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Materials—Drab crochet-thread and a middle-sized hook

Make a chain of 9 stitches; unite and work three rounds in double crochet, increasing in every loop in the first round, in every alternate in the second, and in every third in the third round.

4th round. 1 l, 1 ch worked in every loop of previous round.—

5th round. 1 l worked in 1 l of last round, 2 ch; repeat.—

6th round. 1 l in the 1 l, 3 ch; repeat.—

7th round. Double crochet.—

8th round. Double crochet, increasing in every eighth stitch.—

9th round. Double crochet, increasing as before; repeat from fourth round four times, then work 1 l, 2 ch, miss 2 three times, then three rounds of double crochet without increasing; work these last six rounds three more times. This completes the bonnet.

For the Roll.—Make a chain the width required; work three rows in double crochet; three rows 1 l, 2 ch, miss 2; after which work alternately three rows of double crochet; three rows 1 l, 2 ch, miss 2, increasing a stitch at the beginning and end of each row; these six rows may be repeated five more times, or till the size wished for is worked. Make up the bonnet on a foundation covered with blue silk, form the roll for the edge with wadding, trim with a small plume of blue feathers, or a rosette of blue ribbon.

The above directions are for a bonnet for an infant of five or six months old, but by increasing the number of rounds and rows for the roll a larger size may be worked.

The Lady's Album of Fancy Work for 1850

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