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Book – 1. Andrew’s Descent
Chapter Two
ОглавлениеI have worked for four months. He received an advance and regularly paid on time. As the Lubchenco said that he was going to Peter, so at the «Electric appliance» called Leningrad at that memorable time when we lived and worked in the Soviet Union. His trip was supposed to last two weeks, for himself Chief of the engineering department left Isaiah Alexander Vasilyevich. Alexander unspeakably was glad, and his mood was not just upbeat, but upbeat over. He joked with everyone showered jokes and telling anecdotes. In the department, the staff prevailed general euphoria in connection with the departure of the chief of the sector on a mission to «Peter». I did not realize such an elevated happiness, even in the face Lubchenco not say that he was glad this. Each employee approaching him, he timidly sighed, he took out his pocket notebook and knew in advance what was wanted of him, carefully writing down what to bring to a particular employee.
In short, I, proceed to work the next day, I found half were not department for various reasons at work. That’s why such a joy reigned yesterday, but today I’m Tamara Petrovna, running the shops, checking the implementation of changes in the production process. In one shop we encountered.
– Well, Valentine, do you work?
– Nothing, you see, can cope. – Treacherous thought I was bored with the very moments, that I realized the joy of travel Lubchenco for the department. Courage Tamara Petrovna asked: – And what if, Tamara Petrovna…
– So, Valentine, not Tamara Petrovna, and Tamara. – In her dark eyes flashed sparks of fun and full of sensual lips moved slightly ironic smile, arousing eyes the emerging grid «solar» wrinkles. I’m in the shower was extremely surprised by the statement to call her by her name, believing that at her age it’s time to forget about the days long past. But at this delicate moment, hiding his embarrassment, he forced himself to her name without her middle name:
– Tamara, and tell me you can not, somehow leave early today. The bosses have left, no Golde nor Isaiah, and Lubchenco to boot.
– You should be somewhere? – Asked Tamara Petrovna.
– Ventilate want. Outside, the golden autumn, the end of September. You know that the new place is always difficult to fit into the work and get tired.
– You know, Valentine, at the entrance control and always will report Lubchenco, and he will take prize. – She looked at me with sparkling eyes, and then added – Well, today is on duty at the checkpoint, my old friend, when we arrive at the Division I call her. No, better to go there, I arrange. Just look, do not get caught the eye of the chief engineer or head of personnel, good. Let’s go. You come into the office, and I’ll be there soon, and tell you.
– From thank you Tamara.– Voltage conversation vanished in a moment, and I’m relieved to have escaped mental stairs flight of stairs to our department.
She appeared, failing; I close the door of the department.
– The sixth stall, you can go. Just lunch, say if you meet someone from inspectors that go out to dinner. But in this case would have to go back. I got it?
– Of course, thanks to you.
– Not for hot. – looked down, said Tamara Petrovna. Hearing rubs her heartbreaking sigh, rapidly approaching your workplace. It is necessary to bring everything in order, as it is Friday, and ahead of two days. And after a couple of minutes I was already at the entrance. With a sinking heart that no one found, I quickly went cabin number six on the way out and drove off briskly to the parking lot tram. To stop, just rolled up, creaking wheels of the tram track number three. The doors opened and the first came Isay, I went into the back, so we, by chance, have not encountered. Unpleasant feeling a wave receded from me only when the tram drove off. Through the window I could clearly see how leisurely gait Alexander began to climb the stairs to the sales pavilion, where our factory was selling different consumer goods of its own production. So, the head of the group does not intend to support products enter the factory, and especially in the department, and I went with quiet confidence further. Ending station tram «Kontraktova area» I came out, looked at his watch, the arrows showing 12—30. I did not want to go home, and I decided to walk on the St. Andrew’s descent, up to the St. Andrew’s Church and go down there by cable car to the metro station «Post area». Up cobblestone streets climb was not very easy, I soon found myself at the museum of the writer Bulgakov, tired, I did not want to go further. Staying at the monument to the writer, I began to examine the rows of traders souvenirs that are located on both sides of the bridge. Gaze slid to the stairs that led up to the top of Castle Hill. Something pushed me to the other side of the street, and I’m drawn by the strange feeling to go up there and decided to take a closer look around. And time will pass unnoticed. Inhale oxygen to healthy sleep, I thought. Slowly, I moved to the opposite side of St. Andrew’s Descent, and found himself at the ladder that got lost, hiding in the height of the branches of lush foliage. Vigorously knocking heels shoes, I flashed past the black-haired girl with long hair gathered tail. Casting a glimpse of my eyes, I stepped onto the pavement and disappeared from sight. I mechanically looked at her hair and lazy set foot on the ladder began to rise up. Bright orange and red leaves mixed with yellow leaves, sun glare shone softly and tenderly as velvet, the Rays made their way through it, illuminating its warmth all around. After rising for another fifteen meters, I stopped to catch my breath and from the height of the observation deck, opened a fabulous view of St. Andrew’s descent, a little further from the Dnepr could see pleasure boat slowly sailing against the current. As a toy boat from here to the heights he observed his white skeleton with figures of sitting on the deck at the tables of tourists. After standing for a little more, I got finally out of the maze of stairs and found him on the castle hill.
Then I decided to go in more detail at the places where most recently, in the spring, we Lilichka walked it seemed, even stride.
Trying not to look around, I was clearing an accelerated pace, stepping on the dry autumn grass, hiding the path trodden by tourists. My goal was a fragment of a wall of an ancient castle that has been preserved in non-dismantled masonry apparently due to complex approaches for transporting produced bricks. And most importantly, what attracted me to this side of the Castle Hill, the angle almost vertical cliff, abuts the Old Hem. I wanted a closer look at the junction of two sides of the mountain, so reminiscent of the truncated sides plastered with clay ancient pyramid. Certainly in this mountain there are hidden caves and tunnels that can be hidden treasures. This idea prompted me those black archeologists, we are faced here with Lily spring. Absorbed in these thoughts, I did not notice how he found himself near the ruins of the wall. Considering the close vicinity of the ground and decided to go behind the wall, in the clay-trodden path, a step to the trailing edge of the joint steep hills Mountains. With mine wondering what I was able to see, I realized that in addition to the steep hills overgrown with dry grass, I see nothing interesting, so decided to look around here where I am. Yes, and it is clear that all the moves in the different dungeons begin, of course, on the inner side locks, masked by all kinds of internal structure. And in general I have this quest order tired of that cost to rise by Andrew Descent from the Red Square here upstairs. Fatigue suddenly pulled hard, and I decided to leave, the benefit did not go down that climb mountains. With that, I began to walk away, walking on the rare remnants of ancient bridge. When he reached a small hill serving unremarkable hill, I found the cobblestone inconspicuous three concentric circles that we Lilichka found in the spring, and which I had forgotten. I, like the last time with interest began to consider this building, hardly noticeable for strolling tourists. At first glance, what catches the eye is that obviously someone has protected place for a fire, and the ashes and debris of various superficial circles almost razed to the ground and become invisible. But on the other hand, painfully stones laid out neatly and evenly. Lovers of barbecue and romantic night gatherings around the campfire with a guitar so be careful not to spread the ring. Obviously this place is for some mystical ritual action. The worship of fire, for example, when in a certain place kindle the fire, and then jump over the fire. It is believed that this burns all sins, cleansing fire jumping man through the ritual fire on the night of the pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala, once originated in ancient Russia. On the other hand, if the lock of the Kiev prince stood on top of the remnants of some megalithic structures, and on his orders ably filled viscous clay so that the steep slopes have become stronger and more criminal to the enemy. And inside, under the lock, to build auxiliary facilities and hiding places, and tunnels, and maybe there is all it was.
I’m guessing not noticed, as I stand in the center of the circle. He stopped there, looked around and stopped in surprise. In an instant, everything changed, the sky had taken refuge dense leaden clouds, and went cold pouring rain. Water poured from the sky in torrents, wind tore the pitiful remnants of autumn leaves on the trees. A gust of wet wind biting painfully lashed my cheeks and pushed out of the community. I rubbed my eyes involuntarily. The sun was shining peacefully rustling yellow and orange leaves of the maple that grew nearby. I wiped his wet face with his right hand, spread his matted hair on his head and instinctively looked at his watch. Arrows watches showed exactly 17—30. We must hurry, yet I will go to the subway, there will be about six in the evening. Of course, I had not yet been able to realize what had happened, so do not even managed to lose the sense of reality. And only managed to catch my breath as I was to reach the event happened adventure. I have mixed feelings, squelching shoes full of rain water, walked to the clearing pedestrian stairs, all accelerating and accelerating pace. And only on the steps, leaning on the railing viewing platform, began to take off shoes at a time, wringing wet socks. Trousers working suit, stick to the legs during walking, and the skin on the feet become irritated unpleasant, itchy body. I came home on time, I was met at the door his wife:
– Where have you lost an hour, eh? On Friday you work ends at five o’clock.
– Damn, I forgot. I lost and stayed there until six.
– And what is your Lubchenco, too, sat up to six?
– He was sent on a business trip and all at once fled early.
– Why are you so wet? – Lily noticed. – Rain like no. – Suspiciously examining me, he paused, waiting for an answer. Then, recollecting himself, he exclaimed:
– Run to the bathroom. Take a hot shower immediately and properly, keep warm. Then tell me where you doused himself water?
I walked into the bathroom, dropped into a bowl wet, and well washed under a warm shower.
And later on, and she could not clearly explain what happened to me, and where, and why, I’m drenched in the rain…