushes, grasses and trees in the highlands and oases located along the riverbeds. Rabat itself is located in the northwestern part of Africa, on the territory of the Kingdom of Morocco. On the northern and western sides, the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic wash the state the ocean borders Algeria in the eastern part, and the Sahara Desert in the southern part. As for the city of Rabat, it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and, together with the nearby city of Sale (separated by the Bu Regreg River), forms a prefecture called “Rabat-Sale”.

Palmist-3. Return

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