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ОглавлениеMr. Ross arose, slowly and gravely. He had already taken off his big overcoat, and folded it and laid it neatly on the rug beside his chair; the housewives had made note of that, and would use it in future domestic arguments. He faced them now, a portly person in a comfortable serge suit, his features serious but kindly, and speaking to them in a benevolent, almost fatherly voice. If you are troubled by the fact that he differs from you in the use of language, bear in mind that it is not the English but the southwestern American language that he is using. You would need to play the oil-game out in that country, in order to realize that a man may say, “I jist done it onst, and I’m a-goin’ to do it again,” and yet be dressed like a metropolitan banker, and have the calm assurance of a major-general commanding, and the kindly dignity of an Episcopal bishop. Said Mr. J. Arnold Ross:
“Ladies and gentlemen, I traveled over jist about half our state to get here this evenin’. I couldn’t get away sooner, because my new well was a-comin’ in at Lobos River, and I had to see about it. That well is now flowin’ four thousand barrel, and payin’ me an income of five thousand dollars a day. I got two others drillin’, and I got sixteen producin’ at Antelope. So, ladies and gentlemen, if I say I’m an oil man, you got to agree.
“You got a great chanct here, ladies and gentlemen; but bear in mind, you can lose it all if you ain’t careful. Out of all the fellers that beg you for a chanct to drill your land, maybe one in twenty will be oil men; the rest will be speculators, fellers tryin’ to get between you and the oil men, to get some of the money that ought by rights come to you. Even if you find one that has money, and means to drill, he’ll maybe know nothin’ about drillin’, and have to hire out the job on contract—and then you’re dependin’ on a contractor that’s tryin’ to rush the job through, so as to get to another contract jist as quick as he can.
“But, ladies and gentlemen, I do my own drillin’, and the fellers that work for me are fellers I know. I make it my business to be there and see to their work. I don’t lose my tools in the hole, and spend months a-fishin’; I don’t botch the cementin’ off, and let water into the hole, and ruin the whole lease. And let me tell you, I’m fixed right now like no other man or company in this field. Because my Lobos River well has jist come in, I got a string of tools all ready to put to work. I can load a rig onto trucks, and have them here in a week. I’ve got business connections, so I can get the lumber for the derrick—such things go by friendship, in a rush like this. That’s why I can guarantee to start drillin’, and put up the cash to back my word. I assure you whatever the others promise to do, when it comes to the showdown, they won’t be there.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s not up to me to say how you’re a-goin’ to divide the royalty. But let me say this; whatever you give up, so as to get together, it’ll be small compared to what you may lose by delay, and by fallin’ into the hands of gamblers and crooks. Ladies and gentlemen, take it from me as an oil man, there ain’t a-goin’ to be many gushers here at Prospect Hill; the pressure under the ground will soon let up, and it’ll be them that get their wells down first that’ll get the oil. A field plays out very quick; in two or three years you’ll see all these here wells on the pump—yes, even this discovery well that’s got you all crazy. So, take my word for it, and don’t break up this lease; take a smaller share of royalty, if you must, and I’ll see that it’s a small share of a big royalty, so you won’t lose in real money. That, ladies and gentlemen, is what I had to say.”
The great man stood, as if waiting to see if anyone had anything to answer; then he sat down, and there was a pause in the proceedings. His had been weighty words, and no one quite had the courage to break the spell.
At last Mr. Golighty arose. “Friends,” he said, “we have been hearing common sense, from a gentleman in whom we all have confidence; and I for one admit myself convinced, and hope that we may prove ourselves a group of business people, capable of making a wise decision, in this matter which means so much to all of us.” And so Mr. Golighty was started on one of his long speeches, the purport of which appeared to be that the majority should rule.
“But that’s just the trouble,” said Mr. Sahm; “what is the majority?”
“We take a wote,” said Mr. Chaim Lohlker, “and we find out.”
Mr. Merriweather, the lawyer, had been consulting in whispers with his clients. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he now declared, “I am authorized by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black to say that they have been greatly impressed by what Mr. Ross has said, and they wish to make any concession necessary to harmony. They are willing to waive the point which I raised at the beginning of this discussion, and to sign the lease as it stands.”
“But what does that mean?” demanded Mrs. Groarty. “Are they to get a royalty on a ninety-five foot lot?”
“Our offer is to sign the document as it stands, and the question of interpretation may be decided later.”
“Oho!” said Mr. Groarty. “A fine concession that—and when we’ve just heard Mr. Prentice tell us that the law reads your way!”
“We agreed to sign it,” said Mr. Hank, doing his best to make his voice sound pleasant.
“Oh, listen to who’s talking!” cried Miss Snypp. “The gentleman that was saying, less than a half an hour ago, that we should go back to our original arrangement—‘the only sensible one, share and share alike, all lots equal, same as we vote.’ Have I quoted you correct, Mr. Hank?”
“I agreed to sign this lease,” declared the ex-goldminer, stubbornly.
“And for my part,” said the trained nurse, “I said it once and I’ll say it again, never on this earth!”