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Book – V Troyan horse novella
Chapter 1


Over the green tops of the park grew and matured since that time, even when the first astronauts, along with Yuri Garinov planted their first trees here, with a constant ringing squeak flew a flock of swallows, and disappeared into the heights, outlining where intricate shapes of the flight. Their cheerful squeak here, with manicured paths of the park, just came from a height, and the flutter of wings was so touching that I wanted to take off after a dip in their merry dance, there, right up to the clouds. But the two friends, Peter and Leonid Krazimov Sobinov not soon back in the vastness of the sky. After returning from the grip of the Two-faced world” and an emergency landing on an asteroid, Leonid, and her savior, Peter Sobinova long months of rehabilitation treatment center in the Central astronauts. Leonid and Peter was placed in ward number 12 “Radiology Rehabilitation”. Endless procedures and encourage inactivity two energetic and restless explorers of space to long conversations about everything that could come to a head in these unoccupied forced stay in the Center today. All the talk ended with one and the same argument about the strange phenomenon of the existence of life at the same time with the past and the future: – And here’s what I think – said Leonid suddenly, maintaining a long pause. Sobinov stared quizzically from his bunk on the other. But he was silent. Pause is clearly addictive. He, slowly, put down his book he had been reading for more than a month to disturb the conversation. But, man, motionless, staring off into space.

– Hey! Buddy? Where are you? – With irony in his voice called out Sobinov. Leonid startled, looked at each other:

– A! What!

– You started to say something about what you think. – Reminded him of a friend.

– A! Yes! So, it seems to me that everything that happened to me in that expedition – Leonid paused, fun, and ironically, looked at each other. Well, remember when you took me for a ghost.

Dmitry grabbed waffle towel, crumpling, ran it in another.

– I warned you, do not remind me of that infamous coward, whom I had at the time.

Friends laughed merrily. Again Leonid continued his thought:

– Remember the Philadelphia Experiment during World War II. Then a U.S. Navy destroyer disappeared in front of experimenters with a crew on board and with full arms. And then, when the ship suddenly appeared from behind just four miles from the place of disappearance. What happened to the crew?

Wrote about it then all the newspapers, though the experiment was carried out in secrecy – with the participation of Peter said.

– The men who are “rooted” in the deck and in the cabin wall.

– Yes, I remember the same thing for a long time thinking about it.

– No wonder Einstein then burned all the calculations, destroying the production technology of the experiment.

Of course not in vain. So, I think that at the heart of the universe is rooted in all things, all life on Mother Earth, by the nature, this is the effect of time.

– Like, “… everything flows, everything changes …". As our teacher and leader of all the peoples of Lenin.

Yes, Petr, you are well taught history at the school of origin of Communism in the world.

– And it’s not entirely true. – Clarifying continued his lecture Leonid seriously looking into each other laughing eyes. Sobinov stopped laughing and began to listen more attentively.

– You see, my friend, there is such a thing, and that just would not understand.

– Well, you did something thought up, so out with it soon! – With hints of impatience in his voice, hurried one.

– You know, Peter, I’ve been thinking over the nature of time and that’s what struck me is the fact that the inherent nature of time acceleration speed particles, brick by brick (vortex energy) that make up the universe, all living things, all beings and the acceleration is for all elements of the periodic table constant, that is, in Russian, all the time.

– Does it mean?

– Yes, so that if, for example, the atom, and we know that the atom is not solid matter, but a small part consists of vortices of energy clusters known to science as neutrons, protons, electrons, etc.

In short, do you think that an atom of any element in the periodic table are those the same energy vortex?

– I have already talked about this. Do not just believe, but sure of it one hundred percent. But these twists are constantly accelerating.

– Leon, I’m with you fundamentally disagree.

– Prove it!

– Where they take energy to accelerate?

Yes, that’s exactly where they take energy to accelerate? So, most likely, are not accelerated and slowed its vortex rotation.

– That’s about it, Leon, is the right thing, and so it happens all the time with all the particles of the universe.

– A slowing – continued Leonid – they represent, so the phenomenon of the flow of time.

– In other words, – picked Sobinov – if a particle, atom, rotate faster – it’s in the past. Current speed of rotation of the vortices – is present. The lower speed of the particles of the atom – is the future.

That’s right! And there is no way to touch objects in the past or in the future, because the past is gone regarding this, and the future has not yet arrived.

– Very interesting! Well, how about the fact that the past, present and future exist simultaneously?

– It’s very simple! – Leonid replied thoughtfully.

– Do you, Leon, man – with a touch of extreme impatience expressed Sobinov – all so very easy!

– Yes! Sobinov, all very, very simple. Monolith past, present and future, and in this monolith of freedom of movement due to the difference in the speeds of particles of the universe in the past, the present and the future. – Leonid wondered then, and then completed the thought:

– Thus, the deceleration rotation of the particles – this time.

Well, brother, you’re a genius! Well, as the simultaneity of existence? It turns out that you’re still out there, in the past, struggling with an anomaly of the World Two- Face?

Yes, it turns out that way! But this is for me this does not exist, but for me in the past exist, otherwise there would be no past. And so it is connected all the past, present and future.

– Sorry, friend, but why do we not know what will happen in the future?

– Because we come from the past. And this is the explanation. So, as we live in a world of particles slow rotations.

– So, if we lived in a world of accelerating particles, we would know what needs to happen to us.

Well, this cannot be, because the energy is consumed, and this leads to slowing down the process.

– Here, Leon, I disagree with you. But what about the Law of Conservation of Energy, Lomonosov still open?

– It turns out that the energy that supports the speed of rotation, i.e. the time flows from the future into the past, where the speed of the particles larger and thus supports large speed particles. The future, as it energizes the past and the Law of Conservation of Energy is not violated.

– Wow! I do not even own, somehow! Yes, my friend, it is necessary to digest.

– That’s what I’m thinking, and if we do not create such utter a time machine and look at the thing in the past or the future.

Without noticing blatant irony in the words of Peter Sobinov, Leonid seriously said thoughtfully:

To do this we must learn to artificially change the speed of the particles. Slowing down, we find ourselves in the future, accelerating in the past.

– Let’s say we are – changing the irony of participation, Peter began – dwell in a certain unit, being in their present time. A surveillance with slower speeds of particles, in the future, and translates us what is happening there.

No, it does not happen! First, we will not have any connection with the device.

– Why?

– Because the speed of the particles are different. Observing the machine simply disappear in the future.

– So, Leon, the observer should set a timer for timing stay.

– We will think about it.

From a fascinating conversation distracted friends knock on the door of the ward.

– Yes, go! – Said Leonid.

At the door, there was a pretty nurse in a white coat and a white cap.

– Well, for this procedure! – Strictly she ordered, in a voice that brooked no argument. It was clear that she was reprimanded for being late charges from professors, friends attending.

– Laboratory and tired of waiting for the doctor. You are not alone with me! – Nervously slammed the door, she went knocking on his heels echoing corridor floor.

Violate- order principle does not go to the set of footwear. – Leonid muttered, picking up towels procedures.

– But what line highlights heels legs, especially for you, Leon is not married, she tries, and you zero in the phase!

– I do not want me too, like you, throwing oranges prematurely. – Referring to the wife of Peter, said Leonid.

Book-5. Troyan horse, novella

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