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Book – 1, Tir, novella
Chapter 4


Since the visit of the President Arkii in Lakiyu went pretty a lot of time if you count the months, they will be typed exactly three with small. The king of all time was restless, thinking about each step, and by the end of that period he was ready for Action, with the content of which he was in a hurry familiarize Vick, and through him, and the other members of the Organizing Committee of the Union of the Armistice. Given the critical importance of the document, including the fact the future of the power of the state, its royal family, Laky decided to send a message to Vick his only son. Laky expecting him in his office, sitting at your desk, for the umpteenth time browsing the content of written material. The office door finally opened, and in walked a tall bodyguard marching in the form of black cloth sewn into a suit, a black beret, shoes and a belt, which was hanging on the right holster beamer.

– Your Highness, the Prince of Lakiya! – He boomed.

– Call! For bodyguard closed the door to re-open and let the high and slender young man in the uniform of an officer of honor. Vibrant, smart, steel-gray eyes stopped on the monarch.

Why called the father? – Confident baritone filled the room.

– Son, life gives us something that conquerors sought of all ages and defeated, because the world cannot win.

– Father, it’s quite extensively, and it seems to me, is far from today’s problems.

– You’re wrong. Tir, visit Vic predestined our future.

– That’s why you have humiliated dignity of the royal family and

personally met him.

– You are young, my son, and hot in the judgment, but the future belongs to you. And if you do not take care of him now, much as may be lost.

– Father, what should I do?

– There, behind the door, you’ll get a loyal person to me.

– What is this guard? – Asked with a grimace of disgust Prince, but seeing displeasure at the king’s face, he hastened to add: – However, he smelled of expensive toilet water.

– I would say so cautioned about strong men. Now them not so much.

– Well, to me they do not need. – Prince replied smugly.

– Son, you’re hot. At your age should not waste words the wind.

– I’m sorry, Father. – Respectfully bowed, said Tir. He respect for his father and was proud of him no less than the people of Lakiya.

– Well, enough. So, you’ll get a Dumar is my lieutenant personal protection.

– I have had time to notice.

– Please, listen to the end! – Patiently persuaded his father.

– Yes, Father. – Prince stood, ready to listen.

– Dumar will take you to the airport. There’s a plane waiting for you fully fueled. Flight in this Arkiyu never published, and It’s nothing nobody knows. So you try not to be seen either here or in Arkii. – Laky made emphasis on the last word, putting a deep sense of their significance. Tir knowing look made it clear to his father that he will fulfill all. The monarch went on:

– Handing Vick this message. You will wait response and instantly back.

– Yes, Father, I will do as you command.

– At the port you will meet Dumar and deliver me. Well, now come on.

Prince approached the edge of the table. Laky quickly traced something on a blank piece of paper. Tir read carefully, and then pulled centered view of the written and looked into the eyes monarch. They looked at each other, and in the view of each displayed boundless love, father and sons cautionary grateful. After that, the monarch gave him a bundle of papers tied with red twine bound huge printing. Prince took over the desk airtight capsule to deliver pneumatic tube and put back the package.

– Well, with God! As our ancestors. – Instruct Laky it.

– With God, Father! – Prince bowed, clicking his heels, turned on his heel and walked out of the office. Soon the gates of the palace went black armored limousine. The policeman on duty at the crossroads recognized in him a government car and distilled in hand cars and trucks. Those respectfully conceded the roadway rushing at breakneck speed, “the armored car.” Prince Lakiya liked to drive fast. Motor hummed softly. Behind the wheel, focusing on the road, sitting Dumar. Near the front Captain form a guard of honor sat Tir. Prince turned his head to the lieutenant carefully examined him speculatively, then asked: – What a strange name Dumar, where did you get it? – Mocking notes in the voice of a young captain seemed to be infuriated simple

Soldier. But the lieutenant was calm. Deadpan voice, he boomed: – It is an ancient word, symbol. In the transition from an old Fatani it sounds like a wise man, wise.

– What you are fond of the old days?

– What makes you think, Captain? – A question with a question boldly replied the lieutenant. Such treatment has enraged the young heir See, steel-gray eyes flashed lightning, but an act of will

Prince kept his anger. Only a contemptuous grimace of displeasure pursed his lips, but his thick black eyebrows climbed up and froze in place, turning the face into a mask of arrogance. He reluctantly turned away with dignity and with feigned curiosity watched the flickering of the glass windows. After thirty minutes they left the wide road leading to the airport…

– He does not have to fly! – Words like hot iron penetrated the ears, “hissing” dug in mind the listener.

– Mr. Advisor, and we are justified? – A pleasant baritone asked tall lean man wearing the captain of the palace guard, his red beret pulled off his forehead, and out of the impending

edges looked huge black eye to the hunched figure of the king’s vizier. Little mouse eyes, hooked over a huge nose and short arms with sleek white fingers, made him look like a huge rat, fumbling among the scattered business papers in a mess on the desktop. The similarity is complemented brown suit, who was dressed in a counselor, but gloom that prevailed in his office.

– Renee! – Crackling voice shouted in space adviser. Immediately opened front door of the office, and on the threshold appeared a servant in a long crimson livery and white gloves.

– Anything, Sir? – Insinuating voice like the rustling of leaves outside the window and asked the newcomer.

– Let the Tir.

Counselor filed keys. Footman went to the side door in the back office and rattling keys, unlocked the door. Through the open door came a young captain in dress uniform of honor. Middle of the room captain leaned forward, depicting on the face of extreme surprise.

– You, Tir? He exclaimed.

– Yes! – Calmly replied. – And please call me Prince Lakiya!

– Well, Ort? Exulted Advisor.

– But you have to be at the airport?

A striking resemblance to Tir introduced Orth confusion.

– And we’re going there now.

With that double looked expectantly at the vizier.

– Ort! – He turned to the captain! – Take him to a military airfield and send Arkiyu s. That aircraft, which through Twenty minutes will fly out of the airport, there should not fly.

– And what about … – Began Orth was in disarray. But the Counselor


– I do not like to repeat!

– Yes! – Orth clicked his heels, straightening up on the rack “Attention”.

– And you! – He said the false prince! – Follow him! – Nod head to turn on Orth.

– Got it will.

Self-assured tone faux-Tyr captain added confidence. He is firm steps toward the door.

When the door closed behind them, Counselor Renee beckoned closer to the table:

– Take these papers here. Here is what you should see in print in the event of failure of the operation.

– All done, Sir, how do you want! – Renee replied, a little bowing, and slipped out the door with documents in hand.

Book-1 Tir novella

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