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After escaping from prison, Vina quickly and easily adapted to the local climate. No one ever talked about her past life in prison. It was too painful a topic for every member of a family of three. Once again, left alone with herself, Vina scrolled through the events of her past life, holding the phone in her hand without Internet access. – For, what do I need it for? I am a prisoner again. Having heard for when the door slammed in front of her, she realized that a neighbor had been placed in the ward opposite. “I wonder where she’s from.” Local? Or a foreigner? Through the half-open door, the girl saw an empty corridor, and through the door opposite, the rustling of a package was heard. – Great! It was not bad to have a girlfriend. After dreaming a little, Vina plunged into her loneliness.

Sultana was frantically searching for one of her many shawls. —Where is he?” What a shame. Had I forgotten him? A knock on the door distracted her attention from her nervous search for a handkerchief.

– Come into the treatment room. These words filled the girl with horror. Still afraid of falling into the hands of Arthur’s people, the girl went into the treatment room with fear. – Don’t be afraid. You are so tense. We will just take a blood test. You want a healthy baby.

– Yes, of course I do.

– No one will hurt you here. Sultana smiled silently through her teeth. The nurse did not like her, and the girl silently waited for her to leave the office. After the examination, Sultana went to the examination room. A series of offices significantly tired the girl. She wanted so much to call her husband and tell him everything. Realizing that Amir had not yet arrived in Bangkok, Sultana could barely hold back tears. – Why would I do that?

Three days later, Sultana went out into the garden for the first time. Walking along the alley, she did not notice the girl staring at her.

– That is her. It is definitely her. This is not a mistake. Vina looked at Sultana with wide-open eyes. – It cannot be. What should I do? Forgetting that she had undergone plastic surgery, Vina pulled a handkerchief over her face in fear. Sultana did not notice these strange actions, continued her slow walk along the alley.

– How beautiful it is here. I would like to walk around the city. The Khmer language was not clear to many who were on the territory of this institution. Therefore, no one paid much attention to the girl’s words. – When my husband arrives, I will definitely take him out for a walk. Let us arrange a week of holidays in Spain.

– My husband is coming! Vina thought with horror of Amir’s arrival. “Not that. What should I do? Said. In such difficult moments, the only shoulder in the life of Guilt was Said— – Although, what should I be afraid of. I will lock myself in the ward and not come out until he leaves. A woman in a burqa attracted sultana’s gaze.

– Interesting. Why does she wear this burqa all the time? Probably a strict husband. I would like to meet her. I would not be so lonely. Sultana purposefully strode to the Wine. Vina, seeing the approaching Sultan, nervously looked around trying to dodge.

– What does she want? She probably recognized me. And wrapping her arms around her stomach, she ran to the ward.

– What is wrong with you? Donna Adele, are you ill?

– No. My husband is calling me, and I have to answer.

– These strange laws. How is it possible? Run as fast as you can. The nurse was discussing the patient.

– Yes, you cannot envy these veiled women. I am going to check if she is okay. At this time, Sultana was walking to her room with light dancing movements. A medical worker came out of the Guilt ward. – I am sorry. And she quietly closed the door behind her. Sultana managed to see a beautiful girl and her long white hair.

– Excuse me, is there something serious?

– This is an official secret. We are not spreading.

– I am sorry. It is just that this girl is so weird.

– There is a little. She is not the weird one. And these are your laws. Sultana only grinned in response.

– Wow, such blonde hair. I wonder where she is from. It was much easier for Sultana to stay in this country, she knew Portuguese. All these years spent with Amir have taught her a lot. Sultan I decided to take the situation into my own hands, and turned on my ability to eavesdrop. She spent all her free time from treatment near the front door, trying to hear what was going on in the ward opposite. In just a couple of days, she just found out the name of this girl’s husband. This is all the information that Sultana was able to find out.

Vina was sitting in her room like a mouse in a hole, and was afraid to go out into the corridor once again. Early Friday morning, Sultana left her room with her phone in her hand, and stood in the doorway looking at the door closed opposite. To her surprise, the door opened, and the girl with her eyes lowered to the floor left the ward, and quickly walked down the snow-white corridor. – Well, well. It is not my destiny to have such a devout friend. Sultana bitterly walked slowly and beautifully in the same direction. To her surprise, they were in the same queue for examination. The wine came with a huge delay and Sultana had to wait.

– Donna Sultana, we apologize for the inconvenience caused.

– It is okay. I am not in a hurry. Sultana examined the Guilt from head to toe. She did not understand why she had an incomprehensible curiosity about this girl. Vina could not stand it and turned to face her. Their eyes we met. The bright green color of the eyes alerted the Sultan. Yet, behind that color, she could see something familiar. Only she couldn’t figure out what? Hearing the phrase: – “Donna Sultana, I’m sorry.” The blood boiled in the Wine, and with it awoke the hatred that had once fallen asleep, which she had always felt for this girl. The door to the office closed, and Sultana was left alone in the corridor. —Where did I see her?” Strange. Entering the office, Vina was trembling all over.

– What is wrong with you? Are you ill?

– No. Just a feeling of anxiety.

– What are you worried about? Did something happen to you? It is bad for you in your position to worry. This can harm the treatment.

– I know.

– What happened to you?

– Nothing. I just remembered an unpleasant episode.

– It is better to tell the doctor about it. Vina sighed heavily. – You are not so bad. There is a chance to fix everything. If there are secrets and not pleasant memories, then it is necessary to tell. This will help the treatment. Medical secrecy will remain here, between the doctor and the patient. Hearing the encouraging words, Vina left the office with relief. At the exit, the collision with the Sultan was repeated. This time, forgetting herself, Vina did not arbitrarily turn her head to the side, as she had done before. At that moment, Sultana shuddered, remembering their scene with Vina in “Oriental Fairy Tale”.

– It cannot be. It is not her. After going into the study, Sultana was trembling as well as Vina.

– Yes, what is it with you today. What is the matter with you?

– Nothing. I remembered an unpleasant episode.

– Wow. The same thing happened to Donna Adele.

– With Donna Adele?

– Yes. Adele. A patient who just got out.

– She is so beautiful.

– I am surprised myself. Such an appearance does not go well with the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Morocco.

– Morocco?

– Yes. Morocco. You ask so many questions.

– Yes. Sorry. It is just the neighbor across the street; she is silent all the time.

– Yes. I noticed. She is a little weird, and downtrodden. Fortunately, Sultana’s ultrasound doctor turned out to be talkative, and she managed to get at least some information about her neighbor.

– Adele, Morocco, Wine. How to combine it? Not happening. I just made a mistake. But she ran away. And where? In Morocco? Sultana could not stand it and called Amir. “Is that really her?”

– I do not even know what to say to you. I am flying to you. She is so close to you. Try to hold out for these two days.

The guilt continued to sit like a mouse in its hole. But she wanted so much to get closer to the Sultan. Find out what she is. What she feels. How she managed to escape from Arthur’s clutches. Unable to stand it. The girl went for a walk in the corridor. Hearing the door slam Sultan quickly threw on a handkerchief gracefully went out into the corridor. —What’s the matter with them?” One is chasing the other.

– I told you, they are both weird.

– Instead of keeping quiet, they run along the corridor.

Meanwhile, Said suspected a strange disappearance of Guilt. She did not get in touch. No one saw her, and no one knew where she was. Not daring to ask Adjo where his wife was, knowing the response, Said personally started looking for her. —Where is she?” Sid’s people threw up their hands.

– She disappeared suddenly. And no one has seen her for ten days.

– It is certainly not a deadline, but there is something wrong. It is necessary to follow every step of Ajo.

– We are already doing this. But he is as pure as a drop of water.

– This proves once again that something is wrong here. He cannot be clean. Said was waiting for the promised call. But the call never came. – He is testing my patience. We will act through his mother. On one of the inconspicuous sunny days of Morocco, Bakhiti was abducted.

When he got home, Ajo did not find his mother at home. He understood everything at once. But from such a sharp stab in the back, he simply did not know what to do. Where to run? Whom should I call? Realizing that it was Said’s handiwork, he dialed first. – Said. Where are you? The meeting took place in one of the old ferries.

– I have been waiting. I am waiting for you. And you know you need to be careful. Ajo was silent in response. – Silence is consent. Isn’t it? Ajo came quickly. He behaved boldly and confidently. “You’re a brave boy. If you continue to behave the same way, then your business will go uphill.

– “My business is much better than yours.

– Big words. Be quiet.

– Where is she?

– She is fine. I will not hurt her. I need you.

– I came.

– You came alone.

– Yes.

– I see. Where is your wife?

– My wife, this is my personal. It does not belong to you anymore.

– I recognize Arthur. Glad to see you.

– What do you want?

– “I need you to take over your father’s business. This case should not die with him. Moreover, there are already people willing to help. Without thinking twice, Adjo delivered a solemn speech for Said’s ears.

– I agree. Bakhiti, being in one of the cabins, heard everything that was happening through the wall.

– “Oh, no, not that. Said. Bakhiti screamed with all her might.

– Mom. Let her go.

– “She’s alone in the cabin. She just hears what is going on here. She does not like it. Now you are going to pick her up and you are going home. I will get in touch with you. Ajo nodded in agreement.

– Said. Bakhiti was screaming. She tried to say something, but Adjo stopped her. Forbidding divulging his secret. Said made it clear that he would find her.

– Mom, don’t you dare do that.

– He needs her. Give this barren girl to her habitat. We have so many girls in town, better than her.

– Mom, don’t you dare say that. This is my woman.

– “That’s right, a woman. A stranger. With a criminal past behind his back. Why do you need it? Adjo himself did not know how this Guilt had hooked him. Perhaps just by his adventurism, and at the same time defenselessness. Love of adventure. The fact that she once knew his father. This woman was defenseless, and at the same time criminal. That was what was making Ajo’s head spin. To all of the above, Vina was slender and beautiful. Her shape and the expression of her eyes made the interlocutor look into those eyes. And those who once knew her will always remember this look.

– Mom, this woman really has a painful past behind her back. We need to help her through this critical period. Adele loves me. And I’m hers. And we’re going to have a baby. Seeing that her son was mad with love, Bakhiti decided not to argue. Arriving at the meeting with Said, the woman shouted in a firm tone:

– I know where she is. I will help you if you leave my son alone. In response, she heard hysterical laughter.

– “And if you don’t tell me, then what?” Bakhiti wanted to step back, but there was nowhere to retreat.

– You need her. Take it. Leave my son alone.

– Maybe you are right. Without her, your son will not be able to do what I need. I need her voluntary participation. Her passivity will ruin this case.

– “My son will never do what you’re trying to persuade him to do.

– Never say never. He has already given his consent. And when I find the Fault, he just runs to the case.

– Take this girl and leave. Away from us. Said saw how tense Bakhiti was. Deep down, he felt sorry for this poor, exhausted woman. He understood that Adjo’s mother was right, it was the Wine he needed. But by coincidence, Guilt could no longer exist without Adjo.

– Tell me where she is, and I will do everything possible not to harm your son. Bakhiti breathed fast and looked at Said with a hostile gaze. Said peered into the woman’s face. They were about the same age. But despite her age and not so rich position, Bakhiti looked quite chic. – Yes, my friend had a delicate taste. Time has no power over this woman. Bakhiti had a plump figure covered with Moroccan clothes. The head was wrapped in a scarf, highlighting only the brightly painted oval of the face. Said’s thoughts wandered in the past. He recalled how this woman hid from Arthur, running through the streets of Rabat. Bahiti’s hoarse voice interrupted his thoughts.

– She is in Spain.

– In Spain? What is she doing there?

– Being treated for infertility. This girl dreams of having a baby. And for some reason can’t have children. Leave my son alone. There was a plea in her voice. The red eyes were bloodshot. – Take this barren one for yourself and do evil with her. After standing for a while, Said grinned and left. – I hope we will not see each other again. Bakhiti shouted after him.

While Said was thinking about what he should do better, wait for the return of Guilt, or look for Adele in Spain, two dancers who hate each other met at the clinic. Sultana decided to try her luck, and at the next collision in the corridor, unable to stand it, she called out to the girl walking down the corridor. – Wine!

Vina shuddered, and without giving a sign, slowly walked on. – Wine stop. Vina didn’t decidedly slow down. Realizing that this appeal is addressed specifically to her. Sultana began to doubt her rightness and caught up with the girl at an accelerated pace. Vina stopped and looked back.

– Are you addressing me?

– Yes. To you.

– I am not the Fault. Why did you decide that? Sultana hesitated, feeling uncomfortable.

– I, I was wrong. You are so similar to one of my very old friends.

– “A friend?” Guilt stretched that word so much. It was as if she had heard shocking news. Her bright green eyes widened, and Sultana peered into them with such attention, trying to find familiar features.

– Yes. It was a friend, Sultana continued to assert.

– You made a mistake. My name is Adele.

– Very nice. Sultan.

– Let’s get acquainted.

– I noticed you a long time ago.

– And I almost never go out. And I don’t look around much.

– I noticed. I have wanted to approach you for a long time, but you are so modest, I did not know how to do it.

– Let’s go sit down. Vina smiled sweetly. Sultana smiled back.

– Where are you from?

– I am from Morocco, Rabat city.

– Yes. It must be very beautiful there. I have never been to Morocco. Forgetting her guilt, she almost blurted out, “Come to us. But coming to her senses in time, she answered,

– Yes, very much. Very beautiful. And where are you from?

– I am a native of Cambodia, after marriage I moved to the city of Bangkok. My husband is a famous palmist.

– I already know that. Vina thought to herself. – Great. You have a completely different life there compared to Morocco. There was sadness in Vina’s voice. Sultana tried to read between the lines of the words of Guilt, and catch in them useful information for herself. In the course of the conversation, a friendship was formed between the girls. And to some extent, Sultana’s doubts were dispelled.

– Maybe I was wrong. It is the fears of the past that are making themselves felt. Sultana listened to the Guilt, and mentally compared pictures from the past. Murky episodes surfaced in her memory. Once forgotten failures were being restored.

– What are you thinking about? Sultana returned to reality.

– Yes, just about nothing. It is lunchtime. Can we have lunch together?

– With pleasure. To his surprise, Vina’s hostility to the Sultan was replaced by sympathy. She found in it a lot in common with herself and her past. The girls actually found something to talk about.

– “You don’t look like a Moroccan at all.”

– Yes. I was born in Europe.

– And where? If it is not a secret. Vina, taken by surprise, did not know what to answer. Indonesia dropped out for security reasons. And not knowing what to come up with, she named the first country that popped up in her memory.

– Albania.

– Albania?

– Yes. I was born and raised in this country. Then she married Adjo.

– So marry Adjo. Sultana had suspicions about the honesty of the words of Guilt. And she kept asking leading questions. – You must love your husband very much.

– yes. Very.

– And you have no children. Just like with Amir and me. Sultana said with sadness in her voice.

– Yes. Unfortunately, Allah punished me with such a punishment.

– And for what? If it is not a secret. Vina, ready to open her mouth and blurt out everything as if in spirit, suddenly fell silent in indecision. – I am sorry for not a modest question. Seeing the embarrassment on the face of Guilt, Sultana realized that she had pressed the sick buttons, and with a movement of her hand offered to go to the ward.

While the girls were having a nice lunch, Rashid was sitting on board the plane, and to his surprise, nervously fidgeted with a button on his jacket. Vina, realizing that Sultana was sitting in front of her, was afraid of her every move. I was afraid to slip up on the slightest trifle, this constant tension tired the girl, and she wanted to lie down. – I am not feeling well.

– Of course. After a delicious lunch. I would lie down too. The girls said goodbye on a friendly note. For a couple of hours of communication, each of them has accumulated many questions in their head. Everyone was shaking with fear for his or her lives. Feeling distrust in their hearts, each of them maintained an outward friendliness. Sultana tried to see Guilt in this girl, and at the same time, she saw that she was a sweet and friendly Adele. And it has nothing to do with Guilt, except for the shape and expression of the eyes. Vina was afraid of Sultana like fire. The slightest misfire could ruin her happiness, which she had been striving for.

– “If she finds out who I am, I’m dead.” She will tell her husband everything. If you have not already told me. They will turn me in to the authorities. I am going to jail for life. I am going to die in prison. God, why would I do that? Vina felt cornered. Not daring to tell anyone about what happened to her, she decided to let the situation take its course, and in order not to become friends with the Sultan. —She is just as much a victim as I am. I wonder what happened to her. Why is she here? Knowing the reason for his infertility, Vina was bursting with curiosity, what was Sultana doing here? In order to extract information from Sultana, Vina decides to tell the Sultan the reason for her misfortune.

In the evening, after dinner, Vina entered the Sultana’s room. Sultana was delighted with the guest, – maybe we will have tea.

– Great idea! I brought with me our herbal, from Morocco. I will get it right away.

– Did you bring tea with you?

– Yes, our Moroccan.

– Well, wow, I would not be lucky.

– My husband brought me by ferry. It was not difficult for me to take it with me.

– Great. Things are different here in Bangkok. Sultana looked at Vina as a person of a different Race. – Is this really the same Fault? I do not believe. Vina did not notice how she turned into a modest homemaker. But despite all these drastic changes, she was happy. Looking around the Sultana’s chamber, Vina felt that she had entered the modern world. In spite of the fact that their chambers were opposite, the Sultana chamber was the complete opposite of the Guilt Chamber. Beautiful scarves hung everywhere, perfumes stood, glossy magazines lay on the table. Music was playing on the phone. Vina did not have any of that. Her husband could not give her all of the above, and for her own safety, he cut off his wife from the outside world.

– Does your husband let you watch TV?

– What? Sultana looked at Vina questioningly. – No. It is not My Fault. It is one hundred percent not her. Don’t you have a TV at home? Vina lowered her sad eyes to the floor in embarrassment.

– no.

– Oh, my God. Is this possible.

– In Morocco, everything is a little different from in other countries. Time runs differently there. This is a completely different civilization, not what I was previously accustomed to. But I quickly got used to it. When I first flew to Rabat, I immediately realized that it was mine. The guilt was noticed, and I forgot that she was Adele.

– And when did you first arrive in Rabat? Vina came to her senses.

– It was a few years ago. That is how I first met my husband. Our parents introduced us.

– And all these years you have been living without children?

– Yes. We have been waiting for a long time, and so we decided to apply here. Sultana did not wait for a confession from the Guilt, and poured out her pain first.

– But my husband and I met under sad circumstances. And despite our long and happy life together, we have no children. This is all because, one day, a very evil person kidnapped me. His monstrous treatment of the female sex led to infertility. My husband and I miraculously survived. Vina felt a prick, envy, pain, and finally shame in front of the Sultan.

– “I fell into the hands of a monster once, too. The consequences of this disaster are still imprinted on my life. Sultana looked questioningly into the face of Guilt.

– “You said you were happy.”

– Yes. In its own way. I found my happiness at too high a price. But that past, it’s indelible.

– What happened? Vina was silent for a long time. Green eyes flooded with bright color.

– There was a turning point in my life. And I had to get rid of a child whose father I loved too much. Sultana opened her eyes wide. She could not believe what she was hearing. Such pain pierced her. According to what her interlocutor is experiencing right now.

– So this relationship was before marriage. Does that mean what? Sultana’s thoughts were confused. She could not figure out who was sitting in front of her, an angel or a demon. —Does your husband know about this?”

– No. Vina replied dryly and rudely. Sultana sighed heavily, and unable to withstand this pain, hugged the Guilt. Vina burst into tears. From that very moment, Sultana felt responsible to this girl.

– I am not leaving you. I will help you. Vina clung to Sultana so tightly. Sultana waited patiently for Vina to open her arms. It was her first friend. The first support. After Diana’s death. Forgetting that she was Adele, Vina continued the story with tear-stained eyes.

– No one would have accepted this child. I had nowhere to go with him after Arthur’s death. Hearing the name Arthur, Sultana barely took a breath.

– That is her. It is definitely her. But how. In addition, a child from Arthur is something. Sultana listened to Vina’s story, and the further she delved into the details, the more terrified she became for the life of this girl. She understood that her position was much safer and happier than the future of this tearful girl. Having drawn a general picture of what happened in her head; Sultana did not arbitrarily scratch her head. – Yes. To be honest, you will not envy. My husband and I will come up with something.

– With your husband? Vina’s eyes widened in fear. By saying that she is Guilty, and Sultana’s husband is Amir. Vina panicked.

– Don’t panic like that. My husband is a palmist. He will look at your future and be sure to come up with something. Vina realized that she was finished, knowing that Amir would not stand on her side. It was late evening. The girls said goodbye amicably. Rashid was getting off the plane.


Early in the morning, Sultana was spinning in front of the mirror, waiting to see her husband. The medical worker notified her of the arrival of a visitor. With a rapid heartbeat, the girl went to the lobby. Her joy was replaced by unexpected disappointment, Rashid was standing in front of the Sultan and with alarm in his eyes, and he stretched out his hands to her. – How are you? Tell me everything you know. Sultana was so disappointed with Rashid’s arrival, and trying to portray joy completely faded. She was so waiting for Amir. I wanted to tell him everything. Realizing that the fate of Guilt was in her hands, Rashid’s arrival put the girl in a dead end, and she simply did not know where to start the story.

– What should I do now? Sultana sat in confusion.

– I see that your condition is not very good.

– I just did not sleep well.

– What or who made you nervous?

– These are just echoes of the past.

– Let’s go for a walk in the garden.

– It is still early. They will not let me out.

– Okay, I will be back in a couple of hours. Sultana smiled back. Rashid, still fascinated by her beauty, hugged his daughter-in-law, and with anxiety in his soul went outside. Sultana remained sitting in the foyer and mentally digested the mess that she had to sort out.

– What should I do? Why didn’t Amir come? Entering her room, Sultana dialed her husband’s number. – Amir.

– Honey, I know you have been waiting for me. My father decided it was best for both of us. You know I cannot see your future. Sultana listened to her husband in silence.

– I have been waiting for you.

– What happened?

– Nothing. The answer sounded dry.

– I understand everything. I will be there soon. After the conversation, Sultana went to the ward to see Vina. Despite the modern interior, Sultana felt like she was far from civilization. The Chamber of Guilt was so empty; it seemed that there was no life here.

– Adele. Rashid came to see me. Guilt’s eyes filled with horror. Vina understood that Sultana recognized her, but both girls were silent about it, leaving resentment in the past. Vina knew who Rashid was, realizing that for her this man was much more dangerous than Amir was.

– What will happen now?

– “Don’t let him see you. I will cover for you until Amir arrives. Amir will stand up for you. We will help you. Do not go out to the park today. Rashid will be here all day. Vina shook Sultana’s hand in gratitude.

Meanwhile, Said arrived in Spain a day ahead of Amir. The search for Guilt took up all his main time. Not wanting to continue the joint business began to annoy him very much, and instead of sympathy, Said began to feel negative towards this woman. —I’ll make you work for me.” Even at the cost of your own life.

At lunchtime, Rashid was waiting for Sultana in the park. Having tied a handkerchief, the girl went outside, her bright beauty stood out noticeably among ordinary patients. Rashid stood up, greeting his daughter-in-law; Sultana walked lightly along the alley and sat down on a bench next to Rashid. – As always beautiful. A beautiful smile served as a response sign. Rashid melted, and instead of tension, a feeling of bliss came over him. After a minute’s pause, a question sounded. – So what happened here? Sultana, who understood that the life of Guilt was in her hands, prettily played a ridiculous case.

– I stirred up too much. I do not know how fear attacked me, and it seemed to me that Guilt was walking down the corridor. And Amir, well, you know, he caused a panic. And here you are.

– Hmm. Guilt walks down the hallway. It certainly sounds ridiculous. Still, anything can happen. I think you are not wrong. Show me this girl.

– I do not know where she is anymore. Sultana said jokingly.

– What is her name? I will make quick inquiries. We will resolve this issue quickly. By nature, Rashid was a determined, serious person. Those who know how to put a job, help, solve a problem. Amir was gentler. Sultana understood that it would not be easy for her to get out of this situation.

– I do not know the name of this girl.

– Describe her appearance to me. Sultan began to shake with fear. Only this time, not for my life, but for a life of Guilt. – OK. You can keep quiet. Show me your feet. Sultana had no choice but to take off her shoes. Rashid thought that Sultana could not betray what she saw out of fear, and decided at all costs to find a trace of Guilt that would be walking around the clinic. The examination of the feet took less than a minute. Rashid abruptly released Sultana’s feet. —You cannot be here anymore. Get ready, we are flying home. Sultana felt an icy shiver run through her body. Wanting to object, she faltered, and with a special effort squeezed out an argument.

– Tomorrow, early in the morning, Amir will also be here. I have to wait for him to come back.

– Amir? Don’t you trust me? Or do you have something to hide? Sultana was seriously scared. Knowing how to get out of difficult situations, she blurted out an excuse.

– We need to talk to the doctor.

– “Is that why you called him?”

– Yes. The answer sounded so firm that Rashid did not dare to object.

– Well, that is fine. I hope nothing happens in one day. But keep in mind. Covering up the evil that walks down the corridor, you collect the next troubles on your head, and on the head of my son. Sultana was silent after hearing what was said, her mouth was dry, her temples were pounding, a sharp fatigue appeared in her body. Rashid had tired her so much that she wanted to leave, but she did not dare. Her only wish was for tomorrow to come. Amir’s long-awaited arrival could solve all her problems.

– Yes. Treated. The girl thought to herself, slowly getting up from the bench.

– What is wrong with you? Call a doctor.

– No. I just woke up early, and the medicine is making itself felt.

– I will not bore you. I will come by tonight. A knock on the door. The Chamber of Guilt opened.

– Well?

– Amir is coming tomorrow.

– What did Rashid say? Vina blushed, realizing that she had given herself up. Sultana did not attach any importance to this, knowing that Guilt was sitting in front of her.

– He wants to take me away from here. Sees danger.

– Danger. So I’m in danger too.

– I do not know. My husband will tell you about it tomorrow.

– I wish tomorrow would come sooner.

– I am waiting for it too. Sultana herself did not know why she trusted Vina so much. Realizing that this woman had been her mortal enemy in the past, when she met again, Sultana saw her as a friend. An inner instinct told them that the two of them would have to go through a difficult stage, and this time they would become allies in the fight against evil.

– I really want our Moroccan coffee.

– I would not mind either.

– Yes, it is strict here.

– It is a pity that we cannot go out into the city.

– I think it would be possible to escape for an hour. I saw there is a cafeteria across the street.

– A dangerous idea. Especially now.

– What is the danger? What did Rashid say?

– I do not know myself. He is ready to pick me up right now. Vina’s eyes widened.

– What is going to happen? My husband is not dangerous. Then who? Sultana sat thoughtfully.

– Who else besides your husband has a connection with you?

– Said? This name sounded questioningly, in a chant. That Vina herself was so surprised, and immediately plunged into her thoughts. – Said? Really him. That explains everything. That is why I am here. We have our own clinic in Morocco. And Ajo sent me to Spain the day after Said’s arrival.

– You see, you answered your own question. Sultana felt uneasy after the reasoning of Guilt. If Rashid is ready to take her away right now, then Said is here in Spain. – Is the Wine in danger? Sultana felt responsible for this girl, forgetting about herself. Sultana drew strength from Amir’s love. She knew that he was always there, ready to help, protect, shelter himself from bullets and insults. Seeing a defenseless girl who had suffered from Arthur’s paws in front of her, Sultana’s heart trembled, she decided to protect her ward at all costs. There was a knock on the door, and the two girls exchanged glances.

Palmist-3. Return

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