Читать книгу TALMUD - Various Authors - Страница 120



MISHNA I. What is meant by Or? The explanation of the phrase(Job xiv. 14), "with the earliest light." At no time should a man allow an ill sounding word to escape from his mouth. What the two disciples of Rabh and R. Johanan b. Zakkai said: Go and report it to the horses. If a house was rented and it is not known whether the leavened bread had been searched for. If a man leave his house and intend to return on the Pass over. Two things are without the province of man. If musty bread was found in a chest. By what light search for leavened bread must be made. Whether wine-cellars have to be searched, 1-14

MISHNAS II., III., IV., V. If a man leaves ten pieces of bread and finds nine, or nine heaps of Matzoth, and one heap of Chometz, and finds ten. When search for Chometz must be made. The reason why Chometz must be removed on the fourteenth of Nissan. If a Gentile came into the court of an Israelite on Passover. Of the Gentile who stored a basketful of Chometz with Johanan Hakuka. The two thanksgiving-offering cakes laid on the benches. What R. Hanina the Sagan of the priests said. If there were doubtful beverages, 14-29


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