Читать книгу Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity - Valery Abdullovich Asadov - Страница 14



When from планкеон – a proton the Universe fundamental particles at first are born is born. Which at first do not possess reason, And still are not present what laws (except the reproduction law), (But God is eternal) and all it only about one second of life of the Universe. After the first second Universe life also begins – it has a Reason, her life laws are created. The first law all over the world from all is a law of life (the reproduction law). The second law is a law of Reason which gives all life and development. But that there was a Reason, Reason carriers, and everything are necessary that exists in the Universe, is carriers of the Reason, a different degree of complexity and a view. The second requirement is the necessary quantity of carriers of reason is necessary. If them less than the necessary quantity the Reason is not present, and is blind reproduction. Only when there is a necessary quantity of carriers of reason, there is a Reason: it starts to develop and be perfected. But it is impossible to speak about lack of Reason at all and everything, except as at the person, it is untrue. Simply we can understand one Reason and we can not understand another (it means expostulate – on itself!). It is our trouble, our boundedness, we cannot contact to many views of Reason in general and it is bad. We cannot understand their thinking, acts. For example: ants, bees, dolphins (but we have a chance). The first Reason is quantitative, it the first arises is a bottom of reasonable life. When the certain quantity of fundamental particles they get Reason, and for ever is agglomerated. Probably, in it the threshold parent of “one second” when laws of development of the Universe till 1 second one, and after 1 second become others. It is stated in the textbook to the new dynamic physics. This Reason is shown in their laws, their various interactions.

“The quantum physics draws a world pattern in which separate (elemental) particles do not exist in itself (as primary objects). The status of” a reality “the ensemble of particles viewed as a unit” possesses here only

“Fundamental particles not is something independently existing and resistant to the analysis. In essence is the medium spread outside on other objects” the American physicist.

In 1982 Allen Aspek on the spent experiment has proved that particles know that each other particle does: they are interconnected. Carriers of this Reason – protons, neutrons, electrons, quantums, atoms. From the moment of a birth of the Universe: it is 7,6231*10 – 44 cek, till 1 second of Reason is not present, and after the first second, is, and it can, as that to help with different assumptions to calculate the Reason constant. As the quantity of carriers of Reason is known: it is equal to 1,31222*10^43 quantity of protons for 1 second.

The reason formula looks so:


Where: 1,31222*10^43 quantity of unities of carriers of reason.

N – complexity of unity of the carrier of reason is equal 1 – conventionally.

Эин – it is peak.

Эс and Ekvr is equal 1 conventionally (everyone).

Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity

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