Читать книгу Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity - Valery Abdullovich Asadov - Страница 3



The Law and the Reason formula, and also Reason constant is output. There are 6 views of Reason. Individual, individually-collective, collective, collectively-quantitative, quantitative. And also individually-quantitative, it already the Matrix. A principle of operation of the Matrix, its activity as the holographic-virtual computer. Makings of holographic subjects and their filling then a substance. Our visible world, is is material-virtual. People it is the material live objects and during too time it is computer files in the Matrix database. As a matter of fact, there are no odds between files and people are not present, this same, ordinary dualism. The information, is very powerful and reasonable force which also is one of principals of the Matrix. It can, both to give the information and to take away it, or to punish that who took that is not necessary to it. Performances of objects, it is the a bit bastard approach to the world of objects. It is the world of fashions of objects. The object considers all. It is the car, a table, a tablet, a cooler body, a monkey, the person is all is object. These are shapes, density, complexity, a storage field, a floor of events, energy, information, likelihood, psychological, thinking and other performances of objects, and their interaction with each other. And also about that that there are Supreme laws which dominate over all other laws and sciences. It is the Absurdity Law, the Balance Law, the Golden section Law, and the Acceptance law.

      I here, and not here.

     I always, and when.

    I was, and I was not.

   The answer and question.

  Who also that.



Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity

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