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1.2.3Multivalued maps into a metric space


In the case when a multimap acts into a metric space we can obtain a few convenient characterizations for the above considered types of continuity.

Everywhere in this section, (Y, ϱ) is a metric space.

Definition 1.2.38. Let F : XP(Y) be a multimap. The multimap Fε : XP(Y),

is called an ε-enlargement of the multimap F.

Theorem 1.2.39. For the upper semicontinuity of a multimap F : XK(Y) at a point xX, it is necessary and sufficient that for every ε > 0 there exists a neighborhood U(x) of x such that F(x′) ⊂ Fε(x) for all x′ ∈ U(x).

Proof. 1) Necessity. Notice that

is an open set containing F(x) and apply Definition 1.2.13.

2) Sufficiency. Let F(x) ⊂ V, where V is an open set. Then (see Ch. 0) there exists ε > 0 such that Fε(x) ⊂ V. But then there exists a neighborhood U(x) of x such that F(U(x)) ⊂ Fε(x) ⊂ V.

Theorem 1.2.40. For the lower semicontinuity of a multimap F : XK(Y) at a point xX, it is necessary and sufficient that for every ε > 0 there exists a neighborhood U(x) of x that F(x) ⊂ Fε(x′) for all x′ ∈ U(x).

Proof. 1) Necessity. Take ε > 0 and let y1, . . . , yn be points of the set F(x) such that the collection of balls , 1 ≤ in forms an open cover of F(x). Since F is l.s.c., for every i, 1 ≤ in, there exists an open neighborhood Ui(x) of the point x such that from x′ ∈ Ui(x) it follows that . But then, implies for all i, 1 ≤ in and hence the neighborhood U(x) is the desired one.

2) Sufficiency. Let V be an open set in Y and F(x) ∩ V ≠ . Take an arbitrary point yF(x) ∩ V and let ε > 0 be such that Bε(y) ⊂ V. Let U(x) be a neighborhood of x such that x′ ∈ U(x) implies F(x) ⊂ Fε(x′). Then F(x′) ∩ Bε(y) ≠ for all x′ ∈ U(x) proving that F is l,s.c. at x.

It is worth noting that in the necessary part of Theorem 1.2.39 and in the sufficient part of Theorem 1.2.40 the compactness of the values of the multimap F is not used.

As earlier, let C(Y) denote the collection of all nonempty closed subsets of Y. For A, BC(Y), the value

is called the deviation of the set A from the set B. The function ϱ* : C(Y) × C(Y) → ∪ {∞} possesses the following properties.

Theorem 1.2.41.

(a)ϱ*(A, B) ≥ 0 for each A, BC(Y);

(b)ϱ*(A, B) = 0 implies AB;

(c)in a general case ϱ* (A, B) = ϱ*(B, A);

(d)if ϱ*(A, B) < ∞ then ϱ*(A, B) ≤ ϱ*(A, C) + ϱ*(C, B) for every CC(Y);

(e)if ϱ*(A, B) < ∞ then ϱ*(A, B) = inf {ε | AUε(B)}.

Proof. (a) Follows immediately from the definition.

(b) For each xA we have ϱ(x, B) = 0. Hence x is a limit point for a certain sequence of points from B. Since B is closed, we get xB.

(c) Take A = {a} ∈ Y, B = {a} ∪ {b} ∈ Y, ab. Then ϱ*(A, B) = 0, ϱ*(B, A) = ϱ(b, a) ≠ 0.

(d) By the triangle inequality, for each xA we have

where z is an arbitrary point of C. Then

for each zC. Whence

Then ϱ*(A, B) ≤ ϱ*(A, C) + ϱ*(C, B).

(e) Let ε > ϱ*(A, B), then for each point xA there exists a point yB such that xBε(y). Therefore A(B), i.e., inf{1|AUε(B)} ≤ ϱ*(A, B). In case when ε > 0 is such that AUε(B), for every xA we have ϱ(x, B) < ε. Then ϱ*(A, B) ≤ ε, i.e., ϱ*(A, B) ≤ inf{ε|AUε(B)}. Comparing the obtained inequalities we get the desired property.

Consider the function h : C(Y) × C(Y) → ∪ [∞],

Applying the previous result one can verify (do it!) that this function has the next properties:

For each A, BC(Y) the following holds true:

1)h(A, B) ≥ 0;

2)h(A, B) = 0 is equivalent to A = B;

3)h(A, B) = h(B, A);

4)If h(A, B) < ∞ then h(A, B) ≤ h(A, C) + h(C, B) for each CC(Y).

Definition 1.2.42. The function h is called the extended Hausdorff metric on the set C(Y).

Here the term “extended” means that the function h can take infinite values.

Denote Cb(Y) the collection of all nonempty closed bounded subsets of Y. From the above properties it immediately follows that the function h is a usual metric on this set. It is called the Hausdorff metric.

Notice that from Theorem 1.2.41(e) it follows that for every A, BCb(Y) the Hausdorff metric may be defined as

Definition 1.2.43. A multimap F : XCb(Y) is called Hausdorff continuous, if it is continuous as a single-valued map into the metric space (Cb(Y), h).

For multimaps with compact values we can obtain now the following useful characterization of the continuity.

Theorem 1.2.44. A multimap F : XK(Y) is continuous if and only if it is Hausdorff continuous.

Proof. The statement of the theorem directly follows from Theorems 1.2.39 and 1.2.40.

Now, let Y be a separable metric space. The following criteria of lower and upper semicontinuity of multimaps will be useful in the sequel.

Let be a countable dense subset of Y. For a multimap F : XP(Y) define the functions , φn : X → ,

Theorem 1.2.45. For the lower semicontinuity of a multimap F : XP(Y) it is necessary and sufficient that all the functions φn are upper semicontinuous (in the single-valued sense).

Proof. For each a > 0 and n the set

coincides with the set . To verify the assertion it remains to notice that the balls centered at the points rn form the base of the topology of the space Y and to use Theorem 1.2.19 (d).

For the further reasonings we need the following statement.

Lemma 1.2.46. Let F : XP(Y) be a multimap, WY a closed subset. Let sets Wm be such that WWmUεm(W) for a certain sequence , εm > 0, εm → 0. Then:


(b)if the values of the multimap F are compact then

Proof. The inclusions

are evident.

(a) If then there exists yF(x) such that yW.

But then εm < ϱ(y, W) yields that proves (a).

(b) If then F(x) ∩ W = and, since the set F(x) is compact there exists ε > 0 such that Fε(x) ∩ W = . But then εm < ε implies and (b) is also proved.

Theorem 1.2.47. For the upper semicontinuity of a multimap F : XK(Y) it is necessary and, in the case of compactness of the multimap F, also sufficient that all the functions φn are lower semicontinuous (in the single-valued sense).

Proof. 1) Necessity. If the multimap F is upper semicontinuous then for each a > 0 and n the set

is open.

2) Necessity. Since the multimap F is compact, it is sufficient to show that for every compact set KY the set is closed. For a certain sequence , εm > 0, εm → 0 consider the finite covers of K by closed balls of the radius εm centered at points from the set :

For each m, the set

is closed. Applying Lemma 1.2.46 (b) we obtain from where the closedness of the set follows.

In conclusion of this section notice that for metric spaces we have the following refinement of Theorem 1.2.32.

Theorem 1.2.48. Let X and Y be metric spaces and F : XK(Y) a closed quasicompact multimap Then F is upper semicontinuous.

Proof. Let xX be a point and VY an open set such that F(x) ⊂ V. If F is not u.s.c. at x there exists a sequence {xn} ⊂ X, xnx such that we can choose a sequence ynF(xn)\V for all n = 1, 2, ... By virtue of the quasicompactness condition we can assume without loss of generality that ynyV, contrary to yF(x).

Multivalued Maps And Differential Inclusions: Elements Of Theory And Applications

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