Читать книгу Book-5. Troyan horse, novella - В. Спейс - Страница 7
Book – V Troyan horse novella
Chapter 4
Оглавление1. Strength, formerly known as the force of gravity [3]. Pp. 29 is a force which pushes the two material area point “m1” and “m2”, and is equal to:
Fvyt = (+ Vpr1 Vpr2) • g / Lim • Ppr
where: Fvyt- force pushing space
Vpr1- the amount of space occupied by the material point “m1”, equal
the volume of the material point “m1”.
Vpr2- the amount of space occupied by the material point “m2”, equal to the
the volume of the material point of “m2”
LimPpr – the ultimate density of the space, which is numerically equal to the density of matter points “m1” and “m2”. g- gravitational tension
2. With increasing distance between the two material points “m1” and “m2”,
the density of the space in these locations increases and tends to a limit equal to the numerical value of the matter density of points “m1” and “m2”.
LimPpr = g • r ² • (Vpr1 Vpr2 +) /Kg••Vpr1Vpr2
where: LimPpr – density of points in space “m1” and “m2”
g – gravitational tension
r – distance between “m1” and “m2”
Vpr1- the amount of space occupied by the material point “m1”, equal
volume of material point “m1”
Vpr2 – the amount of space occupied by the material point “m2”, equal
The volume of material points “m2”
Kg – the gravitational constant
3. The quantity of matter is the space occupied by the numerical amount of the Space:
Mmat = Vpr