Читать книгу The Lady's Album of Fancy Work for 1850 - Unknown - Страница 15
ОглавлениеMaterials—Dark crimson velvet, or cachmere and gold twist or embroidery silk; if the latter, three shades of green, three of rose, three of blue, three of yellow, three of violet, and two of brown will be requisite
Draw the pattern on the material with a white crayon, and work in embroidery-stitch with gold twist or the silks, as may be preferred; if the silks are used, work the leaves with the shades of green, the stems with brown, the pansy with the shades of violet and yellow, the buds of the rose with the greens and the rose-colours, and the forget-me-nots with blue, carefully blending the shades as may be suggested by the taste of the worker. Finish with a row of gold twist sewed round the edge of the case.