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Book – 1, Tir, novella
Chapter 1


Hot day. In the blue sky flashes a bird If you lie on your back and look up, the bird seems with a golf ball. Without moving, the bird in the sky is almost invisible. And only to hear her singing, give her the name of the singer of the fields – Skylark. Over a field of grain, trailing by a near grove to the lake, a few lumps of frozen alive. Competing with each other in singing larks are rising higher and higher into the bottomless blue. Good to lie on his back in the cool shade of ears of grain fields, when you are only ten years old, and when there is nobody around except the sky, the endless expanse of fields yes Song of the Lark. Suddenly, the there was a rustling of the thick stems. “It is true. Mermaid”! – Flashed in the mind. Freezing Fear crept in bare feet boy. He jumped to his feet. A thin, You step to the clavicles, rising above the gate through unbuttoned

Sleeveless. Advanced zrachk2i hazel-green eyes with a scared curiously looking towards a rustle. Heard only the sound of wind wwavy ears. And nobody around. But now, three meters from the

boy, rustled spikes and rapid track streamed directly to him. He froze in fright. Black shaggy

being caught in a continuous thicket of stems at the boy, whining for a puppy, trying to lick his face.

– Ball, is that you? – Co sigh of relief, he said. Dog with drooping ears fun jumping around. The boy tugged at his head popped into the open jaws of a hand, and he pretended to bite gently pressing brush his teeth. Dog and boy playing out on a country road and headed towards the lake.

The ball first into the water. Kicking up clouds of spray, dog wear Xia on the sandbar beach, having fun turning his head, looking waiting for the boy. Then another fumbled on the beach, taking off clothes when the dog, losing patience, cold phlegm wool burned body.

– Get out of here, you bastard! – He swore, driving dog. He jumped to the side to throw again, already behind the host, in warm waves of the lake and swim nearby. High above, a shock of white feather, clouds floated. Among the blue expanse of sky fled they are far from unknown in uncharted territory. “Take off to them!” – Dreamily thought the boy was already imagining myself flying nearby. As if in a weightless space, he hovered above the ground, feeling the weight of the body dissolves, give water. At the bottom through the clear its purity can see the bottom, overgrown with weeds, as if from a height fancies Earth and its forests, fields and ovragami.2

– Phew-p! – He snorted. Caught the spirit of the dream of limitless expanse of blue vistas. And if you close your eyes and dive you will come to the weightlessness of outer space, and you’re in

spacesuit on an unknown station, forgotten by aliens from other Editch.

– Phew! – Did not have enough breath, but it would chase fatty carp, sleepily wags his tail offing

Dusk was falling over the village. The dusty streets flocks of sheep wandered. Shepherds on small nimble nag revolved around flocks, driving long whips behind. Sheep bleat, as if by agreement, in strict order one by one, then together, then one by one. From whooping shepherds and sheep vote on village streets reigned eternal song of the century, and now revived with the evening twilight. Then returned to pasture shepherds. The old gray-haired farmer stood at the gate, looking dim view of the gray mist. Black clothes were covered with a brown film se dust. To better see, she raised her dry with crooked fingers trembling hand to his forehead.

– Hey, Amir? – Restless she called drive-by shepherd.

– Have you seen my son?

– I saw my mother Naa. – The answer is the youngest sonorous voice, he is the last one!

The old woman settled down, waited. The dust has settled, the latter raised a flock. And everything is so old Naa also stood in waiting, letting wrinkled face in the darkening horizon. In the dusk of the evening came the distant voices of sheep, from all parts of the village, it was hard to make out anything in the discordant coming night. From the gray mist emerged the first sheep. From a distance, they looked like bales of hay, miraculously revived and mincing on the four-legged sticks.

They are fast approaching and, dragging the others ran through the open gate.

– Oh, a tomboy! – Cursed hoarse voice shepherd! – Well Appear to me, I’ll set you seven skins!

He walked heavily limping on his right leg. In his left hand hold the reins emaciated horse that trailed behind.

– What, again missing? – Crackly voice asked from age Naa.

– Yeah, and the dog on a dragged. I had a whole day chasing sheep.

– From the brat! – Loudly cursed the old woman was clear that the one of whom they say, is not loved.

– Hey, Jeannette! – Called shepherd. On the threshold of a wooden house ran a young girl in a long skirt and apron with a thick tight oblique jet-black hair that fell to her waist.

– Help drive the herd into the barn.

Jeannette Shepherd and quickly herded the animals into the building. The boy had come too late. In the windows of the wooden house was burning brightly light. He cautiously crept to the window and peered inside. For table were a shepherd, and Jeannette Naa. In the steamed food trays, each drew a spoon and eat. The boy swallowed. The ball spun at his feet and suddenly whined piteously. The shepherd looked up from the table food and listened. Then suddenly jumped up from his chair and hobbled, toward the low door. Near the jamb removed the nail belt and you

walked into the yard.

– Where roamed the puppy? – He shouted, looking at the the darkness.

– And Come here, I’ll deal with you!

The boy was sitting in a thicket of burdock, trembling with fear. In the stomach seething. Hunger was stronger. He reluctantly got up and slowly downcast eyes, he went to his father. A minute later came the scathing attacks belt and restrained sob. Jeannette was sitting at the table, covering his face with his hands. On my cheeks in her tears flowed.

– Ever since his mother died! – Coldly said the old lady, Dan had a hard time. The kid just got separated from the hands, instead of an assistant raise our lazy, freeloader. Won the neighbors, Amir, gold was a child and now parents are not quite appreciate. Shepherd! And this! – It could not think what to say, waved her hand. Then began to eat. The door creaked open. Dan appeared on the threshold. He kept his ear boy, who was crying, wiping tears mixed with the dust on face.

– Sit down! – The old woman told him, pointing to the free chair. Son-in-scooped out of the pan and ladle soup served in a bowl. The boy began to eat with gusto.

– Rumor has it! – Dan started! – That will be auctioned off on Sunday.

– What, you hope to sell something? – Asked the old woman dissatisfied.

– Yes, I’d like to try, maybe this time we’re lucky.

– Ha-ha-ha! – Deliberately evil laugh Naa! – Do you hope to of success? Listen old mother, if you do not want to lose all, time has not come yet.

– I’m sick of poverty, Mom! – Angrily retorted son. – Yes and idler grows, is it this peasant life?

– You’re not a peasant! Your hereditary shepherd! – Commanding voice arguing mother, proving its origin with a proud posture, as far as her old body. – I hold you, when you put it in mercenaries in NARF, and what came of it. Got a thigh injury. Eh, do not listen to the old mother. Neither we

bad his son did not wish to.

– How much do you prove, mama, not mercenaries, and the palace guard. And then I found the golden fleece”

– Do not have time, I tell you! And forget about it. Mother like a man slammed his hand down on the table. At such moments, she liked the boy. He has even stopped watching the admiring eyes of his grandmother. Dinners rarely ended without such after-dinner conversations. Jeannette at this time rattling dishes, cleaning the table. Newest boy stood up.

– Omar! – Called him a girl! – Where are you going?

– A sleep. – Heat looked at his sister swollen from crying eyes, he said. Jeannette gently looked at his brother. Her girlish heart, woman-sensitive, shrank whenever father chastised Omar. Then the poor girl fancied that if she had power over her father, she would even for a moment made him suffer. She seemed a cruel father, as a punishment of fate, as hell, which plunged her life by the will of the same father.

– I will come to you.

Omar frowned at the words sister. He was incomprehensible to her caresses. Especially his tormented stormy tide of tenderness, manifested in the moments when she climbed into his bed, gently stroking his auburn hair and pressed hard all over, trembling showering kisses. He could feel her strong preserver maiden chest through the fabric nightgown, and her brother was getting embarrassing. Its a scary thought that one day he would break down and tell her offensive word, which would deprive him of, perhaps, the only close friend in the whole world. And had to endure, and he patiently endured the “veal” tenderness. Omar meanwhile, found himself in his room, so to name a closet with wooden bed that took up almost all of its area. The only window looked out into the yard. Under the window was Booth Ball, and faithful dog often wake in the morning Omar, barking as while his master is not mope-headed head puts out into the yard.

The boy hung clothes on a hanger on the left of the door. Then went to the bathroom. Bathroom considering only the name, then all the rest of what it was, was not about to be placed under this name. Nevertheless, vanned basin was nailed the wall. Beneath it stood on a stool, a huge copper pan. Next with wash tub with water and there in the corner of the night latrine in a garbage can. Boy washed, washed the feet in a basin. Then wiped his face with a towel and legs. Balance water leaked from the pelvis into the garbage. After finishing toilet, he went to him. How sweet it is to lay the body in soft snow-white bed, spread your arms and feet and dive into oblivion. The beating of his father’s belt whined, not giving lie down comfortably, finally, all failed somewhere, emerging countries, the picture of the vast expanse of blue: “How strange, why is the sky upside down?” He came closer and saw that the blue – a huge expanse of water with waves running through it. The waves suddenly grew up, murmured, turning in front of a blue straw, color, grain fields: “Yes this is the wheat.” The noise increased. It suddenly caught Bread wave, whirled and threw to the ground.

– Omar! – Heard a whisper of girls’ lips. The boy opened eyes. Nearby lay Jeannette. She gently stroked his hair, a little touching the long fingers of his right hand.

– What was already great. Tell me, did it hurt?

– No, it’s gone.

– You know, I would not stand it.

– Well, you’re a girl. – With boyish dignity dropped

he says. She gently pressed her to his brother. Omar was curled his battered face, but an effort suppressed pain. Dislike caresses encouraged to push his sister, but he gave the opportunity to vent surge of tenderness. She embraced him with both hands, and then fell asleep. He has long did not fall asleep. When my sister stopped moving and delved into sleep, he carefully freed from the embrace. He turned his back and fell asleep.

Book-1 Tir novella

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