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Book – 2 Mysterious stranger
Chapter First
ОглавлениеMystical adventure that happened to me yesterday, did not want to disappear without a trace from memory. I could not believe what I lived for four days in the fifty-second year, and one eyebrow does not lead, not noticing my disappearance. But the changes that have happened with my body, I felt at once. My scar on his forehead somewhere disappeared, as if no trace of the hoof, and the colt, was not at all, but on the site of a small dent on the crown of the head from a blow dry twig apple of my cousin, the son of Uncle Vanya, and not a trace. All this confirms the fact that I was still there in the fifty-two, and my youngest double, that is, myself, has protected himself against unpleasant abrasions and double from the future, which judging from the changes in my body, have already occurred. So, it is confirmed by the fact that our reality exists in parallel with the same reality, but only in the past.
Lubchenco returned from a business trip. He brought a lot of impressions from the trip. Admire the abundance of products on store shelves, «Peter» and the whisper complained about our poverty.
But the romantic mood of Alexander Vladimirovich to Leningrad, did not stop him from subordinates to require execution of the work plan. And my adventures, which are firmly entrenched in my head prevented this. We are distracted at work, but because the work for me was well known and established, I was doing it on time and almost mechanically precise and unmistakable. This greatly helped me to reflect and compare the facts of my recent accident. Unpleasant was only one, is that I could not get anyone to share and discuss their adventure and happily forget to live and themselves experience for future retirement, to which I had to live another 27 years.
Once Lubchenco called us before you start working on a five-minute and said that managers were obliged to organize a movement sector mentoring. I did not attach much importance to continue to identify and design errors in the drawings, to eliminate them by the rules established by GOST and inform the production halls.
Tamara Petrovna, with every care in my shop, immediately takes off and followed me around. I do not like extremely. But knowing touchy customs of the female character, I did not say anything to her about it. I still cherished the hope that this is just a random case and manufacturing only. But, it was the system. I could not resist and said Lubchenco. He calmly replied:
– Tamara Petrovna order of the plant is assigned an official mentor. Well, since we have a young, or not, the newly arrived employees, except for you Valentin, no one, that’s you, and attach it.
– And now, this employee will run after me in the bathroom? – Lubchenco slyly smiled, then said seriously: – She surcharge to pay ten rubles for mentoring, but it acting also includes discipline ward. And at the end of each month, it must be accountable to the mentoring work done by Golde in writing to submit my signature number of outstanding issues with you.
– Is it possible somehow to limit its hounds run after me? – On that, Lubchenco said shortly.
– You can not.
The next day, our group, Isaiah Tamara Petrovna, waiting for me at the workplace Alexander Vasilyevich.
– Valentine, this is Tamara P. complains about you, you do not come up to her and did not ask questions about mentoring?
– And that, Sasha, do you think that I should have production problems for a woman with no higher technical education? – I said those words, not looking in the direction of Tamara Petrovna. What she suddenly snorted like a horse bridle and loud for the entire department, he shouted:
– I was appointed by order of the plant was a mentor to you, and I am obliged to follow the instructions of his superiors!
– So you are running bad mentor, once I learned of it from you just now! – I countered her cries and too loud and the entire department. Tamara Petrovna grabbed a folder and took off in tears from the department. A little later, Isaiah told me that Tamara had applied to the management of the plant with a request to remove her social work mentoring for business needs and a large employment in the shops. Lubchenco invited me to his chair was set for his desk job, for which he worked.
– Valentin Albertovich as Tamara Petrovna due to blockage in the work can not pull even mentoring, I introduced the plant management proposal to appoint you consultant-mentor to interns two students attached to our department. – He paused, then continued, – How do you do it?
– Is it in our factory requires the consent of subordinates?
– There is an established procedure under which I bring to your attention the issue.
– Of course, I agree.
– Well, then wait for an order when it enters into force, I will send to you the students.
Thus, justice was restored and my work at the plant has gone to a new line of production. My thoughts were busy shop routine and detected errors in the design documentation, correction made to the drawings, it was necessary to coordinate with the design department of the developers, and think about my journey into the past there was no time, so I have already almost forgotten adventure. Only each time on the way home when driving the tram turn at Old hem on the segment path to a halt Covered Market, the old name Zhitniy market, rose before my eyes picture of Nelda incident. In memory surfaced the girl’s face, which helped me get out of the past, and that I met by chance in front of my ascent to the Castle Mountain stairs. This strange encounter more persistently seeped into my consciousness with the same idea that was not accidental. Predestination, in some mysterious way, which I could not know. If we assume that this phenomenon manifests itself from time to time, it is taking root in the space-time travel is possible to change the fate of people, which means that historical events can occur otherwise. Eventually, it could lead to chaos and confusion of historical processes in global society. Hence the conclusion that such anomalous zones should be and, of course, are under the control of some forces that strictly monitor the implementation of these areas of random people, one of which turned out to be me. And this girl, a spokeswoman for custody of the portal of time and its task is obviously included to guard this portal. So I imagined a stranger activity, acting as a professional quickly and without fuss, who brought me out of natural-deceived. With these thoughts I came home after work. Twelfth Monday October salary. The salary we would normally be delivered the 10th of each month, but in 1981, October 10 falls on a Saturday, and the money was given to us on Monday. I went to the Supermarket «Velyka Keshena» bought a bottle of champagne «Brut» and came home. My wife was very happy, and we sat down to dinner in the kitchen.
The next day, as usual, I went to work. Tedious routine and interesting work activity for a piece of bread was stifling and unbearable. And, when you’re still reminding staff, especially Tamara Petrovna, as if by chance, «could not find something more interesting than this piece of paper to shift, and Valentine?» – I would not answer her flattering words. But because of its good breeding, I discreetly clenched teeth, turned away from the annoying employee and was on its routine production for the shop. So was this time on Tuesday October 13, 1981. Exactly at 18 – 00 I went out into the fresh air for the entrance of the plant. The weather is not in autumn was still warm, free and easy breathing. Tram, rumbling, pulled up and I jumped through the open door. At the turn in the direction of the market Podolsk, tram suddenly strongly jolted, and he stopped, two passengers fell into the aisle. The driver opened the door and said that occurred
Accident that the tram goes no further. Passengers are forced to leave. Well, that close to the metro, and I went to the alley in this direction. Suddenly I gently someone took her elbow. I turned around and froze next to me was the kind of girl that gave me the last of 1952.
– Hello – angelic melodious voice, drawling, almost sang it. I’m on-wing mouth in surprise, taken aback and did not know what to say. We stood and looked at each other. She waited for me to answer, I froze at the sudden surprise, not knowing what to say. Then he caught himself, mumbled in reply:
– Oh, it’s you? Well, hello! – Then again I stopped and did not know what to say. In short behaved, not sure from this unexpected encounter. Pause again dragged on, the first supposedly violated, Note-it.
– My name is Lybed.
– As the sister of three brothers? – I calmly asked her, did not believe that this is the Lu-bed. The girl looked at me and asked in surprise:
– How do you know that I had three brothers?
– Girl, do not play me, better tell me the truth. You are so beautiful, and so is-sincerely believe in fairy tales, I can not believe you that you are my sister Kia, Cheek and Horeb?
– Yes, that’s how it is. – Do imperturbably she sang with a slight accent drawled. Her face darkened while, apparently, my unbelief.
I do not know what to say. If it was a passerby and began to tell me the similarity-ing, I would, of course, would not talk to her, knowing that she can not afford. But since she has played a key role in my adventure, so there is something hidden, something is wrong and requires more thorough investigation. While I was thinking, she looked at me-nya its amazingly beautiful black eyes, waiting for an answer.
– You will excuse me – I began hesitantly, not quite yet mastered themselves. – I did not introduce myself, my name is Valentin. – I began, that would somehow mitigate the awkwardness of the first minutes of acquaintance. Her face flashed a bit of a smile, and she said to me:
– I know.
– What do you know?
– I know your name.
– How do you know I’m with you just about to start to talk?
– I witnessed the birth of your. – I thought again that I skillfully plays with the legendary actress named Lybed. But after waiting a bit to at least somehow come to themselves and to gather his thoughts, he asked:
– And how?
– Will you have a way out of the invisible reality of the material world through our corridor of time to plant them in a new life? This happens when you finish your material cycle and passed into the invisible world.
– Do you want to say when I die?
– Yes. – It is directly and openly, unabashedly staring at me. I did not know what to say. Meanwhile, she continued:
– On Get your genetic memory, when you have not been in the material world that you womanish? – Again I was puzzled and confused. Then I try to remember what it was before my roseate. And the sight of the picture began to emerge memoirs before the birth of life. I suddenly realized that I remembered.
– Lybed, that I see, in the memory, chooses their place of birth in the world. From the heights of heaven, a yellow-green space gradually dissipated.
– Is that you decided to come to this world. – Commented Lybed. – So? – I can see more clearly show through the clouds and a blue sky, at the bottom of the Earth. Next to me a few embodies. – It’s your distant relatives; they will go ahead to Earth.
– We have five or seven. We communicate with each other and arrange to meet on the ground.
– Why do you want to meet?
– To fight against suffering, specifically against the war, bringing the suffering.
– Very well, what next? What happened next? – She listened to me very attentively and sympathetically encouraged my questions answered.
– Then I see the Sphinx of Giza in the valley, near the pyramid of Cheops. No, I do not want to be born here, and move overseas. I can see the Statue of Liberty, in New York harbor, its thorns and the feeling that here I can be born in the African family. I was scared sharp thorns on the head of the statue, I refuse here.
– Where do you want to incarnate in the flesh?
– I remember the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg, and I want to be there. I move to Rome. I can see the famous statue of the she-wolf nursing their pups. I refuse, and here I need to see the Winter Palace. I move on. Very close to the earth, and no turning back. The ticket is only one way to Earth; you need to see the incarnation and openwork ligature green domes. Yes it is the Winter Palace with its architecture. I go there. And approached closer, I see how wrong I was. Back up, to move on, there is no clearance at the bottom of the roof of St. Andrew’s Church. What is waiting for me down there?
– What do you see? – Lybed singsong asked me.
– I see an old man with a long gray beard below the belt. It coarse cloak of coarse cloth tie a rope around the waist, on the shoulder, a long rope patched scrip in his hand a staff with a hook at the top end of the stick in the form of a semicircle. I hear the voice.
– What do you say when a woman’s voice?
– Throw in the crowd of women in long robes of black and huddling together at the steps of St. Andrew’s Church, and something missing, like a flock of crows to feast. The gray-haired elder stood and looked at them on the sidelines.
This is Andrew in the invisible world; he is waiting for you, to guide you to your destination, for the birth in the flesh.
– Again, I hear a woman’s voice: «Throw into the crowd and the next one will take to it and follow.» Behind stowed in my backpack was collected nectar for food on the road. Reassuring voice again said to me: «Throw not is afraid.» I got a bunch of blue nectar and threw the entire stock, without reserve, right in the women dressed in black. Pushing each other, each of them tried to grab my nectar. But then came, the fight elder. He rushed into the pile, and many He pushed grabbing nectar clots, who threw to the other arrived, put his bag, because in his scrip was also my nectar. Then, without saying a word, he turned and began to walk away at the bottom of St. Andrew’s descent in the direction of the Castle building. To the left I see a two-story house with a basement and hear the voice of the elder: «Who is to go!» He had not even agree on how plump and fat as quickly hobbled curves bun feet to the basement, and we continued on our way. That castle, but we move on. Our guide does not send us back. I was not myself. And the conductor goes to the castle hill, and I was pretty tired, and the elder is the path up to the Castle Mountain.
– Now you see me in the invisible world. – Said Lybed.
– Yes, I remember that the elder came up to you and you are surrounded by a crowd of children talked to him. It seemed to me then that he was asking you permission for something.
– Yes, it is true. It is already known, and through you to the corridor included in the material world where he is known under the name Dorosh. It bypasses all who by his grace born in the flesh.
– Yes, I remember Elder. My grandmother gave him bread and fed him soup. A mother scolded her grandmother that she did not lure the Elder.
– Do you remember what happened?
– Yes of course. I followed him for a long time. Very tired and hungry. I could not go when the elder sat down at the stump. He took out his wallet onion, garlic and a slice of nectar, with the blue color of the sky lay the food. I had no strength to come and take food to eat. I stayed only for the strength to reach out to the stump with a meal and take the coveted nectar. And here again I hear a woman’s voice: «Take a bow first, then the garlic and then take the nectar.» I reached out to eat without waiting for permission Elder, took a slice of onion. Recently my strength exhausted, had one last spurt to convey to the mouth, this slice of onion. When I took a bite of the bulb, immediately joined forces with me, garlic I could go and get more confident and finally hand reached for nectar, the food brought me back to life, and it was my first breath at birth. As you can see Lybed, I remembered all that was before my incarnation in the flesh. And now I want to ask you what you were doing on the Castle Hill, where the old asked you permission.
– My flesh is buried there. A corridor represents me in the material world, where I can easily communicate with you is not dangerous for me by people for many centuries, remaining, so what you see me.
– It’s hard to believe that such a thing available.– It surprised me. But my doubts hesitated, remembering the recent adventures in the past 1952. Suddenly, I was speechless, remembering how worried my wife. I have long had to stay at home.
Lybed, as if reading my thoughts, saying: – No need to worry, look around.
I looked around and froze all stood around me and did not move. People stood in a non-movable, position and did not move.
– You, you, stop time? How is it possible?
– It taught me the corridor, the one you got in the past. And you will go home on time.
– Who else knows about the existence of the corridor?
– Only dedicated. But they can not use it because they do not know the cycles of time. One nun Floors monastery that was once the on Castle Hill, managed to accidentally as you learn one turn of the cycle. She once went back and changed there with his young flesh. She returned to the monastery her young flesh, surprising his young nun. But you can not cheat time. The next day she came back and stayed at home. You know that the corridor has the ability to close and who knows during limited hours, never return in due time.
– Yes, I think I read somewhere about the wonders of the Castle Mountain. That’s to be precise about as described in this historical fact as you talk, Lybed.
– Well, well, let’s be to say goodbye.
– Tell me, I’m very excited; after all, I talk to a living legend, founder of the dynasty of Kiev. Tell us, we’ll meet with you?
– I hope so. Since the motion of the planet Earth in the next few hundred million years is not going to change, our corridor remains stable all the time.
– I hope to see you soon.
– I’ll find myself. – Having said that, she slowly melted in the eyes and vanished. Passengers with a derailed tram began to move, slowly to the metro station «Red Square.» I followed the crowd of passengers…